Remembrance Day – Monday, November 11. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.
Downtown Planning
Downtown Winnipeg is the entertainment, cultural and economic heart of our city and our window to the world. Downtown fulfills many functions for our growing city. It has the largest employment concentration with the City's highest density office development, complemented by a strong service and retail component. It offers the broadest range of unique arts, entertainment, tourism, and cultural opportunities and the City's most significant heritage amenities. It is emerging as an important high-density, mixed-use residential community with both long-standing and emerging neighbourhoods. Downtown is also the focal point for the city's multi-modal transportation network (Excerpt from Complete Communities, an OurWinnipeg Direction Strategy).
Downtown Winnipeg Zoning By-law No. 100/2004
A By-law of the City of Winnipeg to control and regulate the use of real property and development in Downtown Winnipeg
- Consolidated Version - City Clerk's Department
- Guide & Case Studies - May 2004
- Illustrations - Supplemental to Part 7 Definitions, July 2005
- Downtown Variance and Conditional Use Application Requirements
Downtown Winnipeg Urban Design Guidelines
Principles outlined in this document should be taken as the minimum standards to enhance the livability of Downtown Winnipeg's urban environment and create high quality and innovative design that does credit to Winnipeg. June 2005
Tree Planting Standard for Downtown & Regional Streets
This document guides design and installation considerations for tree planting sites in the downtown area and along regional streets, with the objective of ensuring successful tree establishment
and longevity of this natural infrastructure.
Universal Design Guiding Principles
Principles to consider when designing environments that can be efficiently used by people with a wide range of abilities operating in a wide range of situations.
Drive Expectations for New Development
Development criteria that the City of Winnipeg anticipates for the west side of Waterfront Drive, from Lombard Avenue to Higgins Avenue. February
Policy Framework
Complete Communities Direction Strategy
Complete Communities is one of four Direction Strategies supporting OurWinnipeg. It represents more than two years of research and analysis about what should be part of a 'state of the art' land use and development plan. Section 03-1 identifies strategies for Downtown intensification and redevelopment.
Downtown Residential Development Strategy & Action Plan
The Strategy represents the vision, goals, measures of success and six specific strategies for continued downtown renewal and increased residential population.
Downtown Residential Development Strategy
Downtown Residential Development Action Plan
Downtown Parking Strategy
The Downtown Parking Strategy provides direction, enabling strategies and actions related to Winnipeg's Downtown on-street and off-street parking system based on a 10-year planning horizon.