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Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service

Frequently Asked Questions - S.A.F.E. Family Program

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Why do I need a smoke alarm?

A working smoke alarm is a basic, fundamental requirement for home fire safety. We are most vulnerable to fire when we sleep, and a working smoke alarm provides the protection required.

How many do I need and will you provide more than one free alarm?

The Manitoba Fire Code and the City of Winnipeg bylaws require each residential dwelling unit to have at least one functioning smoke alarm installed between the bedrooms and the living area. The S.A.F.E. Family Program will install one battery operated smoke alarm in this location. In the event that there is a remote bedroom (such as on another floor) then a second alarm will be installed outside of it.

How do I know if I qualify for a free battery operated smoke alarm?

It's simple - if you live in an owner-occupied home, then you qualify.

Those living in rental homes or rented suites do not qualify as our Fire Prevention By-Law 35-2017 already requires the installation of a bylaw compliant smoke alarm in all residential rental properties. Smoke alarms will not be installed in residential rental properties as part of this program. It is anticipated that the increased awareness of the importance of smoke alarms this program generates will also result in the identification of rental properties that are in non-compliance with the Fire Prevention By-Law. Program applicants will be screened for rental properties at the time of application and diverted to the Fire Prevention Branch for enforcement. This installation program is for battery operated smoke alarms only, it does not apply to hard wired smoke alarms.

I can't be home on Saturdays. Can someone else be there to let the installers in or do you offer another day for installations?

This is currently the only day available for installations.

Will you install a smoke alarm that I purchased?

No, the program only installs program supplied smoke alarms at this time.

My smoke alarm that you installed is not working anymore. How do I have it replaced?

The S.A.F.E. Family Program will replace defective or expired smoke alarm in owner occupied homes not equipped with a functioning smoke alarm. To schedule the installation, contact 311 or visit

Do you provide batteries ongoing for my WFPS installed smoke alarm?

No. The alarms come with a lithium Ion battery which typically lasts 10 years, the life of the alarm.

I think crews damaged my home when they were installing the smoke alarm. What should I do?

Contact 311 . You will be contacted by a department representative. Note, the program requires the applicant to sign a comprehensive release from liability prior to the installation of the smoke alarm.

I live in a rental property and the smoke alarms do not work. Who can I contact to make a complaint against my landlord?

Contact 311 and specify that you live in a rental property not equipped with a functioning smoke alarm. The Fire Prevention Branch will be notified and you will be contacted on a priority basis by a Fire Inspector.

Fire Prevention By-Law 35-2017 requires the installation of a by-law compliant smoke alarm in all residential rental properties. Smoke alarms will not be installed in residential rental properties as part of this program. It is anticipated that the increased awareness of the importance of smoke alarms this program generates will also result in the identification of rental properties that are in non-compliance with the Fire Prevention By-Law. Program applicants will be screened for rental properties at the time of application and diverted to the Fire Prevention Branch for enforcement.

I would like a free smoke alarm and live in the program area, but I do not want to share my information will the third party partner group.

Your information is collected by the City solely for the purpose of the release from liability and scheduling your installation appointment. Personal information is not shared with any of the other partners of this program.

How is my personal information kept safe?

Your personal information, contained on your waiver of liability, will be stored on a secure City data server for the life of the smoke alarm, 10 years. After this time the data will be destroyed consistent with privacy legislation.

S.A.F.E. Family Program
Last update: June 6, 2024

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