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Thanksgiving – Monday, October 14. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Thanksgiving – Monday, October 14. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Giveaway weekend

Giveaway weekends

This year’s Giveaway weekends are:
  • May 11-12, 2024
  • September 14-15, 2024

The City of Winnipeg hosts two curbside giveaway weekends per year, one in the spring and one in the fall.

Residents can reduce waste, and keep items out of the landfill, by giving reusable, unwanted items a new home.

What to do

  • Place unwanted, reusable household items at the curb on your front street
  • Label each item with a "FREE" (pdf - 13kb) sticker or sign
  • Keep any items safely stored away that you don't want to give away
  • Remove leftover items from the curb by dusk on Sunday

What to give

  • Books, CDs, DVDs
  • Furniture, electronics, artwork, mirrors
  • Sports equipment, toys
  • Yard and gardening tools and equipment (e.g., lawn mowers, snow throwers, rakes, shovels)
  • Small appliances, kitchen gadgets, dishes, cutlery, pots and pans
  • Construction material (e.g., nails, paint, wood)
  • Clothing

What not to give

  • Items harbouring bed bugs (e.g., mattresses, furniture, bedding)
  • Toilets (with a flush volume of 13 litres or more)
  • Visit the Consumer Product Safety Bureau to find out about items that aren't safe to give away (e.g., baby walkers, lawn darts)

Giveaway rules and tips

  • Take only the items at the curb marked "FREE"
  • Check all items closely for bed bugs before you put them in your vehicle or bring them into your home
  • Respect other people's property – don't walk or drive on people's lawns or gardens
  • Giveaway items should still be in good condition
  • Don't discard any items on another person's lawn
  • Obey the traffic laws at all times (e.g., don't block traffic, park illegally or block people's driveways with your vehicle) and watch out for children

What to do with leftover items

  • Use the Recyclepedia to learn where items should go – a 4R Winnipeg Depot, or a local charity.
  • Consider donating unwanted items to:
  • Bulky items (e.g., furniture, mattresses) left at the curb won’t be picked up with regular garbage collection. Contact 311 or arrange for a large item pickup online, for a fee.
  • Leftover construction and renovation material won’t be picked up with regular garbage collection. Please take it to a landfill

Information on the giveaway weekends is also available by contacting 311.

The contents of this web page and other information provided by the City about the giveaway weekends are intended as helpful advice; they are not legally binding. Participants are responsible for the goods they are giving away and the goods they are acquiring. The City of Winnipeg does not accept any liability for any actions taken by participants in the giveaway weekends or for the type or quality of goods being given away or acquired as part of the giveaway weekends.

Last updated: September 11, 2024

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