Replacement of Saskatchewan Avenue Bridge over Omand's Creek
This project is now complete.
Project Update - October 7, 2016:
Construction of the new Saskatchewan Avenue bridge over Omand’s Creek is now complete, and Saskatchewan Avenue has been reopened to traffic and pedestrians between Empress Street and Midland Street. The project also features an added turning lane for northbound traffic on Empress Street turning right onto Saskatchewan Avenue.
Project Update - August 22 2016:
Work on the Saskatchewan Avenue Bridge over Omand’s Creek is progressing. Construction has resumed after a shutdown period due to the early Spring melt and environmental regulations prohibiting instream work in the period from April 1 to June 15.
Completion of the project is expected in October 2016.

Project Update - Construction to begin January 4, 2016:
Replacement of the Saskatchewan Avenue Bridge over Omand's Creek is slated to begin on January 4, 2016 and is expected to be completed by the end of June 2016.
The project features the replacement of the deteriorated, load-restricted timber bridge with a cast-in-place concrete bridge. A right turn lane from Empress Street to eastbound Saskatchewan Avenue will also be added.
Saskatchewan Avenue will be closed to traffic at Omand's Creek for the duration of the project. Empress Street and its westbound connection to Saskatchewan Avenue will remain open during construction. Midland Street and Saskatchewan Avenue east of Omand's Creek will be local access only from Notre Dame. Alternate routes include Dublin Avenue and Sargent Avenue via St. James Street.
Transit routes will not be affected.

Project Description:
The Saskatchewan Avenue over Omand's Creek bridge is slated for replacement in 2016. Plans are underway to undertake reconstruction in the best way possible.
A Public Information Session was held on Thursday, September 10, 2015 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the St. Thomas Anglican Church, 1567 William Avenue West.
The open house display boards show information about the project including:
- Purpose of project;
- Proposed construction;
- Bridge closure duration;
- Traffic management, detours, and local access during construction; and
- Project timeline.
This project is part of the City of Winnipeg Capital Budget which addresses the need for the renewal of deteriorating infrastructure. The budget for this project is $3,000,000.