Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Plan approvals compliance program pilot
The program is designed to proactively identify instances of non-compliance early in the construction process.

Learn more about the plan approvals compliance program pilot

Development applications & definitions

Bill 37: The Planning Amendment & City of Winnipeg Charter Amendment Act received royal assent on May 20, 2021. All applications received by the City of Winnipeg after that date are subject to the legislation. Learn more about how Bill 37 impacts development applications processed by the City.

Please refer to the following development applications for documentation requirements, fees, and procedures.

Air space plan (DAASP) application
For the approval of an air space plan (a plan that delineates property boundaries in a three-dimensional space)

Alternative equivalent compliance (AEC)
Application to approve a landscape, fencing/screening, lighting and/or design standard alternative to the Winnipeg Zoning By-law's standards that requires approval from the district planner

Attached secondary suite (DCU "B") conditional use application
Required in instances when the attached secondary suite use does not meet the applicable Use Specific Standards of Winnipeg Zoning By-law No. 200/2006

Communication facility proposal review application
To approve the location and siting of:

  • All communication antennas or towers that are 15 metres or higher regardless of whoever operates it
  • Antennas or towers that are less than 15 metres in height that are operated by telecommunications carriers, broadcasting undertakings or third party tower owners

Conditional use (DCU "C" or "D") application (other residential and commercial uses/buildings)
For multiple-family dwelling, commercial, or industrial uses where the use is deemed to be "conditional" under the property's zoning district. Conditional use means a use of a building or land that may be unique in its characteristics or operation which could have an impact on adjoining properties.

Condominium plan of survey (CONDO) application
For approving a condominium plan of survey including bareland condo or phased condo applications, dividing a parcel of land into individually owned bareland units and common elements. The land, service areas and joint use areas are considered common elements.

Consent application (CA)

  • To convey a portion of a title out to another title
  • To allow for the registration of a long term lease (consent to lease) on a portion of a title

Consent to convey applications are similar to a subdivision application in that the applicant wishes to transfer a parcel, or part lot, from a title to a separate title. For zoning purposes, the land contained within each title that may be issued as a result of approval of the consent must meet the minimum lot width and area requirements of the zoning district, have frontage on a public street, and comply with all development standards of the applicable zoning by-law.

Consent to lease applications are more complex.

  • Is the lease over 21 years, including renewal periods?
    • If less than 21 years, no consent from the City of Winnipeg is required.
  • What area does the lease cover?
    • If it covers the whole title, then no consent is needed.
    • If it only covers the floor space of a building, then no consent is needed.
    • If it is only a portion of the title, a plan of survey may be required.

Detached secondary suite/ care home (DCU "C") conditional use application
Required when the detached secondary suite use is deemed "conditional" under the property's zoning district. Conditional use means a use of a building or land that may be unique in its characteristics or operation which could have an impact on adjoining properties.

Development agreement or development agreement amendment / servicing agreement or servicing amendment
A development agreement is required as a condition of approval for a subdivision and rezoning application for the installation of municipal services and plan considerations, which can be registered by way of caveat on the title of the property it affects. A public hearing is not required for an amendment to a development agreement but the amending application is subject to review by all committees of Council with final approval required by Council.

A servicing agreement is required as a condition of approval for a subdivision and/or rezoning application to facilitate the extension and installation or upgrade of existing municipal services and plan considerations and which can be registered by way of caveat on the title of the property it affects. A public hearing is not required for an amendment to a servicing agreement but the amending application is subject to review by all committees of Council, with final approval required by Council.

Downtown variance and conditional use (DAV/DCU "B") application
The Downtown Winnipeg Zoning By-law is the instrument used to regulate land use and to promote orderly development and design within the downtown. There are rules for development regarding residential and non-residential use, bulk, parking and loading, signs and urban design. When it is either impossible or impractical to meet these requirements, a variance application may be filed to modify provisions of the zoning bylaw.

Conditional use means a use of a building or land that may be unique in its characteristics or operation which could have an impact on adjoining properties. In accordance with the City of Winnipeg Charter, a conditional use is a use of land listed as "conditional" within the use table of a zoning district.

