Dog daycare
A dog daycare is a facility that typically provides short-term care and play opportunities for dogs in return for payment for the activity/booking.
Standards for dog daycares have been established and include:
Onboarding dogs
- All dogs must be initially assessed before being admitted to a playgroup.
- Client tracking system that includes records of up-to-date vaccines, emergency contacts, and basic information regarding each dog.
- No known females in heat (estrus) allowed in any multiple dog playgroups.
- Intact dogs not recommended.
- No shock collars or harnesses in playgroups.
- Staff trained to understand dog behaviour and playgroup management.
- Emergency plan for dog veterinary emergencies, fires, and power outages.
- Emergency plan to break up a dog fight.
Dog play groups
- Separate areas must be used to separate dogs by size.
- Minimum play area sizes: 20 sq. ft./dog for small dog play areas and 35 sq. ft./dog for large dog play areas.
- Multiple dog groups must have a staff member in the group with a ratio of one staff member for every 25 small dogs and one staff member for every 20 large dogs.
- Safe indoor construction materials used throughout that allow for good sanitation.
- Climate control systems to ensure fresh air at safe temperatures.
- Formalized cleaning and sanitizing processes.
- Dog rest areas.
View the bylaw
View the Responsible Pet Ownership By‑law for more information.
Last update:
May 26, 2022