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Truro Creek Culverts Replacement
at Linwood Street, Winchester Street and Ness Avenue
This project is now complete.
Truro Creek, a tributary of the Assiniboine River in the city’s northwest quadrant, crosses Linwood Street, Winchester Street and Ness Avenue through a series of three corrugated, steel pipe culverts. The culverts were constructed prior to 1978, are in poor condition, and are inadequate to handle the creek flows in spring run-off and heavy rain events. Preliminary design was carried out for all three culverts and detailed designs were completed for Linwood and Winchester culverts with construction of those starting in 2018.
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Update July 2018
Roadway reconstruction work adjacent to Truro Creek Culvert crossings at Winchester and Linwood Streets is now complete, with landscaping works to be completed before the end of the month. Winchester and Linwood Streets are now open to pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
Update May 2018
Roadway reconstruction work adjacent to Truro Creek Culvert crossings at Winchester and Linwood Streets will begin on Monday, May 14, 2018 and will take approximately nine weeks to complete. Linwood Street will be closed to all vehicular and pedestrian traffic at Ness Avenue, extending to just north of the culvert location. Winchester Street will be limited to local traffic only between Ness Avenue and just south of the culvert location, and will be completely closed to all vehicular and pedestrian traffic extending from just south of the culvert to just north of the culvert location. All residents will be able to access both streets from Silver Avenue on the north side. A letter to residents in the immediate vicinity and affected by the work will be delivered prior to start of construction. Another update will be provided once the work is complete.
Update April 2018
Truro Creek Culvert crossings at Winchester and Linwood Streets are now open to traffic and pedestrians. The culverts replacement work has been substantially completed at this time. Remainder of culverts construction and roadway reconstruction work adjacent to the culverts on each end begin when weather permits and could begin as early as May 2018. Another update will be provided before the road work begins.
Update December 2017
The two culverts will be replaced simultaneously starting in January 2018 and there will be temporary road closures to accommodate construction. Linwood Street and Winchester Street will be closed at the culverts during construction and vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists will be re-routed during this time. Construction will be carried out in two stages with new culverts being constructed between January and April 2018 and road reconstruction taking place in May and June 2018. Between the two stages the road will be reopened to vehicle and pedestrian traffic.
Thank you to everyone who came out to the public information session on June 14, 2017.
For further information you may contact:
Brock Feenstra, Public Engagement Lead
Phone: 204-943-3178
Email: brock.feenstra@wsp.com
If you would like to stay updated on City of Winnipeg public engagement events, follow the City on Facebook and Twitter or sign up for our newsletter.
A preferred design was developed to replace the two existing Truro Creek culverts at Linwood Street, Winchester Street as they are in poor condition. The primary objective is to improve the flow of Truro Creek, and prevent Linwood Street, Winchester Street from future flooding and improve road conditions and roadside safety.
The two culverts will be replaced simultaneously and there will be temporary road closures to accommodate construction. Linwood Street and Winchester Street will be closed at the culverts during construction and vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists will be re-routed during this time. Construction will be carried out in two stages with new culverts being constructed between January and April 2018 and road reconstruction taking place in May and June 2018. Between the two stages the road will be reopened to vehicle and pedestrian traffic.
The Ness Avenue culvert replacement is anticipated to occur within the next 5 years and would reduce traffic on Ness Avenue to one lane in each direction during construction. Pedestrian and cyclist access will be maintained on one side of Ness Avenue during that time. The City will work to mitigate construction impacts as much as possible.
Document Name | Date | Type |
Information Session Boards | 2017-05-31 | Storyboards |
News Release | 2017-05-31 | News Release |
General Invite to Stakeholders | 2017-05-31 | Community Letters |
Canstar – Metro Advertisement | 2017-05-31 | Advertisements |
Construction notice | 2017-12-19 | Community Letters |
Construction notice | 2018-05-10 | Community Letters |
Frequently Asked Questions
The Ness Avenue, Linwood Street, and Winchester Street culverts were all constructed prior to 1978 and the Linwood Street and Winchester Street culverts are in poor condition. In addition, the culverts are inadequate to handle the creek flows in spring run-off and heavy rain events. Replacing the Linwood Street and Winchester Street culverts are a high priority due to structural issues.
Construction of the Linwood Street and Winchester Street culverts will begin in January 2018. Construction will be carried out in two stages with new culverts being constructed between January and April 2018 and road reconstruction taking place in May and June 2018. Between the two stages the road will be reopened to vehicle and pedestrian traffic.
The Ness Avenue culvert is anticipated to be constructed within the next five (5) years, pending budget approval. The culvert will be constructed in two stages beginning in the fall.
Linwood Street and Winchester Street are anticipated to be closed at the culverts during construction. Vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists will be re-routed during this time.
One vehicle travel lane in each direction will be maintained throughout construction of the Ness Avenue Culvert. Pedestrian and cyclist access will be maintained on one side of Ness Avenue during construction.
The City will work to mitigate construction impacts as much as possible. During the culvert replacement on Linwood Street and Winchester Street, the primary impact will be the temporary road closure of Linwood Street and Winchester Street. Residents should expect increased vehicular traffic on adjacent local residential streets due to re-routing of traffic.
Construction vehicles will use Ness Avenue.
Best management practices for working near waterways that include the appropriate implementation of soil erosion control measures will be followed. Exposed slopes not covered with rock will be vegetated. Construction activity will not occur between April 1 and June 15 in any year. Construction will occur in late fall and winter when water levels are lowest and the potential for runoff is reduced thereby minimizing water management requirements.