Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.
Is a permit required?
Yes, a development permit may be required.
Decks may require a development permit as per the Winnipeg Zoning By-law. Decks are defined as structures with a total area of more than 3.4 m2 (36 sq. ft.) located in the back or side yard that are more than 600 mm (2’-0”) above ground level and are not level with a main floor entrance. Zoning and development permit approval must be obtained before building permit application.
Decks that are located in the back or side yard that are more than 600 mm (2’0”) and are level with a main floor entrance do not require a development permit.
Note: For a proposed deck in a front yard, call Permits Direct Line at 204-986-5140 or email ppd‑zoningapplications@winnipeg.ca.
Landings require a development permit as per the Winnipeg Zoning By-law. Landings are defined as platforms up to 3.4 m2 (36 sq. ft.) located in front of an exterior door at the top of a flight of exterior stairs.
Yes, a building permit is required.
Decks require a building permit as per the Winnipeg Building By-law. Decks are defined as structures with a total area of more than 3.4 m2 (36 sq. ft.) located in the back or side yard that are more than 600 mm (2’-0”) above ground level.
Landings do not require a building permit as per the Winnipeg Building By-law. Landings are defined as platforms up to 3.4 m2 (36 sq. ft.) located in front of an exterior door at the top of a flight of exterior stairs.
Transcript for permits: decks video
Construction information
- Decks
Note: If the deck (regardless of height or size) will eventually support a structure with a roof, such as a sunroom, family room, etc., it is recommended to apply for the entire project to ensure the deck is designed to support the future structure.
Application requirements
Review the development and building permit process to help navigate application requirements.
Before applying for a building permit:
- ensure you have obtained prerequisite zoning and development permit approval, if required
Note: New decks in new greenfield subdivisions with prior development agreements on title do not require prerequisite development permit approval if submitted at the same time as the new home application. In this case, your development permit will be processed as part of your combined development/building permit application.
To apply for a building permit, refer to the permit application for required documentation.
Related permits
How to apply
Ensure you have all required documentation before applying.
Apply online
Permits Online
Your one stop-shop to manage your permit applications
Apply in person
Zoning & Permits office
Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Unit 31-30 Fort Street
Please contact us.
Click before you dig
If your foundation is going to require digging below grade, visit clickbeforeyoudigmb.com or call 1-800-940-3447.