Canada Day – Monday, July 1. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Canada Day – Monday, July 1. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Design Coordinated Application program

This program is offered for building permit applications for new home construction, additions and renovations. It is available to members of the Manitoba Home Builders’ Association (MHBA) and other new home construction applicants.


A Design Coordinated Application (DCA) is prepared by an engineer to ensure code compliance of all structural aspects of a new house design, addition or renovation.

All DCAs require a full review by the City for all non-structural Manitoba Building Code requirements. The City will only perform an audit of the structural design on randomly selected applications. Prerequisite zoning and development permit approval may be required prior to building permit application.

Building permit approval timeframes

The City commits to processing DCA building permit applications in the following time frames:

Full permit including foundation and superstructure 5 working days
Foundation only permit 5 working days
Subsequent superstructure permit as soon as possible, to a maximum of five working days

Note: Exceptions include projects located within development policy areas that are subject to unique bylaws, regulations or guidelines (flood fringe, heritage, etc.). These approvals will be obtained during the prerequisite development permit process, and may be audited under the building permit application. Use the development policy search tool to confirm.

DCA plan requirements

  1. Plans for new house construction and additions shall include the following structural information.
    1. Foundation plan: including steel reinforcing details, footing/ pile sizes, large basement window opening details, basement brackets, etc.
    2. Floor layout: indicating window sizes and lintel beam details, etc.
    3. Floor framing layout: indicating joist type, beam sizes, etc.
    4. Section details, such as tall-wall details, cantilever details, etc.
    5. The allowable footing bearing pressure and/or pile skin friction values shall be noted on the drawings
  2. Plans for renovations shall include the following structural information.
    1. Foundation plan: indicating existing beam sizes and telepost locations and capacities, etc.
    2. Floor layout: indicating existing and proposed layout
    3. Framing plans: indicating joist and roof configuration
    4. Section details: indicating how loads are transferred to the foundation. Plus indicate the wall, roof and floor construction
    5. Provide a scope of work
  3. Plans shall indicate architectural information.
    1. Floor layout: indicating door and window sizes, room sizes, and usages, etc.
    2. Elevation plans: indicating north, south, west and east elevations
    3. Section drawing: indicating wall and roof construction.
  4. Structural plans and details shall bear the seal and signature of an engineer.
  5. Plans shall include the following letter, or statement on the plan submission, under the seal of the engineer:

    “I have examined the full structural design of this building plan, including all load transfers from roof to foundation, and all supplier drawings of engineered products. I hereby certify that the structural components of this plan in respect of the materials and methods to be used, and the work to be done, as indicated on the building plans, meet all applicable codes and by-laws.”

    The following additional sentence, or an equivalent sentence, shall be provided where the above statement is contained in a letter or is placed on only one of the drawings.

    “This declaration applies to pages        to         inclusive in this set of plans.”

  6. A Professional Designer’s Certificate for Housing sealed by an engineer for the specific address of the build is required. Altering or changing any part of the PDCH document is not permitted.


  1. To be processed as a DCA, the applicant must clearly identify on the application form that it is a DCA submission.
  2. The application must comply with all land use bylaws, agreements and prerequisite development permits.
  3. All subdivisions must be registered at Teranet Manitoba.
  4. Site plans shall provide the information listed on the application form.
  5. Plans must be drawn to scale and properly dimensioned.

Plan examination

  1. Plans must comply with all building code requirements. The plan review will consist of a full review of all non-structural requirements. Structural review of the plans will only review for completeness of the plan submission. A DCA already entered into the system that is found not to meet requirements and necessitates the need for a new set of plans will be placed on hold until new plans are received.
  2. Submissions will be audited through a random selection of applications that will undergo a full plan examination review following the issuance of the building permit.
  3. A builder will be removed from the program following three audit failures. A failure will be deemed to have occurred when an audit reveals points of non-compliance with the building code or a bylaw that the City considers significant.
  4. Any builder removed from the program will have the right to seek a review of the City’s decision through a committee comprised of City officials and the MHBA’s Technical Review Committee. The joint committee may make recommendations to the Director of the Planning, Property & Development Department regarding the removal of a builder from the program. However, the Director reserves the final right to remove any builder from the program due to reasonable cause.


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