City Asset Management Plan
In 2018, the City completed its City Asset Management Plan (CAMP). Through the CAMP, the consolidation and analysis of information on assets across all civic departments, including the historic distribution of capital funding for these assets over the last decade, was undertaken. Providing detailed information about the City’s infrastructure as a whole, including the state of existing assets, the assignment of value to needed improvements on existing and future assets, and the remaining service life of current assets has never been performed on this scale within the organization before. For the first time, the City has been able to strategically categorize asset types and grade the physical condition of its main infrastructure elements, and identify the infrastructure deficit associated with capital investments needed to support the City’s infrastructure.
Adopting a holistic overview the City’s condition grade for tax-supported and Transit infrastructure is C+, whereas Water and Waste utilities asset conditions are B. The difference is primarily due to the fact that the Water and Waste utilities have dedicated funding and are governed by significant regulatory and level of service requirements, compared to the tax-supported and transit asset base. Combined, the City’s condition grade is B-. The City’s current asset inventory has a replacement value of approximately $35 billion.