You must have a permit to set off fireworks within the City of Winnipeg.
A permit is not required for the use of hand-held sparklers or caps for toy guns.
To request a permit, submit an application online
Permit application requirements:
- You must be 18 years of age or older to purchase fireworks and to obtain a permit.
- You must provide legal identification such as a Birth Certificate and/or Driver's License that has a current address on it.
- If you plan to set off fireworks as part of a City park rental, you also need a fireworks permit.
Fireworks safety
Stay safe by following these tips when setting fireworks off:
- Always read your Fireworks Permit to ensure you are following all applicable conditions.
- Only adults 18 years or over should handle fireworks.
- Only use fireworks purchased in Canada, meeting all safety standards.
- Read all instructions, cautions, and warnings on each firework product.
- Set up outdoors in a clear, open space, and light fireworks on a hard, flat, and level surface to ensure stability. Your firing base (eg. mound or non-combustible pail of sand or earth) should be at least 100 feet away from any combustible materials. Roman Candles require a minimum clearance of 30m x 30m. (Approximately 100' x 100')
- All spectators should maintain a safe distance (recommended minimum 100 feet) from the firing base.
- Ensure there are no overhead wires, branches or other obstructions when setting up your display.
- Bury all long fireworks at least halfway down into the firing base. Light all fireworks at arms length, standing back and keeping your face turned away. Preferably use an "igniter stick" to set off your fireworks. Light carefully, and always light the fuse at its tip.
- Remember to protect your eyes with safety glasses or safety goggles
- Always check wind direction and wind speeds before setting off fireworks; they should always be lit with the prevailing wind blowing away from spectators and closest structures - never set off fireworks in strong winds.
- Have a bucket of sand, supply of water, and a working fire extinguisher on hand.
- Never attempt to re-light a 'dud' or defective firework or hold a lighted firework item in your hand.
- Fireworks should be disposed of safely and properly, and any unused fireworks should be stored in a closed container.
- Never use firecrackers - which are loud, explosive fireworks, typically wrapped in paper and lit with a fuse. Firecrackers are illegal in Canada.