Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.
Frequently asked questions
Spring cleanup operations & parking enforcement
When are streets typically cleaned?
We typically sweep main routes at night and both collector and residential streets during the daytime.
What gets cleaned during spring cleanup?
Crews clean sand and debris off all roads, bridges, and sidewalks and pathways. Designated boulevards and medians are cleared along all major routes, bus routes, and collector streets. Boulevards adjacent to residential streets are cleaned when inspectors deem there to be excessive sand. We will also clear parks of litter and debris.
What parking restrictions are put in place during the spring cleanup operation?
Ultimately, we ask residents to avoid parking on their street when it is scheduled for cleaning if possible. We don't put temporary no parking signs everywhere but do install them on routes where we know parked cars would present challenges to crews. Parking is illegal in these spots and vehicles parked in violation may receive a $150 ticket. They may also be towed to the towing company's compound at the owners' expense. Please note that tickets may be mailed rather than placed on vehicles.
What happens if I'm parked on a street with Temporary No Parking signs?
We will put up no-parking signage at least 24 hours in advance. Parked cars must be moved by the time the restrictions begin. Any cars parked after the signs are posted will be ticketed and towed to a compound at the vehicle owner's expense. Please note that tickets may be mailed rather than placed on vehicles.
What are the rules for Temporary No Parking sign placement for street cleaning?
We install temporary no parking signs a minimum of 24 hours in advance. We put the first sign approximately 15 metres from an intersection and subsequent signs every 50-100 metres. We place more signs in in higher traffic areas.
How long does spring cleanup take?
Once we start, the operation takes approximately five to six weeks, weather permitting.
How much does the spring cleanup operation cost?
The City budgets approximately $6 million annually on city-wide spring cleanup operations.
Can I rake my yard waste material onto the street so the City can clean it up?
No. Residents are urged to not rake yard waste material or other debris onto streets as this can plug drains, cause ponding problems, and increase the risk of basement flooding. Residential debris should be put out for regular garbage collection. Compostable yard waste material (e.g., grass clippings, leaves), can be placed out for yard waste collection in any reusable containers without a lid, cardboard boxes, or paper yard waste bags. More information on the curbside yard waste collection program is available at winnipeg.ca/yardwaste.
How much staff and equipment are used during spring cleanup?
The spring cleanup operation involves over 300 pieces of heavy equipment and approximately 500 workers.
Will sand on the boulevard of my residential street be cleaned?
We only clean sand of residential street boulevards when there is an excessive accumulation. People who believe their boulevard meets the excessive sand volume criteria should contact 311.
When do back lanes get cleaned?
We sweep paved back lanes once a year after spring cleanup.
How often does the downtown get cleaned?
We clean Downtown streets and sidewalks once during the citywide spring cleanup operation. Once the whole transportation network is cleaned, we return to maintain Downtown streets. We flush major routes and sidewalks once a week and sweep the roads three times a week.
How often do regional streets get cleaned?
We clean major routes once during the citywide spring cleanup operation. Once the whole transportation network is cleaned, we typically sweep major routes overnight once a week.
Does the City pick up loose litter and paper left on the ground in the public right-of-way?
Crews pick up and dispose of loose litter and paper left on Downtown roads and major routes, as well as in parks.
Know Your Zone app
What does the Know Your Zone app do?
You can now find out when street cleaning will be happening on your residential street by using the favourites feature of the Know Your Zone app.
In order to utilize the Spring Cleanup favourites feature for your residential street, you will need to update the Know Your Zone app to the current version. Download or update the app on your mobile device for free at the Apple App Store or Google Play app store.
Once the app is updated to the current version, add your residential street address to your favourites and you’ll receive spring cleanup alerts approximately 24-hours in advance of planned cleanup operations on your residential street.
Do I need to update the Know Your Zone app on my device to receive notifications about when crews will be cleaning my residential street?
Yes. You can now find out when street cleaning will be happening on your residential street by using the favourites feature of the Know Your Zone app.
In order to utilize the Spring Cleanup favourites feature for your residential street, you will need to update the Know Your Zone app to the current version. Download or update the app on your mobile device for free at the Apple App Store or Google Play app store.
Once the app is updated to the current version, add your address to your favourites and you’ll receive spring cleanup alerts approximately 24-hours in advance of planned cleanup operations on your street.
Now that I have downloaded the Know Your Zone app update, how do I access the spring cleanup notifications for my residential street?
Once the app is updated to the current version, add your residential street address to your favourites and you’ll receive spring cleanup alerts approximately 24-hours in advance of planned cleanup operations on your street.
How do I add a favourite?
When you search for an address and get a result screen, tapping the star at the top will add that address to your list of favourites.
How do I remove a favourite from the list?
Swiping left on the favourite address will give you the option to delete it from the list.
How do I set a location so that I receive a notification before cleanup operations start on my residential street?
Add your address to your favourites and you’ll receive spring cleanup alerts approximately 24-hours in advance of planned cleanup operations on your street.
Is there more than one Know Your Zone app?
There is only one official City of Winnipeg Know Your Zone app and it will state this when you view the information in the app store.
Which device is the Know Your Zone app compatible with? What operating system do I need to use the app?
The app is compatible with iPhone/iPad devices with operating systems iOS 11 or newer, and Android phones and tablets 5.1 (API level 22) or newer.
I am trying to download the free Know Your Zone app on my iPhone; why is it asking for my credit card information?
To download the free Know Your Zone app, you must have an Apple ID account.
For information on how to get an Apple ID, please visit:
Will there be a blackberry or windows mobile version of the Know Your Zone app?
There are no plans to develop a version of the app for Blackberry and Windows Mobile.