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Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Public Works

2019-2023 Corydon/Stafford/Taylor Pavement Renewals Project

The 2019-2023 Corydon/Stafford/Taylor Pavement Renewals Project is supported by the Government of Canada's New Building Canada Fund and the Province of Manitoba. It will see major reconstruction work, including new roadway and sidewalk infrastructure, on Stafford Street, Corydon Avenue and Taylor Avenue – ultimately leading to greatly improved road surface conditions.


March 29, 2023 - Work on the Stafford Street portion of the project (between Corydon Avenue and Grant Avenue) finished in November 2022.

2023 work will start in May on portions of both Stafford Street and Taylor Avenue. This work is expected to end in Fall 2023.

Stafford Street between Grant Avenue and Pembina Highway

We will:

  • Reconstruct the roadway and sidewalk
  • Improve drainage
  • Repair the watermain and sewer
  • Replace and improve traffic signals
  • Install new streetlights

Traffic impacts:

  • Traffic will be restricted to one lane in the northbound direction between Pembina Highway and Grant Avenue throughout
  • Southbound traffic will be diverted to Pembina Highway at Grant Avenue (see Traffic Detour Map)
  • There will be no on-street parking on Stafford Street
  • Pedestrian access to residences and businesses will be maintained throughout construction
    • If we have to temporarily disrupt access we will reach out directly to any affected properties in advance

Taylor Avenue between Harrow Street and Stafford Street

We will:

  • Reconstruct the roadway and sidewalk
  • Improve drainage and repair sewer
  • Replace and improve traffic signals
  • Install new streetlights

Traffic impacts:

  • Traffic will be restricted to one lane in each direction between Harrow Street and Stafford Street and one lane eastbound between Stafford and Pembina Highway
  • There will be no on-street parking on Taylor Avenue
  • Pedestrian access to residences and businesses will be maintained throughout construction
    • If we have to temporarily disrupt access we will reach out directly to any affected properties in advance

Additional work will also take place on Harrow Street south of Taylor Avenue. Work will include:

  • Adjusting the intersection Harrow Street and Harrow Street east Watermain renewal
  • Constructing a new active transportation connection to the Jubilee Underpass path
  • Rehabilitating Harrow between Harrow Street East and Sparing Avenue

For more detailed information on traffic impacts and construction staging please see the construction drawings in the documents tab.

Detour map 2023

Corydon Stafford Taylor detour map 2023

November 25, 2021 – Work on the Stafford Street portion of the Corydon/Taylor/Stafford Pavement Renewals program will begin in May 2022 and take place over two years, with completion in Fall 2023. Next year’s work includes a complete roadway and sidewalk reconstruction with associated drainage improvements, watermain renewals and sewer repairs, new streetlighting and replacing and improving traffic signals. Throughout construction, traffic will be restricted to one lane in the northbound direction between Pembina Highway and Corydon Avenue. Southbound traffic will be diverted to Harrow Street at Corydon Avenue. Strafford Street on street parking will be temporarily removed as required by each stage of construction. Pedestrian access to residences and businesses will be maintained throughout construction, or if a temporary disruption to access is required it will be discussed with the residence/business prior to the disruption taking place. A safe pedestrian, vehicular and bicycle crossing will be maintained at every other intersecting street and at Ebby Avenue, Garwood Avenue and Warsaw Avenue. Please see the construction notice and staging drawings for more information.

Work on the Taylor Avenue portion of the Corydon/Taylor/Stafford Pavement Renewals program is anticipated to begin in May 2023, with completion in Fall 2023. However, should the Contractor for the work have sufficient forces, some work may take place on Taylor Avenue in 2022. The work includes a complete roadway and sidewalk reconstruction with associated drainage improvements and sewer repairs, new streetlighting and replacing and improving traffic signals. Throughout construction, traffic will be restricted to one lane in each direction on Taylor Avenue between Harrow Street and Stafford Street, and one lane eastbound on Taylor Avenue between Stafford Street and Pembina Highway. On street parking will be temporarily removed as required by each stage of construction. Pedestrian access to residences and businesses will be maintained throughout construction, or if a temporary disruption to access is required it will be discussed with the residence/business prior to the disruption taking place. A safe pedestrian, vehicular and bicycle crossing will be maintained at Harrow Street, Stafford Street and Pembina Highway and appropriate turning movements will be allowed at each intersection. Please see the construction notice and staging drawings for more information.

April 21, 2021 – Phase 2 work on the Corydon portion of the Corydon/Taylor/Stafford Pavement Renewals program will begin on April 26, 2021. This work is a continuation of work completed last year between Waterloo Street and Oxford Street and Thurso Street and Stafford Street. This year’s work includes a complete roadway and sidewalk reconstruction with associated drainage improvements, and sewer repairs, new streetlighting and replacing and improving traffic signals. Throughout construction, traffic will be restricted to one lane in each direction between Waverley and Rockwood. There will be no access onto and off of Corydon at Oxford and Thurso and on-street parking on Corydon will temporarily be removed as required by the stage of construction. Please see the construction notice for more information.

