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Indigenous Relations Division

May 2015

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Aboriginal Employee Spotlight - Karen Beaudin

May 27, 2015

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Ms. Karen Beaudin, a Métis civic employee was announced as one of the 12 recipients of the Order of Manitoba this year.

The Order of Manitoba is the highest honour in the Province of Manitoba and recognizes those who've made a tremendous contribution to the social, cultural or economic well being of Manitoba.

She is a woman who strives, in all she does, to make Winnipeg a better place for the most vulnerable people in society.

Karen started out her career with the City of Winnipeg as a Dental Assistant, then moved on to the position of Community Development Worker and is presently working as a Community Resource Coordinator for the Downtown and Elmwood CCA. Karen is approaching her 22nd anniversary with the City of Winnipeg.

Karen Beaudin holds Bachelor of Arts and Social Work degree as well as a Certificate in Management and a Human Resource Certificate. In 2002, she initiated the City's Aboriginal Employee Group and serves as its spokesperson. Founded to provide Aboriginal employees with program supports and information about training, education and scholarship opportunities, it also works to dispel any negative stereotypes about the community among co-workers.

A proud supporter of the Métis movement, she has given countless hours to various Aboriginal events. She has also given her time to many community boards including serving as a member of the Métis Child, Family & Community Services board. She is currently active on two boards in Winnipeg's North End including Ikwe Widdjiitwin, an Aboriginal women and children's crisis shelter, where she is Vice-Chair. She also co-chaired Seven Oaks Parents in support of Aboriginal Education for a number of years, where the group was successful in obtaining funding to provide after school programming in the Seven Oaks School Division.

Karen Beaudin's commitment to youth is longstanding. She is a volunteer soccer coach for a female 14 and under team from Central Community Centre. As well, in addition to having raised two great boys, she continues to serve as a foster parent of some very special angels.

Check out CBC's article on this year's Order of Manitoba recipients.

Visit Order of Manitoba to learn more.

Last update: September 29, 2015

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