Extension of time
An application procedure initiated by the applicant and/or land owner of an existing subdivision and/or rezoning development application whereby the application is not able to proceed efficiently and achieve the time limit expiry conditions imposed under Council's approval. Extensions may be applied for under the following conditions:

  • The application has not proceeded efficiently and the bylaw will not be not passed within two years after adoption of the report by Council
  • The bylaw has not come into force and effect by the registration of the plan of subdivision and/or rezoning in the Winnipeg Land Titles Office by caveat against the subject land along with related agreement(s), if applicable, all within the one year from the date the bylaw was passed by Council.

In both cases, the extension of time shall be applied for prior to the expiry of periods imposed by Council (minimum three months recommended).

Heritage permit application
A heritage permit is required prior to undertaking work on a Listed Historical Resource under the Historical Resources By-law no. 55/2014 or on a property within a Heritage Conservation District under the Heritage Conservation Districts By-law no. 87/2018.

Home-based business (major) conditional use (DCU "B") application
Any use not listed as a permitted home occupation and not listed as a prohibited office facility may be approved as conditional use pursuant to provisions of the City of Winnipeg Charter.

Mature communities planned development overlay (PDO) design review application
An application typically specified as part of the conditions of a development application (e.g. zoning agreement, variance, conditional use) or as dictated by the Winnipeg Zoning By-law (e.g. planned development overlay) and must be approved prior to the issuance of any building or development permits for the property.

OurWinnipeg amendment application
Required to amend the "OurWinnipeg Plan By-law", Winnipeg's 25-year planning document that guides the physical, social, environmental and economic development of the city as required by The City of Winnipeg Charter. This application does not apply to any amendments made to the "Complete Communities Direction Strategy By-Law." Amending Complete Communities requires a secondary plan amendment application.

Parking management plan
An application to approve an insufficient amount of parking for a property, provided that the district planner supports it. If the planner does not support the parking management plan, a parking variance must be applied for to address the deficient parking.

Plan approval/design review
An application typically specified as part of the conditions of a development application (e.g. zoning agreement, variance, conditional use) or as dictated by the Winnipeg Zoning By-law (e.g. planned development overlay) and must be approved prior to the issuance of any building or development permits for the property.

Plan of subdivision and rezoning (DASZ) application
Procedure for rezoning property, including creating new or modifying existing lots or the consolidation of lands. May also include the creation of a public street or lane. The public hearing process is required.

Plan of subdivision (DAS) application (to create a street)
Procedure for subdividing property, including consolidation of lands where a new public street or lane is being created and a zoning change is not required. The public hearing process is required.

Plan of survey (DAPS) application
Parcel plans are typically prepared for descriptive purposes and when registered at Land Titles do not in themselves divide the title. "Parcels" as opposed to "lots" characterize plans of survey and letters (a, b, c) identifies parcels. The City of Winnipeg must approve the application before Land Titles will accept the registration.

  • The owner or owners of the site
  • Any person on behalf of the owner or owners of the site with each owner’s signed permission

In accordance with the Development Procedures By-law No. 104/2020, an applicant may submit a pre-application for the following application types:

  • rezoning
  • subdivision
  • variance
  • conditional use
  • secondary plan
  • amendment to an existing agreement imposed as a condition of approval of a previous development application
  • amendment to the development plan or Complete Communities
  • any combination of the above

The designated employee is authorized to require that a potential applicant submit a pre-application in regarding a proposed development where they have determined that the proposed development is particularly large or complex. This must be submitted before a formal development application is submitted.

The outcome of a pre-application review does not imply or suggest a commitment or decision by City administration to either approve or refuse a proposal. Undertaking the complete formal development application process is the only way an applicant/developer will be provided with a decision by City and/or Council.

Request for zoning letters
Request any zoning information in writing, including verification of existing and proposed uses, zoning memorandums, verification of a property's zoning district, zoning or land use history, and lot of record searches.

Residential and commercial tolerance (DAV "A") application
A minor variance granted by the City's Director of the Planning, Property & Development (per procedures by-law).

Residential conditional use (DCU "B") application (single family dwelling or two family dwelling)
Required for single and two-family dwellings where the use is deemed to be conditional under the property's zoning district. A conditional use means use of a building or land that may be unique in its characteristics or operation which could have an impact on adjoining properties. 

