Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.
Prohibited animals
The Responsible Pet Ownership By-law identifies three types of prohibited animals:
Prohibited dog breeds
The Responsible Pet Ownership By-law states that 'no person may bring into the City of Winnipeg, or being its owner, allow in the City of Winnipeg, a dog which has the appearance and physical characteristics predominantly conforming to the standards of the Canadian Kennel Club or the United Kennel Club for any of the following breeds':
- American Pit Bull Terrier
- Staffordshire Bull Terrier
- American Staffordshire Terrier
Any dog which has the predominant appearance of the above breeds is prohibited. For example, most American Bully dogs which are derived from the American Pit Bull Terrier are also prohibited in Winnipeg because they share the same appearance and physical characteristics as prohibited breeds.
Commercial animals
The Responsible Pet Ownership By-law defines a commercial animal as any 'animal of a domesticated species used for agricultural purposes and includes horses, cattle, hogs, goats, sheep, poultry and bee colonies but does not include wildlife as defined in The Wildlife Act, even if used for agricultural purposes'.
Commercial animals cannot be kept on any property within the City of Winnipeg except on a property where this is permitted under the Downtown Winnipeg Zoning By-law or the Winnipeg Zoning By-law.
Poultry cannot be kept or raised within the City of Winnipeg except in districts zoned "agricultural" under the Winnipeg Zoning By-law.
All other prohibited animals
Schedule A of the Responsible Pet Ownership By-law provides a listing of all other prohibited animal species. Hybrids of all listed animals are also prohibited.
Temporary Prohibited Animal Special Permit
If you wish to bring a prohibited animal into the City of Winnipeg on a temporary basis, you must apply for a Temporary Prohibited Animal Special Permit Application
Special permits are typically issued for prohibited animals transiting the Winnipeg area.
View the bylaw
View the Responsible Pet Ownership By‑law for more information.
Frequently asked questions
Can I travel through the City of Winnipeg with a prohibited animal?
You must apply for a Temporary Prohibited Animal Special Permit.
Can I have a commercial animal within the City of Winnipeg if it is not used for agricultural purposes?
Commercial animals are prohibited within the City of Winnipeg, no matter what their use.
How much is the fine for having a prohibited animal?
Specific penalties are set in the Responsible Pet Ownership By-lawfor harbouring or owning a prohibited animal, a prohibited dog breed or a commercial animal in violation of zoning bylaws. Current fine listing.
What if my prohibited animal is impounded?
Please visit the Animal Services Agency during regular business hours or contact 311.
How do I report someone who has an illegal or prohibited animal?
Visit the Report animal concern webpage.
Can pet stores in the City of Winnipeg sell prohibited animals?
Pet stores within the city of Winnipeg cannot sell any animal or species listed as prohibited in the Responsible Pet Ownership By-law. They must abide by this bylaw.
Can a circus use elephants, tigers, and/or other exotic animals within the city of Winnipeg?
My neighbours have chickens on their property. Are they allowed to have them?
No. Under the Responsible Pet Ownership By-law, chickens are not allowed within the city of Winnipeg unless the property is a Rural Residential 5 (RR5) or agriculturally zoned property.
Is it legal to operate a petting zoo within the city of Winnipeg?
According to the Responsible Pet Ownership By-law, a petting zoo means a 'collection of commercial animals which are made available to the public to touch, pet or feed, and which are of a size and temperament that are suitable for this purpose'. Petting zoos are allowed to operate in one location for a maximum period of one week.
What kinds of snakes can I have in the city of Winnipeg?
Schedule A of the Responsible Pet Ownership By-law states what species of snakes are prohibited/banned. If you have questions regarding the bylaw, please contact 311.
Can I keep a deer as a pet in the city of Winnipeg?
Can I keep a potbellied pig as a pet in the city of Winnipeg?
No. Hogs are not allowed in the city of Winnipeg unless the property is zoned accordingly.
Can I visit the city of Winnipeg with my Pit Bull?
No – Pit Bulls may not be brought into the city of Winnipeg.