West Alexander Pedestrian and Cycling Corridor
Connecting McPhillips Street to Sherbrook Street
This project is now complete.
In 2018 the remaining paving of the roadway, and construction of the bi-directional bicycle lane along McDermot Avenue from Arlington Street to Furby Street will be completed. In addition to a dedicated bike lane, the project includes enhanced street crossings for pedestrians at select intersections and street resurfacing. McDermot Avenue will also permanently switch to one-way eastbound from Arlington Street to Sherbrook Street. View the design.
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Project Updates
April 2018
In 2018 the remaining paving of the roadway, and construction of the bi-directional bicycle lane along McDermot Avenue from Arlington Street to Furby Street will be completed. In addition to a dedicated bike lane, the project includes enhanced street crossings for pedestrians at select intersections and street resurfacing. McDermot Avenue will also permanently switch to one-way eastbound from Arlington Street to Sherbrook Street. View the design.
December 2017
Work has ceased for the 2017 construction season and will resume in Spring of 2018 to complete the paving of the roadway and construction of the bike lane on McDermot Avenue.
August 2017
Construction of the West Alexander Pedestrian and Cycling Corridor and associated street work commenced on Monday, August 28. McDermot Avenue has been switched to one-way eastbound from Arlington Street to Sherbrook Street for construction and will remain a one-way street after construction. Please see the routing map for suggestions on how to get to area destinations.
Access to area businesses and the Health Sciences Centre will be maintained as much as possible throughout construction. Short term private approach closures may be required to facilitate construction and will be reviewed with residents/businesses prior to the construction taking place. Parking will be restricted on McDermot Avenue during construction. For more information please see the August construction notice.
Bi-directional Bike Lane

June 2017
Starting in August 2017 work will begin to resurface McDermot Avenue from Arlington Street to Furby Street, adding a two-way protected bike lane. As part of this work McDermot Avenue will permanently switch to one-way eastbound along this segment. For more information, please see the June construction notice.
Construction notices related to work in the project area will be posted here prior to construction. If you have questions about road renewals or want to receive construction notices via email please contact Rebecca Hewett at Stantec Consulting Ltd. 204-478-8954.
Routing Map

The above turning restrictions will be implemented throughout construction and will remain in place following project completion
How do I access the Health Sciences Centre now that McDermot Avenue is a one-way street?
Vehicles travelling southbound on Sherbrook Street will no longer be able to turn right onto McDermot Avenue. To access HSC:
- Turn right onto Notre Dame Avenue
- Turn right onto Pearl Street, Emily Street or Tecumseh Street.
- Turn right onto McDermot Avenue
- You may also turn right onto William Avenue before Sherbrook Street and access McDermot Avenue via Tecumseh Street.
Vehicles travelling northbound on Sherbrook Street will no longer be able to turn left onto McDermot Avenue. To access HSC:
- Turn left at Notre Dame Avenue
- Turn right onto Pearl Street, Emily Street or Tecumseh Street.
- Turn right onto McDermot Avenue
- Turn left onto William Avenue
- Turn left onto Tecumseh Street
- Turn left on McDermot Avenue
Area Map

In November 2011, City of Winnipeg Council approved the Transportation Master Plan (TMP). A key goal of the TMP is to expand the range of travel options that are available to residents, workers, and visitors, as well as to ensure that people are not dependent on one single mode of transportation. The TMP also calls for the development of the Pedestrian and Cycling Strategies.
In 2015, City Council approved the Winnipeg Pedestrian and Cycling Strategies, which provide a long-range policy framework for active modes of transportation for the next 20 years.
The 2015 Pedestrian and Cycling Action plan was adopted by Council in May 2015, where this study was approved. Feedback received during this process was incorporated into preferred design option, which includes a two-way protected bike lane McDermot Avenue between Arlington Street and Furby Street.
Frequently Asked Questions
In addition to McDermot Avenue becoming a one-way street eastbound between Arlington Street and Sherbrook Street, the following changes will be in place during construction and after construction is complete:
- Vehicles travelling southbound on Arlington Street will no longer be able to turn left onto McDermot Avenue (this turning restriction will be implemented part way through project construction).
- Vehicles travelling eastbound on McDermot Avenue from McPhillips Street will be required to turn left or right at Arlington Street (this access restriction will be implemented part way through project construction).
- Vehicles travelling southbound on Sherbrook Street will no longer be able to turn right onto McDermot Avenue.
- Vehicles travelling northbound on Sherbrook Street will no longer be able to turn left onto McDermot Avenue.
Please see the suggested routing map for suggestions on how to get to area destinations.
- This design best accommodates the inclusion of all modes of transportation (pedestrians, a wide range of cyclists, transit users and motorists).
- Separated bike lane is safer for cyclists and is the most desired facility type.
- The south side has fewer private approaches.
- The Emily Street and McDermot Avenue intersection will be raised to improve pedestrian crossings and visibility.
- The wider bike lane has enough room for cyclists to pass each other.
- The wider bike lane provides ease of maintenance (clearing of debris, leaves, snow and sand).
- The majority of feedback received supported this option.
- The majority of stakeholder feedback indicated the importance of maintaining parking, loading and access to approaches on the north side of McDermot Avenue.
Note that green paint is used to indicate areas of potential conflict where drivers and cyclists cross paths. The paint serves to remind both drivers and cyclists to be mindful of each other.
For drivers
- Slow down when approaching elevated crossing.
- Shoulder check before turning right off of McDermot Avenue and note that once the bike lane is open cyclists will be cycling in both directions.
For cyclists
- Yield to pedestrians in crosswalks.
- Pay attention to signs indicating where to cycle.
- Watch for turning vehicles when approaching intersections.
- Press the button to activate the crossing signal at Arlington Street.
For pedestrians
- Watch for traffic and cyclists at intersections and approaches.
- Yield to cyclists when crossing the cycle lane at a location other than an intersection.
In September 2015, the City of Winnipeg initiated a public engagement process to receive input on the West Alexander Pedestrian and Cycling Corridor. To learn what was presented throughout the process please visit the "Documents" tab.
View the recommended design that is scheduled to be constructed in 2017.
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