Bridge Lake Drive Traffic Calming Project

Traffic calming measures are coming to Bridge Lake Drive between North Town Road and Eagleview Road.

Update: March 18, 2024 – The design presented in Phase 2 is now final.

traffic calming coming soon

Design solution

Map: Bridge Lake Drive (North Town Road to Eagleview Road) preliminary design

We are installing a variety of traffic calming measures on Bridge Lake Drive.

  • A speed table between Bell Flower Road and Rose Garden Crescent.
  • Two curb extensions and raised crossings: one at the multi-use path north of Lake Bend Road/Bell Flower Road and one at the multi-use path in front of the fountain. These crossings will be unmarked initially. We may enhance them further in the future.
  • A raised crossing at the intersection with Sablewood Road.
  • Sidewalk improvements at Rose Garden Crescent and Sablewood Road to improve connectivity to the Transit stops.

We have already installed additional signage to clarify on-street parking is allowed on the southeast side of Bridge Lake Drive and not allowed on the northwest side.

The Class 1 cost estimate to install traffic calming measures on Bridge Lake Drive is estimated as $423,000. These improvements will be funded through the Road Safety Improvement Program.  

Existing conditions

  • Bridge Lake Drive is a two-lane, undivided, residential collector street
    • It’s approximately 10 metres wide
    • Parking is allowed on the west side of the street but parking spaces are often empty
    • There is a sidewalk on both sides of the street
  • The speed limit is 50 km/h
  • The daily traffic volume is 1,600 vehicles per day, which is within the typical range for collector streets
  • In terms of land use, the street features single family residential properties and a variety of recreational outdoor spaces

Need for traffic calming

Bridge Lake Drive is a high-priority location for traffic calming measures.

We collected traffic data in April 2019:

  • The 85th percentile speed, which is the speed at which 85 percent of motorists travel at or below, is 56 km/h
  • About 340 vehicles travel 55 hm/h or faster every day
    • A third of these vehicles travel faster than 60 km/h

Traffic calming measures will be installed on Bridge Lake Drive to help slow speeds and create a safer space for all road users.

We aren't installing any traffic calming between the fountain crossing and Sablewood Road. Pembina Trails School Division has plans to construct a new school on this segment in the coming years.

  • The locations of the school's private approaches are yet to be determined.
  • Any traffic calming installed on this segment may need to be removed or changed, depending on the layout of the school.
  • The design includes traffic calming measures at either end of the school property.
  • Additional changes could be reviewed as the school's design is developed.

Next steps

Construction could begin as early as Summer 2024.

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