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Plessis Road and Kildare Avenue Intersection Upgrade and the Twinning of Transcona Boulevard
This project is now complete.
Residents in Transcona will benefit from further improvements to east-west connections through the former City of Winnipeg Public Works Yard and the new Park City Commons development.
EdgeCorp Group, developers of the Park City Commons, is working in a joint venture with the City on the construction on two additional lanes on the north side Transcona Boulevard. When completed the four-lane divided roadway will extend approximately 750 metres west of Plessis Road and 140 metres onto Kildare Avenue West.
The improvements made to the intersection at Plessis Road and Transcona Boulevard/Kildare Avenue West are aimed at improving safety and flow of traffic at the intersection. Upgrades will include dedicated turning lanes with medians. The twinning of Transcona Boulevard will additionally see to the addition of sewer and water services for future developments.
Further improvements at this time include a separated pedestrian and cycling path on the north side of Transcona Boulevard connecting to the Transcona Trail AT Pathway. Transit Stations will be added on the South and North side of Transcona Boulevard immediately adjacent to the road that intersects the new development.
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Update April 2018
The remaining path work will be completed on the north side of Transcona Boulevard west of Plessis Road in 2018, as well as remaining island and intersection work.
Ahead of construction in mid-July to late October 2017, the public had an opportunity to talk to City staff and the project team about plans and construction impacts at an Information Session held Wednesday, June 28, 2017, 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Park City West Community Centre, 115 Sanford Fleming Road.
If you have inquiries or require alternate formats or ASL interpretation to participant, please contact City-Engage@winnipeg.ca.
Building on the release of OurWinnipeg's Complete Communities document, Winnipeg's City Council passed the Transcona West Area Structure Plan in 2008. Since that time investments have been made into the surrounding areas sidewalks, bicycle paths, and new roads, namely Transcona Boulevard. The original City conceptual plans were shared with the public at an open house on May 16, 2013 at Canad Inns Transcona. In late 2014, the City departments vacated the old City of Winnipeg Public Works yard at 1500 Plessis Road. In order to clean up the site and generate productive use, housing etc. the City issued an expression of interest for a private sector partner.
On December 22, 2014, Transcona Boulevard was opened extending from Kildare Avenue (at Plessis Road) through the old City of Winnipeg Public Works yard and connecting with Peguis St.Council approved Edge Corp as a partner on April 29, 2015 and a Joint Venture was formed by Council mandate, in February 2016.
In June 2016, 200 residents attended an open house event to review plans for the new multi-use housing and commercial development which included 750 new multiple family housing units, 100,000 square feet of new commercial space, three kilometres of new bike paths and sidewalks, twinning of Transcona Boulevard and upgrades to the Transcona Boulevard/ Kildare at Plessis Road intersection.
Starting in the summer of 2017, construction will begin on upgrades to Transcona Boulevard and Kildare Avenue West which will add an additional two lanes of road to either side of Plessis Road, improve the intersection at Plessis with dedicated turning lanes and medians, add a pedestrian and cycling path to the north side of Transcona Boulevard west of Plessis and two new Transit stops on Transcona Boulevard.
Project Timeline
Mid-July 2017 – Construction start
October 2017 – Intersection pavement work complete
April 2018 – Remaining path work
Document Name | Date | Type |
2017 Information Session Boards | 2017-06-28 | Information Boards |
2017 Canstar Herald Ad | 2017-06-21 | Advertisement |
2017 News Release | 2016-06-21 | News release |
2016 Open House Boards | 2016-06-17 | Information Boards |
Frequently Asked Questions
Improvements at the intersection of Plessis Road and Transcona Boulevard/Kildare Avenue West will result in road barricades during construction and slowdowns in traffic.
The existing Transit stops will stay in the same locations and Transit service will be maintained during construction.
Currently the intersection of Kootenay Crescent at Kildare Avenue West is all-directional which allows both right and left turns. Once construction is complete, left turns at this intersection will not be possible due to the median at the Plessis Road and Kildare Avenue West intersection which extends east through the Kootenay Crescent intersection. However, the median on Kildare Avenue West has been designed to permit U-turns just west of Burnaby Bay to allow eastbound traffic to turn around and proceed west.
Currently homes on the north and south sides of Kildare Avenue West between Plessis Road and Burnaby Bay have all-directional driveways which allow both right and left turns. Once construction is complete, left turns at driveways will not be possible due to the median at the Plessis Road and Kildare Avenue West intersection. However, the median on Kildare Avenue West has been designed to permit U-turns just west of Burnaby Bay to allow eastbound traffic to turn around and proceed west.
A 3.5 metre combined pedestrian and cycling path is being constructed in the north boulevard of Transcona Boulevard. This path connects Transcona Trail west of the CEMR rail crossing with the path system in the Rotary Heritage Park east of Plessis Road.
The current construction project involves twinning Transcona Boulevard to the west side of the future Ed Schreyer Parkway right-of-way. The remaining portion of Transcona Boulevard which extends west to Peguis Street will be four-laned in the future as part of the Devonshire residential development.
The intersection of Transcona Boulevard/Kildare Avenue West at Plessis Road is being upgraded to improve traffic operations and traffic safety.
A sidewalk was constructed on the south side of Transcona Boulevard as part of the project which extended two-lanes of roadway through the City Yard. As part of the current project a pedestrian/ cycling path is being constructed in the north boulevard.