2022 Consultation Process
During 2022, the Board members reached out to organizations within their networks to gage interest in meeting with the Board or receiving a presentation from the Board. As well, Board Staff invited organizations to share how they are working on developing community partnerships to the benefit of the City of Winnipeg.
In 2022, the Winnipeg Police Board received input from:
- Community groups that the Board reached out to directly
- Municipal and Provincial government representatives
- Community members who reached out to the Board directly
- Community members referred to the Board by City Councillors
- Citizens who provided written submissions to the Board
- Citizens who appeared as delegations at the Board’s public meetings
- The Board’s survey posted on its website
- Citizens who engaged with the Board Members at the WPB hosted Bike to Work Day Pit Stop
Consultation Results
The Board annually publishes a report on the input it receives. This feedback informs the Board’s work on its strategic Plan for the Winnipeg Police Service.
2022 Community Consultation Results
Last update:
December 5, 2022