Frequently Asked Questions
The City of Winnipeg's Fraud & Waste Hotline provides 24/7, phone and online reporting for alleged incidents of wrongdoing by City employees or others doing business with the City.
Report an Incident Online or Phone: 1-866-840-5837
The City is committed to protecting its assets, property and funds from any acts of alleged acts of wrongdoing by employees or others doing business with the City. This is a proactive effort to ensure and demonstrate our commitment to corporate accountability, transparency, responsibility, and ethical operating practices. It supports a high level of integrity of our employees in the workplace and protects City property, resources and information. The Hotline was established to demonstrate the City’s commitment to ensure that resources are used wisely and in an ethical manner.
Anyone can make a report - reports should be made in good faith and should be about a specific incident and should, whenever possible, include who, what, when and where.
The Hotline is an independent channel operated through a third party vendor directly to the Audit Department. This ensures all concerns are objectively investigated and resolved without fear of reprisal or management intervention. The Audit Department operates at arms-length from the Public Service and reports direct to Council through the Audit Committee (EPC).
Yes, reports can be made anonymously. Please remember that reports should be about a specific incident and must, whenever possible, include who, what, when and where. The Audit Department can only act on reports if sufficient information is provided to carry out an investigation. Reports should be made in good faith. Follow up using the tracking number and password that you were given. You may be presented with additional questions regarding your report online.
Report an Incident Online or Phone: 1-866-840-5837
Please provide as much information as possible including:
- Who, What, Where, When
- Names, dates, times and places
- Location of evidence (physical evidence or records)
- Names and contact information of witnesses
A preliminary assessment will be made by the City Auditor or designate of all reports that are received. An appropriate, objective and impartial investigation will be held regardless of the alleged wrongdoer’s position in, or, relationship to the City. When a report is made a tracking number and password is assigned.
- If there is enough information to proceed an investigation will be done.
- For anonymous reports: if there is not enough information to proceed with an investigation, the Audit Department will contact the reporter via their assigned tracking number with additional questions. If there is no response to the Audit Departments questions, the report will close in 30 days.
- When contact information for the reporter is provided, the Audit Department may contact the reporter directly.
The investigation will either substantiate the allegation, in whole or in part, or conclude that the allegation cannot be substantiated.
When a report is made a tracking number and password is assigned. This enables the reporter to follow the progress of the report and respond to questions from the Audit Department. It also enables the reporter to know how the report was resolved.
The Fraud and Waste Hotline statistics are stated in the Audit Department Annual Report.