Watson Street Traffic Calming Project

Traffic calming measures are coming to Watson Street between Leila Avenue and Jefferson Avenue.

Update – Spring 2023: We now have a final design based on what we heard from the community in Phase 2 engagement.

The design will be installed as part of a road renewal scheduled for this summer.

traffic calming coming soon

Design solution

Map 1: Watson Street (Jefferson Avenue to Kingsbury Avenue) design
Map 2: Watson Street (Kingsbury Avenue to Leila Avenue) design

The traffic calming design for Watson Street includes speed tables, raised crosswalks, curb extensions, and rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFB).

Background information:

  • Speed tables and raised crosswalks are elongated versions of speed humps that have a flat top.
    • These measures slow speeds by creating discomfort for those traveling at higher speeds.
  • A curb extension is a horizontal intrusion of the curb into the roadway which results in a narrow section of roadway.
    • This narrowing effect creates a sense of confinement, which causes motorists to slow down.
    • When installed at a pedestrian crossing location, curb extensions enhance pedestrian visibility, reduce crossing distance, and reduce vehicle speeds through the conflict area.
  • A rectangular rapid flashing beacon is a pedestrian push-button activated system that consists of enhanced pavement markings, side mounted signs, and two rapid flashing lights mounted above the side mounted signs.

Solution details:

  • We will install curb extensions with pedestrian curb ramps between Kingsbury Avenue and Leila Avenue.
  • The existing signed and marked crosswalk on Watson Street north of Stardust Avenue will be relocated approximately 75 metres north of its current location.
    • This location has better sightlines and fewer conflicts between pedestrians and motorists crossing private approaches.
    • Improvements here include raising the crosswalk, installing a curb extension, and upgrading the treatment to a Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) crossing.
  • A second raised pedestrian crossing location with a curb extension will be installed at Stardust Avenue.
    • This location will connect to the existing sidewalk that extends north to the new Northwest Hydro Corridor, a multi-use path that began construction in 2022.
    • Initially, this location will not have any pedestrian signs and pavement markings.
      • Pedestrian activity will be monitored and enhancements may be made in the future.

For reference, here are similar treatments installed elsewhere in the city:

Pre-study conditions

  • Watson Street is a two-lane, undivided, residential collector street.
  • South of Kingsbury Avenue. Parking is permitted on the west side of the street.  The roadway width narrows from approximately 14 metres at Kingsbury Avenue to 10 metres at Jefferson Avenue.
  • North of Kingsbury Avenue, parking is permitted on both sides of Watson Street and the roadway width is 14 metres. A median is introduced on Watson Street at the intersection with Leila Avenue.
  • In terms of traffic control, there are all-way stop-controlled intersections at Jefferson Avenue and Kingsbury Avenue, and a traffic signal at Leila Avenue. There is a marked pedestrian crosswalk on Watson Street approximate 140 metres north of Stardust Avenue.
  • The speed limit is 50 km/h.
  • There is a sidewalk on the east side of Watson Street between Jefferson Avenue and Leila Avenue, and on the west side between Leila Avenue and Stardust Avenue.
  • The daily traffic volume on Watson Street is between 5,500 and 6,000 vehicles per day, which is typical for a collector street.
  • In terms of land use, there multi-family residential properties and commercial land use along Watson Street. Some of the residential properties are for older adults. Seven Oaks General Hospital and the Wellness Institute are located on Leila Avenue at Watson Street. This type of land use attracts travel in the area by all modes.
  • The Northwest Hydro Corridor, a multi-use path accommodating active travel modes, is planned to be installed just west of Watson Street, pending finalization of an agreement with Manitoba Hydro.

Need for traffic calming

Watson Street is a high-priority location for traffic calming measures based on the City’s Residential Area Traffic Calming Program.

On November 7, 2016, the Standing Policy Committee on Infrastructure Renewal and Public Works concurred with the recommendation of the Public Service that traffic calming measures should be considered on Watson Street. Additional data collection was required prior to proceeding, which was collected in March, 2021.

  • The 85th percentile speed, which is the speed at which 85 percent of motorists travel at or below, ranges between 52 and 53 km/h.
  • The 95th percentile speed, which is the speed at which 95 percent of motorists travel at or below, ranges between 57 and 58 km/h.
  • Up to 800 vehicles per day travel 55 km/h or higher on Watson Street, approximately 230 of which travel 60 km/h or higher.

Traffic calming measures will be installed on Watson Street to help slow speeds and create a safer space for all road users.

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