Canada Day – Monday, July 1. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Canada Day – Monday, July 1. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Brady Road Resource Management Facility (Brady Road Landfill)

Brady Road Resource Management Facility is located at 1777 Brady Road. It is south of the Perimeter Highway and four kilometres west of Pembina Highway.

The facility has a 4R Winnipeg Depot that is open to Winnipeg residents and approved, small commercial customers. The landfill is open to commercial customers only.

Climate action

The facility contains several features that help the City work towards its climate targets. This includes a composting pad that help divert leaf and yard waste from the landfill. The facility also has a landfill gas capture system. This feature is the most impactful in helping us reach our greenhouse gas emission reduction target of net zero emissions by 2050.

Landfill gas collection system

Decomposing organic waste in landfills produces landfill gas. Landfill gas is mostly methane, which is a greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change. It is 21 times more harmful than carbon dioxide’s impact on global warming.

The City’s landfill gas collection system reduces the amount of gas released from the landfill by capturing and burning the gas.

There are 81 wells drilled into closed landfill cells. The system draws the gas from the wells and pushes it through the 16,000 metres of underground piping to a flame. The flame burns the gas and changes it to carbon dioxide.

The system reduces greenhouse gas emissions equal to the emissions from 21,700 passenger vehicles.

The Climate Change Emissions Reduction Act requires the City to have this system, which was constructed in 2012. It cost $7 million and includes a $2.5 million contribution from the Province of Manitoba. It has been expanded in both 2018 and 2020 at a total cost of $4.171 million. This includes a contribution of $3.1 million from the Government of Canada.

Government of Canada Low Carbon Economy Fund Recipient funding sign that says $3.2 million dollars

Licence requirements & site improvements

The City of Winnipeg continues to improve the facility to make it better for customers, the surrounding community, and the environment. These activities also keep us in compliance with our Environment Act Licence.

The Brady Road Resource Management Facility is a tempting food source and habitat for birds, such as seagulls and geese. It is dangerous for the birds, our employees, and our customers. The birds also create a nuisance in the surrounding neighbourhoods.

The City is required to manage the birds and prevent them from nesting at the landfill. Our bird management plan follows current Canadian Wildlife Service regulations, which includes:

  • Trained falcons and hawks
  • Noisemakers
  • Pyrotechnics
  • Trained dogs

The City manages surface water to control water quality at the facility. We manage litter through portable fencing, clean-up crews, and planting trees and shrubs on the berms along Brady Road and the Perimeter. These berms are made from a sugar refinery by-product called lime mud, and also serve as a visual, noise and odour buffer.

Odours are managed through:

  • Berms
  • Daily garbage cell coverage
  • Biofilters, like wood chips, over manhole covers
  • The landfill gas collection system

Our Environment Act Licence requires us to provide annual reports to the Province. The reports summarize the previous year’s activities on the site. These activities may include expenditures, construction, waste diversion operations, and site management work.

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