April 21, 2021 – Work on the Taylor Avenue portion of the Corydon/Taylor/Stafford Pavement Renwals program will begin on April 26, 2021. Work will be focused on roadway and sidewalk reconstruction between Wilton Street and Harrow Street.

Throughout construction, traffic will be restricted to one lane in each direction between Wilton and Harrow. There will be no access onto and off of Taylor at Guelph Street and on street parking will temporarily be removed as required by the stage of construction. Garbage and recycling pickup will remain unchanged. Pedestrian access to residences and businesses will be maintained throughout construction. Transit service will be maintained although some stops may be temporarily relocated or closed for short periods of time during construction. Please see the construction notice for more information.

August 17, 2020 - Corydon Avenue between Cambridge Street and Stafford Street will temporarily close to all traffic today, August 17, 2020, to accommodate paving operations. Westbound traffic and access to and from Harrow Street and Wilton Street will still be permitted. Pedestrians will be required to use the north-side sidewalk, but business access on both north and south sides will be maintained. Transit will be temporarily rerouted down Grosvenor Avenue.


The 2019-2023 Corydon/Stafford/Taylor Pavement Renewals Project is supported by the Government of Canada’s New Building Canada Fund and the Province of Manitoba. It will see major reconstruction work, including new roadway and sidewalk infrastructure, on Stafford Street, Corydon Avenue and Taylor Avenue – ultimately leading to greatly improved road surface conditions.

The project will also include improvements to pedestrian and motorist safety, as well as some existing cycling infrastructure.

The following areas are included in this project:

  • Stafford Street from Corydon Avenue to Pembina Highway
  • Corydon Avenue from Stafford Street to Cambridge Street
  • Eastbound Corydon Avenue from Cambridge Street to Waterloo Street
  • Taylor Avenue from Wilton Street to Pembina Highway

The project design relies on geometric improvements and upgrades to meet pedestrian accessibility standards, increase traffic safety and improve efficiency. The project team is working closely with other City departments to mitigate impacts on parking, Transit service, and both business and residential access through construction; there will be minimal impacts to these amenities upon project completion.

Because of the project’s limited scope, it will not include any public engagement activities. Instead, the City will reach out to and meet with businesses, residents, and property owners in each project area to provide information on localized permanent impacts, and gather information about parking and loading needs, and accessibility concerns, throughout construction.

Up-to-date information about staging, access, and other construction-related topics will be posted on this webpage throughout the project.

If you own or lease property in the area and believe you may be impacted by this project, please feel free to reach out to us at

Project Timeline




Document Name Date Type
Invitation to Taylor Ave Business Stakeholders 2019-11-26 Community Letters
Invitation to Corydon and Stafford Business Stakeholders 2019-11-26 Community Letters
Invitation to area schools, community centres & places of worship 2019-12-03 Community Letters
Stafford staging cross section 2020-02-13 Open house materials
Stakeholder meeting welcome board and timeline 2020-02-13 Open house materials
Taylor and Stafford staging circulation 2020-02-13 Open house materials
Taylor Avenue Geometric improvements 2020-02-13 Open house materials

Stafford St Underground Staging–May-July–2022 Construction

2021-12-09 Drawing

Stafford St Roadworks–June-August–2022 Construction

2021-12-09 Drawing

Stafford St Roadworks–September-October–2022 Construction

2021-12-09 Drawing

Stafford St Underground Works–May-June–2023 Construction

2021-12-09 Drawing

Stafford St Roadworks–June-August–2023 Construction

2021-12-09 Drawing

Stafford St Roadworks–August-October–2023 Construction

2021-12-09 Drawing

Taylor Ave Roadworks–May-July–2023 Construction

2021-12-09 Drawing

Taylor Ave Roadworks–August-October–2023 Construction

2021-12-09 Drawing
Taylor construction notice: January 2022 2022-01-12 Letter
Stafford construction notice: January 2022 2022-01-12 Letter
Taylor construction notice: April 2022 2022-04-12 Letter
Stafford construction notice: April 2022 2022-04-12 Letter
Stafford construction notice: May 2022 2022-05-09 Letter
Detour map 2023 2023-03-29 Drawing
Constuction staging 2023-03-29 Drawing

Frequently Asked Questions

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What is the 2019-2023 Stafford/Corydon/Taylor Pavement Renewals Project?

