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Thanksgiving – Monday, October 14. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Thanksgiving – Monday, October 14. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.


Winnipeg Parks FAQ

What are the hours of the Witches Hut in Kildonan Park?

The Witches Hut is located in Kildonan Park by the creek. It is open daily from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. from May long weekend to September.

Depending on staffing, the Witch's Hut may be closed periodically during the day to allow for breaks. Note will be on the door (closed for 30 minutes).

Hut closed on rain days.

Closed October to Mid May.

How often are the Play Structures inspected and who maintains them?

The park's play structures are inspected every 10 to 14 days, with minor maintenance being completed by the inspectors. The Centralized Services Branch of the Parks and Open Space Division does all the maintenance on the structures, benches, bleachers and picnic tables.

Why isn't the grass cut more often?

The turf is maintained in a vigorous, healthy condition to a height of 3" by cutting it in a 10 day cycle. Cutting too often and/or too short will lead to a weakened plant, which will be more susceptible to weed infestations. A healthy lawn smothers weeds, prevents weed seeds from germinating and is less susceptible to diseases.

What are the Park hours?

Winnipeg Parks are open for use from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. on average. Some parks will identify the park hours on a sign leading into the park. Many of our community parks have no time limits posted.

How can I have a name plaque put on a park bench?

You can dedicate a bench to a loved one through the Park Bench Donation Program. You will need to find out your Area's Technician by contacting 311.

By donating a bench you have the option of placing a bronze plaque (8" x 2") on it for an additional cost.

Park Bench Donation Brochure

What is an Adopt a Park? Who should I contact?

Are you interested in keeping your neighbourhood park tidy? Maybe you'd just like to spend an hour a week working on the shrub beds. Whether you are a group of neighbours, a church group, a day care centre, or a school class, we are looking for interested parties who would be willing to assist us in maintaining your park. Activities include: litter pickup, shrub bed maintenance, gardening or any other activity that will help keep your neighbourhood park looking great. The city will do it's regular maintenance such as grass cutting and play structure inspections and maintenance. If you are interested please contact 311 to get in touch with your area's technician.

When can I expect my park to be cut?

Once every 10 to 12 days is a normal cutting cycle, depending on the weather conditions.

Who looks after weeds in a park?

The Integrated Pest Management Branch of Parks and Open Space Division would be involved in solving weed infestations in parks. If it is a concern with weeds coming through cracks in the asphalt or sidewalk curbs, then the areas Pesticide Applicators would deal with it.

Does the city prune the shrubs in a park?

The city's area staff would prune any of the shrubs within parks, with the exception of large overgrown shrubs that have become too extensive for the equipment the area may have. Large trees within the parks will be taken care of by Forestry staff.

Who prunes the trees in a park or boulevard if they overhang onto my property?

If the tree branches are causing damage to your house, you should contact 311 to request a Forestry Technician to come out and assess the situation. If it is deemed a priority, for example your house shingles are being damage, then Forestry will come and remove the limb.

What are the park amenities / facilities in the different parks?

Each park will have different facilities or amenities. Amenities within parks can be searched through the Parks and Open Space interactive web map.

Who picks up the dog feces in the park?

It is the responsibility of the dog owner to pick up after their pet. Whether in a regional park, tot lot or an off-leash dog park, always remember to clean up after your pet.

Grass is not being cut along the Northeast Pioneers Greenway. Why?

Naturalized areas and plants along the Northeast Pioneers Greenway are part of a No Mow Zone.

Who looks after decorating the City Hall Christmas Tree?

In 2019, a new tradition commenced at City Hall with the installation of a 28-foot artificial tree in the front courtyard. This new tree is an economical, environmentally friendly, and less labour-intensive alternative to a live Christmas tree that can be reused annually for the next decade.

The Public Works Department starts the tree's set up inside a City warehouse. It is then transported downtown and lifted by crane into place in front of City Hall. Decorating is done by Public Works staff and features 15,400 mini LED lights and a custom star topper. The Mayor officially turns on the lights at an annual tree lighting ceremony at City Hall.

How can I donate my tree for City Hall?

In 2019, a new tradition commenced at City Hall with the installation of a 28-foot artificial tree in the front courtyard. This new tree is an economical, environmentally friendly, and less labour-intensive alternative to a live Christmas tree that can be reused annually for the next decade. The City's annual Christmas Tree Donation Program has been discontinued.

What are the skating hours in the parks?

Skating hours are from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Winter Skating

When can I expect the toboggan slides to be ready?

Toboggan slides are usually open by mid to late December depending on the weather situation. Toboggan hills and winter slides in Winnipeg parks

Are the park pathways cleared in the winter?

Some pathways are cleared but many are not, due to having less staff in the winter months. We do try to keep the pathways in the larger parks clear as well as some pathways downtown.

Is there lighting in parks that have skating rinks?

All the pleasure skating rinks that have a warm up shelter will have some lighting; other rinks may or may not have lighting.

Can I use pieces of felled, damaged, or broken trees I find in the park as firewood?
Our Park By-law dictates people must not disturb, remove, or damage a tree, branch, flower, plant, or other vegetation in a park – and this includes deadwood. Any plant material found in a park must be left as-is, and is using it as firewood is not permitted.

Deadwood in natural areas is very important, and we want it to remain, as decaying organic matter contributes to an organic layer of soil that feeds the next generation of forest.

Last update: August 4, 2022
Public Works Department
General Office Hours
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday
1155 Pacific Avenue
Winnipeg MB R3E 3P1
Phone, Fax, Email: 311
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