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Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Indigenous Relations Division

June 2016

Indigenous Artwalk

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The Winnipeg Downtown BIZ has launched a new project to showcase Indigenous art and make Downtown Winnipeg look more welcoming. This artwalk program is the first of its kind in Winnipeg.

The new artwalk will feature 12 pieces of Indigenous artwork at 12 different storefronts. Each artwork features the theme ‘welcome’ with the goal of bridging communities in Winnipeg.

The Aboriginal People’s Advisory Committee says this will be a great opportunity for people to see the diversity of Indigenous culture.

From May until August, the 12-stop artwalk starts at Bison Books at 424 Graham Avenue. It continues east on Portage Avenue, stopping at Portage Place Shopping Centre, APTN, ALT Hotel,  Manitoba Chamber of Commerce, and more storefronts.

For more information, please visit Winnipeg Downtown BIZ – Indigenous Artwalk.

Elders Teachings

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The Treaty Relations Commission of Manitoba shares teachings, knowledge and life experiences with the goal of promoting positive Treaty relationships among all people.

Anishinaabe Creation Story - Elders Harry Bone and Peter Atkinson

Daabaasanaqwat (Lowcloud)- Peter Atkinson of the Turtle Clan resides in his Ojibway home community of Baagwaanish Giiziibii

(Ragweed River) - Roseau River Anishinaabe Nation

Elder Harry Bone has worked tirelessly and quietly throughout his life to bolster Indigenous rights. He is a member of Keeseekoowenin Ojibway Nation where he served as a Chief and Director of Education.

Millennium Library Carol Shields Auditorium Saturday October 8: 2-4 p.m.

Residential School Legacy

Elder Florence Paynter is from Sand Bay First Nation and is a band member of Norway House Cree Nation. She is a third degree Mide Anishinabekwe and holds a Masters Degree in Education from the University of Manitoba. Florence has been involved in many language and cultural initiatives and ceremonies. Florence attended residential school and works hard to teach the history of her people and legacy and impact of residential schools.

Charleswood Library Saturday October 15 2-2:30 p.m.

Anishinaabe Creation Story

Daabaasanaqwat (Lowcloud) - Peter Atkinson of the Turtle Clan resides in his Ojibway home community of Baagwaanish Giiziibii (Ragweed River) - Roseau River Asnishinaabe Nation. He speaks and understand the Ojibway language. With great pride and hard work he stands as a 2nd Degree Midewiwin. Lowcloud is presently the Head Spokesperson of the Fish Clan. Munroe Library Thursday October 27 6:30 - 8 p.m.

Last update: March 3, 2017

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