Residential zoning variance (DAV "B") application (single family dwelling or two family dwelling)
Required for single and two-family dwellings where certain dimensional standards of the zoning bylaw cannot be met. A variance is a request to modify those standards as applied to a specific property. 

Rezoning (DAZ) application
Procedure for rezoning property without creating new or modifying existing lots or for a zoning text amendment. The public hearing process is required.

Secondary plan (SP) / secondary plan amendment (SPA) application
To create a new secondary plan or amend any secondary plan bylaws. A secondary plan includes a neighbourhood or area master plan, neighbourhood or area structure plan, or precinct plan that is intended to align with the policies under OurWinnipeg and guides the development or redevelopment of a specific area. This application applies to any amendments made to the "Complete Communities Direction Strategy By-Law."

Short form plan of subdivision (DASSF) application (that does not create a street)
Procedure for subdividing property, including consolidation of lands where a new public street or lane is not being created and a zoning change is not required. The public hearing process is not required unless an agreement for subdivision or servicing is necessary.

Subdivision agreement amendment (SAA) application
Required as a condition of approval for a short form subdivision application for various reasons such as plan considerations for future development or imposing restrictions on development which can be registered by way of caveat on the title of the property it affects. The public hearing process is required for an amendment to a subdivision agreement for which approval by the Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development, Heritage and Downtown Development is required.

Urban (downtown) design review application
Required for all development, redevelopment, expansion, demolition or exterior alterations within Downtown Winnipeg under Zoning By-Law No. 100/04, whether or not the proposal requires a permit or other approval.

Variance (DAV "C" or "D") application (other residential and commercial uses/buildings)
Required for multiple family dwelling, commercial, industrial, etc. where certain dimensional standards of the zoning bylaw cannot be met. A variance is a request to modify those standards as applied to a specific property.

Zoning agreement amendment (ZAA) application
May be required as a condition of approval for a development application such as rezoning, conditional use or variance. The zoning agreement may impose additional approvals and/or restrictions which can be registered by way of caveat on the title of the property it affects. The public hearing process is required for an amendment to a servicing agreement for which approval by Council is required.


Consent to convey applications are similar to a subdivision application in that the applicant wishes to transfer a parcel, or part lot, from a title to a separate title. For zoning purposes, the land contained within each title that may be issued as a result of approval of the consent must meet the minimum lot width and area requirements of the zoning district, have frontage on a public street, and comply with all development standards of the applicable zoning by-law.

Consent to lease applications are more complex.

  • Is the lease over 21 years including renewal periods?
    • If less than 21 years, no consent from the City of Winnipeg is required.
  • What area does the lease cover?
    • If it covers the whole title, no consent is needed.
    • If it only covers the floor space of a building, no consent is needed.
    • If it is only a portion of the title, a Plan of Survey may be required.

Control strip
This is a strip of land typically owned by the City of Winnipeg which is located between a public right-of-way and privately owned property. The strip is intended to prevent access and/or development until former developer obligations have been satisfied. The strip would be purchased and consolidated with the developer's land.

Manitoba land surveyor
A person charged with the responsibility of advising on or determining the location of all corners or boundaries of property within the Province of Manitoba, Canada Lands excepted. The land surveyor's authority is granted under the Land Surveyors Act, C.C.S.M. c. L60. The land surveyor is a professional with a specialized knowledge of the legal aspects of real property, land use, and planning. The land surveyor has been trained in the mathematical and related sciences pertinent to their field and is required to meet high standards of qualifications before being authorized to practice.

Plan of subdivision or plan of survey prepared in an acceptable form deemed the legal instrument that may be registered at the Land Titles Office

Rights-of-way closing (DAC)
Procedure for the closing of a street, lane or walkway (public right-of-way) for which the public hearing process is required. Contact 311 to make an application or for more information.

Rights-of-way opening (DAO)
Procedure directed by the Public Service for the opening of a street, lane or walkway (public right-of-way).

Rights-of-way opening & closing (DAOC)
Procedure in conjunction with a long form plan of subdivision for the approval of both an opening and a closing of a street, lane or walkway (public right-of-way) for which the public hearing process is required.

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