Henderson Highway Secondary Plan repeals project

The North Henderson Highway Secondary Plan and the Henderson Highway Corridor Action Plan (the Henderson Plans) have provided direction for development along Henderson Highway for over 40 years.

The City is initiating a process to repeal both of these plans. The Henderson Plans are some of the oldest secondary plans in Winnipeg and no longer align with goals for planning and growth.

Project goals

  • Clarify how policy applies to the Henderson Highway area
  • Remove barriers for future development
  • Apply Winnipeg’s current planning policy to the Henderson corridor

Repealing the Henderson plans

What is a Secondary Plan?

Secondary Plans are bylaws adopted by Council that direct how an area of land will be used in the future. They contain a vision, development concepts, policies and an implementation strategy.

Over time, most secondary plans reach the end of their life span. Plans may go out of date or not be needed because of newer policy. When this happens, plans can be amended, replaced or repealed.

OurWinnipeg 2045 and Complete Communities Direction Strategy 2.0 were adopted in 2022. By repealing the Henderson Plans, we can remove policies that no longer align with current direction. The City can manage development along Henderson Highway without the need for a secondary plan.

Benefits to repealing unnecessary local area plans:

  • Aligning growth expectations to achieve city-building goals
  • Providing clearer development expectations
  • Reducing barriers to economic development
  • Removing the need for plan amendments
  • Better use of Public Service resources

Existing plans

The North Henderson Highway Secondary Plan came into force in 1977. The plan limited conversion of residential uses along Henderson Highway to commercial uses. The North Henderson Highway Secondary Plan has been amended 12 times because of demand for high density development in the area.

The North Henderson Secondary Plan contains several policy areas. These include a range of housing densities, commercial and park designations. Many plan amendments have allowed new housing developments to occur.

Under Complete Communities Direction Strategy 2.0, the North Henderson plan area is designated as a Recent Community.

The Henderson Highway Corridor Action Plan came into force in 1983. The plan promoted orderly development on Henderson Highway.

The Henderson Corridor Action Plan contains no specific policy areas. The exception is where commercial development is allowed on the east side of Henderson Highway, between Edison Avenue and McKay Avenue.

Under Complete Communities Direction Strategy 2.0, most of the area is designated as Mature Community, with a small area designated as Recent Community to the north east. Several stretches of Henderson Highway are designated as Mixed Use Corridor or Urban Mixed Use Corridor.

Repeal process

The repeal of both plans will follow the same process required for amendment or adoption of a new bylaw. Amendment or repeal of a Secondary Plan is subject to a public hearing.

Separate hearings will be held for each Plan repeal by the East Kildonan – Transcona Community Committee. After the Public Hearings, the repeals will go to Council for a final decision.

After repeal

Once the Henderson Plans are repealed, policies in Complete Communities Direction Strategy 2.0 will direct future growth:

  • Urban Mixed Use Corridors are pedestrian-oriented. Design and land use should provide a high-quality urban environment. Creating vibrant pedestrian and transit-oriented spaces are prioritized.
  • Regional Mixed Use Corridors are auto-oriented, reflecting a moderate to high intensity of retail and commercial roadways.
  • Mature Communities represent Winnipeg’s oldest neighbourhoods and contain older housing stock and low to high residential densities. These areas have some of the best opportunities to accommodate infill development. The City’s Small-Scale and Low-Rise Residential Guidelines for Mature Communities apply to all areas designated as Mature Communities.
  • Recent Communities consist of neighbourhoods planned after 1950. They are low-to-medium density housing areas with supportive commercial uses.

There will be no immediate impacts to properties in the plan area. The zoning rules will continue as is. Any new development is subject to Zoning By-law rules.

When someone applies to change the zoning of their property, the City checks to see how it fits with policies in OurWinnipeg 2045 and Complete Communities Direction Strategy 2.0. Specific design guidelines may also apply.


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