Breeding Permit
Dog and cat owners who reside in Winnipeg and intend to use a specific female for breeding purposes need a Breeding Permit.
All unsterilized dogs and cats over the age of 6 months require an Intact Pet Licence.
1. Active veterinarian care
- Current rabies vaccination.
- Letter from veterinarian supporting the breeding of a specific dog or cat or proof of purebred breed registration.
2. History of responsible pet ownership under the Responsible Pet Ownership By-law
- Compliance with bylaw requirements and minimal impact on the community.
- Running at large or pursue – no more than two incidents.
- Biting animal or human – no more than one incident.
- No more than one impound at an animal shelter.
Inspection of the breeding property
An inspection of the breeding property is required with initial permit application. Additional inspections are complaint based.
- Clean and sanitary conditions.
- Little or no animal-related odors.
- Ample room for enrichment.
- Wholesome food and water.
Limit on number of litters for female dogs/cats:
- Limit of one litter per year.
- No more than four litters over the life of the animal.
To apply for a Breeding Permit, an application and fee is required per female cat or dog.
Bring completed application and any required supplementary information to Animal Services, 1057 Logan Ave.
It is a condition of every Breeding Permit that the permit holder must comply with the Responsible Pet Ownership By-law, the Animal Care Act and all other applicable legislation.
View the bylaw
View the Responsible Pet Ownership By‑law for more information.
Privacy statement
The collection of personal information in our licensing program is for the purpose of issuing, renewing and administering the Pet License Program and the Responsible Pet Ownership By-law. Collection is authorized by clauses 36(1) and 44(1)(a) of The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). If your pet becomes lost, your personal information may be shared with area animal shelters and veterinary clinics so that you can be notified if your pet is found. Your personal information may be used by the City of Winnipeg to research and plan for programs or services respecting pet ownership. The collection, use and disclosure of this information is protected by FIPPA. If you have any questions about the collection, use or disclosure of this information, contact 311 or call toll free 1-877-311-4974 (4WPG).
Déclaration de confidentialité
La collecte de renseignements personnels dans le cadre de notre programme de permis n’a pour but que la délivrance et le renouvellement des permis, ainsi que la gestion du programme de permis de garde d’animal de compagnie et du Responsible Pet Ownership By-law (règlement municipal sur la possession responsable d’animaux de compagnie). La collecte est autorisée par le paragraphe 36(1) et l’alinéa 44(1)a) de la Loi sur l’accès à l’information et la protection de la vie privée (LAIPVP). Si votre animal se perdait, vos renseignements personnels pourraient être partagés avec les cliniques vétérinaires et les abris pour animaux de votre quartier de sorte que vous puissiez être informé au cas où votre animal serait retrouvé. Vos renseignements personnels peuvent être utilisés par la Ville de Winnipeg afin de faire des recherches sur les programmes et les services liés à la possession d’animaux de compagnie, et de planifier ceux-ci. La collecte, l’utilisation et la divulgation de ces renseignements sont protégées par la Loi sur l’accès à l’information et la protection de la vie privée. Si vous avez des questions sur la collecte, l’utilisation ou la divulgation de ces renseignements, composez le 311 ou appelez (sans frais) au 1-877-311-4974 (4WPG).