Frozen pipe statistics - winter 2021/22

Date Location of frozen water infrastructure Maximum frost
depth 3
Average response time - City forces 4
of the pipe
plumbing 1
Other 2
As of
May 27
270 63 214 0 - Same day
As of
May 20
268 63 214 0 - Same day
As of
May 13
267 63 214 0 - Same day
As of
May 6
265 63 214 0 - Same day
As of
Apr 29
265 62 214 0 - Same day
As of
Apr 22
265 62 214 0 - Same day
As of
Apr 14
263 62 212 0 - Same day
As of
Apr 8
259 60 212 0 - Same day
As of
Apr 1
250 60 212 0 - Same day
As of
Mar 25
230 59 212 0 - Same day
As of
Mar 18
162 59 212 0 - Same day
As of
Mar 11
110 58 211 0 - Same day
As of
Mar 4
57 52 209 0 - Same day
As of
Feb 25
26 39 207 0 - Same day
As of
Feb 18
14 27 198 0 - Same day
As of
Feb 11
10 27 193 0 - Same day
As of
Feb 4
6 26 191 0 - Same day
As of
Jan 28
5 24 190 0 - Same day
As of
Jan 21
2 21 180 0 - Same day
As of
Jan 14
2 18 173 0 - Same day
As of
Jan 7
1 15 164 0 - Same day
As of
Dec 31
0 5 60 0 - Same day

Report date: May 27, 2022

1 Full details on measures that residents can take to prevent internal plumbing from freezing are at Preventing Frozen Water Pipes

2 There may be some properties where it is difficult to determine the exact location of the freeze/cause of no water, the cause is under investigation, or the cause was atypical (e.g., an exposed portion of the pipe during an excavation).

3 This number is determined based on the best available information (e.g., water and sewer excavations). Frost depth is highly variable across the city, often differing from street to street. Some of the factors known to affect frost penetration are snow depth and density, ground cover (e.g., vegetation, concrete), proximity of adjacent infrastructure (e.g., catch basin), atmospheric pressure, exposure to sunshine, initial soil temperature, moisture content of the soil, soil type, and organic matter contained in the soil.

4 For assistance with thawing frozen internal plumbing, property owners must contact a plumber. City thawing service is not available.

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