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Canada Day – Monday, July 1. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.


Athletic Field Review

The aim of the Athletic Field Review is to ensure City athletic fields are well maintained, fairly allocated and used to the fullest extent possible. The recommendations that result from this review will guide how the City will manage and provide access to athletic fields in the future. Engaging with stakeholders and athletic field users throughout the project to collect and incorporate feedback will result in well-informed policy recommendations at the end of the review.


March 29, 2019 – Four open house events were held in March 2018 to provide residents and the public with an opportunity to review key aspects of the draft Athletic Field Review document and provide feedback. The open house materials and feedback form were also made available on the project page into early April. The feedback received has been summarized into an Open House Feedback Summary report document.

Based on the feedback provided, the final Athletic Field Review document has been developed.  Once the document and recommendations from the Public Service are reviewed by Council and finalized, this strategic document will provide a point of reference for the City and help guide how athletic fields are allocated and managed in the future. Implementation and refinement of the recommendations outlined in the Athletic Field Review will be a collaborative effort between the City, stakeholders and athletic field users.

An administrative report with recommendations and the Athletic Field Review document will be presented at the April 4, 2019 meeting of the Standing Policy Committee on Protection, Community Services, and Parks (SPC-PCS). To register as a delegation, please visit: Following SPC-PCS review, the Executive Policy Committee will review the report, followed by Council.

  • February 21, 2018 - A draft Athletic Field Review document has been developed and is available for public review. The draft review document was developed through engagement with stakeholders and the public as well as other forms of research that have been undertaken over the past year. We are now asking for your feedback on the draft review. Once finalized, this strategic document will provide a point of reference for the City and help guide how athletic fields are allocated and managed in the future.


The City and project team thanks all residents and stakeholders who provided input into the Athletic Field Review process.

The engagement findings from the "input" stages of the project can be found in the "What We've Heard" report under the documents tab. These findings were key to the development of the draft Athletic Field Review document.

A summary of the feedback received on the draft Athletic Field Review, which was reviewed with stakeholders and the public in March and April, can be found in the Open House Feedback Summary report document, which is also available under the documents tab. This input was used to develop the final Athletic Field Review.

Project Timeline




The City currently manages approximately 1,000 athletic fields, which includes 532 soccer fields and 375 ball diamonds, with around 93 fields leased out exclusively to a specific sports group. This project will review and consider a number of important aspects that impact athletic field use and allocations, which include:

  • cost/affordability,
  • equitability of access,
  • financial impacts on the City,
  • needs of users, and
  • best practices.

Throughout the review, the project team will conduct research and engage with the public to determine the current state of athletic field delivery and to develop recommendations for how the City should manage and provide access to athletic fields in the future.

The project will build from previous strategic planning, policies, and other relevant documents developed by the City, which include:

Provincial and national policies, frameworks, and planning documents are also being considered in the Athletic Field Review to ensure recommendations meet best practices. Included in this review are the following documents:


Document Name Date Type
"What We've Heard (So Far)" 2017-06-08 Report
"What We've Heard" 2017-08-18 Report
Open House Boards 2018-02-21 Storyboards
News release 2018-02-21 News release
Newspaper ad 2018-02-21 Advertisement
Draft Athletic Field Review 2018-02-21 Report
Final Athletic Field Review 2018-11-19 Report
Open House Feedback Summary 2018-11-19 Report

Frequently Asked Questions

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Why is the City conducting the project?
The City of Winnipeg continues to make a significant investment in athletic fields. The aim of the Athletic Field Review is to ensure City athletic fields are well maintained, fairly allocated and used to the fullest extent possible. The recommendations that result from this review will guide how the City will manage and provide access to athletic fields in the future.
What changes are being considered to current allocations processes and practices?
The project recently started and potential changes have yet to be identified. Residents and stakeholder input along with other forms of research will ultimately drive the recommendations that are developed.
How are user groups and stakeholders being engaged?
Feedback from athletic field user groups and stakeholders has been gathered through a combination of in-person discussions and a User Group Questionnaire. In total, over 40 user groups and stakeholders have provided input to-date. Stakeholder review of the draft Athletic Field Review will occur in the winter of 2018.
How is the public being engaged?
A public web survey was fielded in March 2017. Over 800 residents provided feedback. Collection of public input on the draft Athletic Field Review will occur in the winter of 2018.
Will the needs of spontaneous / unstructured athletic field users be considered?
Yes. The City recognizes that casual and unstructured use of athletic fields is important and contributes to wellness and quality of life. Ensuring that these opportunities are available is important and will be considered along with booked use and all other forms of athletic field use.
How do I know my input is being considered?
How do I know my input is being considered? A: The project team has developed a "What We Heard" Report in order to share information with stakeholders and the public on the findings from the engagement process. The report can be found on this project website.
What happens after the final Athletic Field Review is drafted?
After the final Athletic Field Review is prepared, an administrative report with recommendations for Council consideration will be written and submitted for Council review. The report will first be reviewed by the Standing Policy Committee on Protection, Community Services, and Parks (SPC-PCS). Following SPC-PCS review, the Executive Policy Committee will review the report, followed by Council. At each of these stages, the public has an opportunity to register in delegation to speak in support or opposition of the report.
How can I stay involved in the project?
Join our email list to be notified about upcoming engagement activities, look at the "Engage" tab on this website, and follow the City of Winnipeg on Facebook and Twitter .
Last update: March 29, 2019
Parks Areas
North Area 1 Parks click here for athletic fields in North 1 Click here for athletic fields in the South Area Click here for athletic fields in South Area Click here for athletic fields in North 2 Click here for athletic fields in East Area Click here for athletic fields in East Area

Did you know that when you register your child for a sport at a local community centre, a portion of the registration fee is used to:

Aerate, top dress, and fertilize soccer, baseball and football pitches? The fee only contributes to approximately 50% of the total cost of these services.

This youth athletic fee is already included in your registration fee, and is approximately $10 per participant.


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