Land Dedication Reserve Fund
Program Summary
- In January, 1973, City Council adopted a policy requiring developers to pay cash-in-lieu of providing open space dedication and that said cash be deposited in a fund for the acquisition and improvement of land for parks, recreation and community use.
- A total of 75% of every dollar collected for the Land Dedication Reserve Fund is to be allocated by the Community Committee to Parks and Recreation projects in that community.
- The remaining 25% of every dollar collected is to be redistributed on an equal basis back to all the communities.
Approval Process:
- Requests for Land Dedication Reserve funding can be initiated by submitting the necessary application form and project information to the Planning and Land Use Division of the Planning, Property & Development Department.
- All requests for funding from the Land Dedication Reserve Fund will be evaluated against Council approved criteria for the fund and an Evaluation Report will be submitted to the applicable Community Committee for consideration.
- Funding requests meeting Council criteria for the fund can be approved by the applicable Community Committee.
- Funding requests not meeting Council criteria can be forwarded to Executive Policy Committee and Council for approval and waiving of criteria.
Council Approved Criteria for the Land Dedication Reserve Fund:
- Funds may be utilized for:
- Acquisition of land for parks or recreation facilities
- Development of properties for parks and recreational purposes including such ancillary equipment and structures as may be necessary to that development
- Construction or renovation of recreation facilities on parks and recreation properties
- The expenditures of Reserve funds will be limited by the following exclusions for use. Specifically, funds will not be utilized for:
- Salaries related to the regular operation of the City's services
- Operating materials and supplies
- Regular maintenance of parks and recreation facilities or equipment
- Acquisition of equipment not directly related to the development or renovation of parks properties
- Property management costs including utilities, taxes, and other related costs
- The use of funds will result in the creation or continuation of a physical legacy of parks and recreation facilities for the City of Winnipeg.
- The expenditures of funds will be contingent upon the existence of the resources necessary for the ongoing operation, maintenance and support of any parks or recreation facilities which are developed or renovated through the use of the Land Dedication Reserve.
Application Form:
Land Dedication Reserve Fund Application Form (DOC)
Land Dedication Reserve Fund Application Form (PDF)
For more information, contact:
Land Dedication Reserve Fund Program
Planning, Property and Development Department
Urban Planning and Design Division
15-30 Fort Street
Winnipeg, MB R3C 4X5
Last update:
March 7, 2024