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Census - Neighborhood Profiles
Census Neighbourhood Profiles Winnipeg.ca/census/

The City of Winnipeg - 1996 Census Neighborhood Profiles
15 Winnipeg Wards
228 Winnipeg Neighborhoods

Neighborhood Profiles
Census profiles of the City of Winnipeg Wards and Neighborhoods. Click on an area of the maps to help guide you to the neighborhood you want. Scroll down beneath the map to download profiles. Profiles are in PDF and Excel format.

Winnipeg's Neighborhood Profiles include 1996 Census demographic info provided by Statistics Canada on:

  • Total Population (from 1971 to 1996)
  • Population by Age
  • Marital Status
  • Census Families (size, type, with children, income)
  • Households (size, type, income)
  • Composition of Total Income
  • Incidence of Low Income
  • Citizenship
  • Knowledge of Languages
  • Aboriginals
  • Visible Minorities
  • Education (school attendance, education attainment)
  • Labor Force (by age group, sectors)
  • Transportation Mode To and From Work
  • Change in Residence
  • Dwelling (type, condition, tenure)
  • Land Area*
* Land area data provided by Planning, Property & Development Services Department, City of Winnipeg.

NOTE: The Winnipeg's Neighborhood Profiles are based on Non-Institutional Population and 20% sampling as provided by Statistics Canada. This means the data does not include people living in hospitals, nursing homes, prisons, etc. As well, one in five dwellings were surveyed and the results were then multiplied by five to arrive at representative data for the whole community.
Only the "Total Population" data is based on the results of surveying all of the dwellings and including all of the population, both non-institutional and institutional.

Frequently asked Census Definitions *:

Census Family - At least two people in wife-husband-daughter-son relationship. Includes both single and two parent families. A common-law couple with no children is a two person family. A single parent with one child is a two person family. "Refers to a now-married couple (with or without never-married sons and/or daughters of either or both spouses), a couple living common-law (with or without never-married sons and/or daughters of either or both spouses) or a lone-parent of any marital status, with at least one never-married son or daughter living in the same dwelling." Couples are husband-wife couples.

Economic Family - "Refers to a group of two or more persons who live in the same dwelling and are related to each other by blood, marriage, common-law or adoption."

Household - "Refers to a person or a group of persons (other than foreign residents) who occupy the same dwelling and do not have a usual place of residence elsewhere in Canada. It may consist of a family group (census family) with or without other non-family persons; of two or more families sharing a dwelling; of a group of unrelated persons; or of one person living alone." The dwelling unit may be a house, a suite in a townhouse or apartment, or a mobile home etc.

Incidence of Low Income - "Refers to the position of an economic family or an unattached individual 15 years of age and over in relation to Statistics Canada's low income cut-offs (LICOs)." For Winnipeg the 1995 LICO table is:
Family Size LICO

Knowledge of Languages - "Refers to the ability to conduct a conversation in" the language.

* Italicized definitions were taken from Statistics Canada's "1996 Census Dictionary".


Questions or clarifications can be emailed to: NeighbourhoodProfiles

Last update: 22.10.2020

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