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Winnipeg Police Board
Winnipeg Police Board

Become a Board Member

Are you passionate about public safety and police accountability?  Do you reside in Winnipeg and are you entitled to vote in municipal elections?  If so, we encourage you to consider serving on the Winnipeg Police Board.

How are Board members appointed?

The Council of the City of Winnipeg uses an application process to identify prospective Board members.  The City of Winnipeg announces on its website when it is accepting applications from interested residents. Council appoints a minimum of five and a maximum of seven members of the Winnipeg Police Board.

The other two Board members are appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council, on the advice of the Province of Manitoba.

Who can be a Board member?

To be appointed by Council, a Board member must:

  • Be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident, (amended February 25, 2021)
  • Reside in Winnipeg, and
  • Is at least 18 years of age

All Board appointments are for limited terms. Board members can have their appointments renewed for multiple terms, so long as they do not serve on the Board for more than eight consecutive years.

The Board has published a list of the competencies, skills and attributes that effective Board members should possess.

What do Board members do?

Serving on the Board can require a substantial time commitment.  All Board members serve on at least one of the Board’s committees.

For an overview of the Board’s activities, you can read the most recent annual report and materials from past meetings, available on the City of Winnipeg’s Decision Making Information System.

Do Board members receive payment?

Board members who are also City Councillors are not eligible for any payment for their service to the Board under the Winnipeg Police Board By-law. For the remaining Board members:

  • The Board Chair and Vice-Chair receive $190 per meeting if the meeting lasts for four hours or less, and $336 per meeting that is longer than four hours
  • Other Board members receive $109 per meeting if the meeting lasts for four hours or less, and $192 per meeting that is longer than four hours

Board members do not receive payment for the time they spend preparing for meetings, responding to emails, participating in optional training or representing the Board at community events.

Last update: September 16, 2024

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