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Citizens Information Service
Public Works

Underground Structures (UGS)

Responsibilities of the Underground Structures Branch include:

  • Underground infrastructure alignment approval
  • Underground infrastructure information provision
  • Utility coordination
  • Underground structures database acquisition
  • Records management
  • Composite construction database
  • Reviewing/updating alignment standards
  • Provides support to Underground Structures Committee

What is an "underground structure?"

An underground structure is a facility or structure including pipes, wires, mains, sewers, ducts, conduit and related equipment, in, on, over, under, along or across streets rights-of-way, which from time to time require repair, extension, or replacement.

NOTE: In addition to obtaining the required permits, the applicant must obtain approvals from the Public Works Department for all remedial work and improvements that occur in the street right-of-way including underground, surface and overhead work. Drawings and specifications shall be submitted for approval through the Underground Structures Branch,, identifying the scope and details of the work. Work in the right-of-way shall not commence until approvals are received through the Underground Structures review and the required Street Permits are in place. Failure to obtain the necessary approval, permits or inspections may result in removal of the works by the applicant at their cost.

AWPA Uniform Color Code for Marking Underground Facilities

Underground facilities shall be marked in accordance with the following designated color code:

Proposed Excavation
White: Pre-marking of the outer limits of the proposed excavation or marking the centerline and width of proposed lineal installations of buried facilities.
Temp Survey Markings
Pink: Temporary Survey Markings.
Red: Electric power lines, cables or conduit, and lighting cables.
Gas - Oil - Steam
Yellow: Gas, oil, steam, petroleum, or other hazardous liquid or gaseous materials.
Communication CATV
Orange: Communications, cable TV, alarm or signal lines, cables or conduits.
Blue: Water, irrigation, and slurry lines.
Reclaimed Water
Purple: Slurry and reclaimed.
Green: Sewers, drainage facilities or other drain lines.


Municipal consent

The City grants municipal consent to a utility or applicant to use a designated area within the municipal right-of-way. Established standard utility corridors and alignments help prevent conflicts during project planning by various utilities in the city's rights-of-way, minimizing the impact on nearby infrastructure.

UGS is responsible for the circulation and review of proposed work as outlined in detailed drawings.


Information request

Upon request UGS can provide record information in the form of an LBIS AutoCAD and record/as-built drawings for above and below ground utility information in the City right-of-way. This includes: pavement, sewer, water, electricity, gas, and telecommunications.


As-built submissions

UGS requires the submission of as-constructed record drawings to be submitted no later than three months after project completion.


Service fees

The cost of operating the Underground Structures Committee and the cost of providing the services of the Underground Structures Branch are borne and paid for by the parties of the UGS Agreement and non-members who utilize the services of the branch. The hourly service rate, set by the UGS Committee, considers: the current and future operating needs, indirect costs, and expected work activity in the street rights-of-way. The fee for service rate charged to users is $140.00 per hour and is billed individually by both the UGS Information Request and Municipal Consent groups.

Related links

Frequently asked questions

Does the UGS branch have information for work on private property?
No, UGS only provides information and municipal consent for work within the City right-of-way.
How long does it take for an information request and/or municipal consent?

Information requests have a typically turnaround of 1-3 business days depending on the size of location requested. Municipal consent has a typically turnaround of 5-14 business days depending on the time of year and complexity of project. NOTE: Development related drawings may take significantly more time.

When do I need to contact UGS?
Anytime there will be a permanent structure (in some cases temporary as well) being installed under/above ground in the City right-of-way, UGS should be contacted. It is strongly recommended to contact UGS Information Requests prior to obtaining municipal consent to ensure all utilities and City Infrastructure is up to date.
What is the next step after receiving municipal consent?
Applicant is responsible to obtain all necessary permits including but not limited to: excavation, use-of-streets, approach, etc.
There are flags and paint markings on my property, what does that mean?
There may be a number of reasons why there are flags and paint markings on private property and/or the City right-of-way. It could be due to future work for new utilities or outlining current utilities and Water & Waste infrastructure. It does not necessarily mean the proposed work will be on private property or an excavation will take place.
In case of an underground emergency, who should I contact?

Please consult the corresponding utility, ie: Manitoba Hydro, Centra Gas, etc. UGS would only be able to provide information.

How do I know where my property ends and the City right-of-way starts?

The City of Winnipeg homepage has a property map to provide a rough estimate of property boundaries but this should only be used as reference. Prior to any construction, please consult with a Manitoba Land Surveyor to ensure you are within property limits.

Am I allowed to landscape the City right-of-way adjacent to my property?
Depending on the type of work, it may be considered Non-standard boulevard treatment or a permit may be required. Please refer to City of Winnipeg Parks page for more information.

Additionally, it is recommended to contact Click Before You Dig prior to any excavation.

What is an encroachment? What is an easement?

An encroachment is the unauthorized intrusions onto another's land or property. This can include: flower beds, tree branches, garages passing property line, etc.

An easement is a legal right to use another's land for a specific purpose. This right does not grant ownership of the land but allows certain uses such as utility work. Utility work in an easement will require Municipal Consent, please contact UGS at

For more information about encroachments or easements, please consult with Planning, Property & Development.

Last update: September 23, 2024

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