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Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

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Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service


Information links

Payment options available
Bill types and information
Contact us

Payment options available

  • Online Payments
  • Cheque (payable to Fire Paramedic Service)
  • Money order (payable to Fire Paramedic Service)
  • Cash (In person at one of our 311 counters)
  • Credit cards
    • Visa
    • MasterCard
    • American Express
  • Debit Card (In person at one of our 311 counters)
  • All patients receiving services from WFPS can request to have their invoice paid over time.
    • Patients are encouraged to contact us on: (204) 986-3001 or email:
    • There are no additional costs in paying over time
    • This does not apply to assisted lift as it is not the patient's responsibility to pay


You may pay your ambulance bill by credit card from most major banks.
Please have your invoice ready.

Pay a bill

By mail

A cheque or money order can be mailed to:

Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service
510 Main St.
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 1B9

In person at one of our 311 counters

Susan A. Thompson Building

510 Main St.


8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday
Closed holidays

Accès–Access Saint-Boniface

170 Goulet St.


8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday
Closed for lunch from noon to 1 p.m.
Closed holidays
de 8 h 30 à 16 h 30
du lundi au vendredi
fermé le midi de 12h à 13h
Fermé les jours fériés

By phone

Credit card payments can be made by phone to 204-986-3001.

Bill types and information

Ambulance Service

There is a fee for Paramedic treatment and transport to hospital. There is also a fee for Paramedic treatment only, even though the patient was not transported to hospital.

Ambulance Fee Schedule

Assisted Lift Service

Assisted lift fee was approved and introduced during 2023 budget fees and charges, with effective date April 01, 2023.

Fee for assisted lift services are charged to facilities who should be providing this level of assistance to their residents, such as personal care homes, assisted living facilities etc. are now invoiced for the service provided on their behalf by the Fire Paramedic Service.

These are not costs for the patient to pay, and will remain under the responsibility of the facilities. Patients living in a private residence or independent living facility will not be charged for assisted lift service.

Assisted Lift Fee Schedule

Fire Safety Inspections

In 2007 the Province of Manitoba introduced a new Provincial Regulation which requires a fire safety inspection of certain occupancies at a predetermined frequency. The intent of this Regulation is to provide an increased level of safety for the general public.

The new Regulation requires an annual inspection of every:

  • Elderly Persons’ Housing Unit or Hostel
  • Child Care Centre
  • Personal Care Home
  • Residential Care Facility
  • Hospital

The new Regulation also requires an inspection once every three years of every:

  • Licensed premise as defined in the Liquor Control Act
  • Private and public schools including Universities and Colleges
  • Recreation Centres including Arenas, Community Clubs and Curling Rinks
  • Hotels and motels
  • Restaurants located in residential buildings

In order for the Winnipeg Fire Department to meet the obligations of this Regulation, the costs associated with providing this service will be recovered (on a cost recovery basis) by means of inspection fees charged to the business owner and / or facility. These fees will take effect as of January 1, 2011. The inspection fee will be based on actual inspection time, the Fire Inspector’s report writing time, and travel time for all initial and follow-up inspections. There is an hourly fee charged for this service. Fees can be found in the Fire Inspection and Service Rates document below

Fire Inspection and Service Rates

Contact information - Billing inquiries

View our frequently asked questions or contact us by:


We are open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Closed holidays


Please include your telephone number in the body of your message. You can expect a reply from us within two business days.


Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service
510 Main St.
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 1B9


Please include your telephone number on the fax.

Last update: January 6, 2025

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Information collected will be used to improve our website. Do not use this form to submit a request for service or information because it will not be forwarded to departments for response. To submit a request for service or information, contact 311.

This form is not intended to collect personal information; however, any personal information you choose to include in your comments is collected by the City of Winnipeg under the authority of section 36(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purpose of improving our website and will not be used or disclosed for any other purposes, except as authorized by law. Contact the Corporate Access and Privacy Officer by mail (City Clerk’s Department, Susan A. Thompson Building, 510 Main Street, Winnipeg MB, R3B 1B9) or by telephone (311) if you have any questions about the collection of this information.

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Comment pourrait-on améliorer cette page Web?

Les renseignements recueillis serviront à l’amélioration de notre site Web. Prière de ne pas se servir de ce formulaire pour soumettre une demande de service ou de renseignements, car la demande ne sera pas transmise au service en question. Pour soumettre une demande de service ou de renseignements, veuillez communiquer avec le 311.

Le présent formulaire ne vise pas à recueillir des renseignements personnels. Cependant, les renseignements personnels que vous choisissez d’inclure dans vos commentaires sont recueillis par la Ville de Winnipeg en conformité avec l’alinéa 36(1)b) de la Loi sur l’accès à l’information et la protection de la vie privée dans le but d’améliorer son site Web et ne seront ni utilisés ni divulgués pour d’autres raisons, sauf dans les cas où cela est autorisé par la loi. Communiquez avec l’agent de l’accès à l’information et de la protection de la vie privée de la Ville par courrier au Bureau du greffier, immeuble Susan-A.-Thompson, 510, rue Main, Winnipeg (Manitoba) R3B 1B9, ou par téléphone au 311 si vous avez des questions sur la collecte de ces renseignements.