The 2019-2023 Corydon/Stafford/Taylor Pavement Renewals Project is supported by the Government of Canada’s New Building Canada Fund and the Province of Manitoba. It will see major reconstruction work, including new roadway and sidewalk infrastructure, on Corydon Avenue, Stafford Street and Taylor Avenue – ultimately leading to greatly improved road surface conditions.

The project will also include improvements to pedestrian and motorist safety, as well as some existing cycling infrastructure. The project will include a total reconstruction of Stafford Street (Pembina Highway to Corydon Avenue), Corydon Avenue (Stafford Street to Waterloo Street) and Taylor Avenue (Wilton Street to Pembina Highway). The work is anticipated to be completed over four years as follows:


  • Corydon Avenue – Stafford Street to Rockwood Street
  • Eastbound Corydon Avenue– Waterloo Street to Oxford Street


  • Corydon Avenue – Rockwood Street to Oxford Street
  • Taylor Avenue– Wilton Street to Harrow Street


  • Stafford Street – Corydon Avenue to Grant Avenue
  • Stafford Street SB – Grant Avenue to Ebby Avenue


  • Stafford Street NB – Ebby Avenue to Grant Avenue
  • Stafford Street NB – Ebby Avenue to Grant Avenue
  • Taylor Avenue – Harrow Street to Pembina Highway
What type of work will be happening on these streets?

The roadways will be completely reconstructed with new concrete pavement, new curbs, and new sidewalks (in most locations). The new roads will be smooth and drain well. All streetlights will be replaced.

What is happening with the Taylor Avenue Water and Waste project now and how do the two projects work together?

The City has completed the separate Water and Waste project on Taylor and are installing combined sewer relief sewers and will, over the next few years, continue the installation along some sections of Stafford Street. Sections of watermain will also be renewed along Stafford Street. The sewer and water work will be coordinated with the pavement reconstruction.

The Corydon/Stafford/Taylor project will follow this underground work by rebuilding the sections of Stafford Street and Taylor Avenue listed in this pavement renewal program.

What safety improvements will be included in the project?

The project will include turning lanes on Taylor Avenue at Stafford Street to improve both traffic safety and flow.

How will pedestrian safety in particular be considered?

Pedestrian facilities will be designed according to the latest accessibility standards and will also focus on serving individuals with visual impairments. New design features include yellow detectable warning tiles, paving bands to assist in visually delineating the intended walking path, realigned pedestrian crossings, and improved sightlines to assist drivers in navigating through pedestrian crossings.

A new sidewalk will be constructed on the south boulevard of Taylor Avenue between Harrow Street and Pembina Highway; the sidewalk on the north side of Taylor Avenue between Stafford Street and Pembina Highway will be widened to improve accessibility.

Will there be any improvements to existing cycling facilities?

A protected bicycle intersection was constructed at Taylor Ave and Harrow St. This will allow for a convenient interchange for cyclists to and from Taylor Ave and Harrow St and transition between various on and off-street bike infrastructure. A connection will also be constructed along Harrow Street and will be connected to the multiuse path at the Pembina Highway Underpass at Jubilee Avenue.

How will the City inform major stakeholders?

We have met individually with major stakeholders through the planning and design phase of the project to provide information on location-specific impacts, and to determine specific needs during staging. Advance notices will be provided to all directly affected stakeholders in the Fall of 2021 and Spring 2022 and 2023.

Who are the major stakeholders?

Major stakeholders include local businesses, schools, churches, and community centers directly affected by the outcomes of this project.

How will construction affect local business and residents?

We are working hard to minimize impacts to businesses and residences during construction. We are maintaining sidewalks, pedestrian access, and access to parking lots and alleys, as much as possible; however, two primary closures are scheduled:

  • Sidewalks will be closed on the section of roadway under construction for short periods of time, while they are being paved.
  • Sidewalks on opposite sides of Stafford Street and Taylor Avenue not under construction will remain open during construction.

Specific concerns can be voiced during the targeted meetings and/or through channels outlined in the notification letters sent out prior to construction.

How will construction affect traffic and parking?

While we are working hard to minimize impacts, lanes will be closed, turning restrictions implemented, and on-street parking removed throughout the various project areas to accommodate construction activities. Access through major intersections will be maintained; however, some side street approaches will also be closed to traffic.

How can individual residents and businesses raise questions or concerns regarding the project?

We encourage concerned residents and businesses to reach out to us directly via

How will this affect trees?

We are working closely with our Urban Forestry branch to preserve and protect trees as much as possible. In some cases, the new roadway design requires us to remove trees to implement safety features. In these instances, public safety will take precedence over tree preservation. We will communicate directly with property owners adjacent and near to the affected trees.

How will construction affect Transit services?

Transit services will be maintained throughout construction using various means such as stop relocations, temporary stop closures and/or transit detours.




Last update: March 29, 2023

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