Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.
Building & renovating
Winnipeg homeowners and businesses complete a variety of construction-related projects every year. To help plan your project, it is important to review the development and building permit process.
Development permits
Zoning and development permit information, application forms, and requirements
A development permit governs the “what” of your project. It establishes land use and shows how you plan to use the site as well the size and location of any buildings or structures, exterior design elements, etc. Development must comply with the Winnipeg Zoning By-law, applicable guidelines, regulations and other City departments’ requirements.
Building & trade permits
Building and trade permit information, application forms, and requirements
Building permits approve how your construction will take place. They require a review of detailed building plans to confirm compliance with the Manitoba Building Code and other applicable codes, standards and bylaws. Many building projects also require separate trade permits for electrical, mechanical and plumbing work.