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Thanksgiving – Monday, October 14. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Thanksgiving – Monday, October 14. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Public Works

Panet Road/ Molson Street Twinning Project

This project is now complete.

May 2017 Project Update:

Remaining work for this project is expected to be completed later this summer.

Project Background:

As part of the 2013 Capital Budget, City Council approved $7.4 million for the preliminary design and reconstruction of Panet Road/Molson Street. The project includes reconstruction of Panet/Molson from Munroe Avenue to Concordia Avenue and the development of a plan for future roadway and drainage improvements on Molson Street between Concordia Avenue and Grassie Boulevard.

Panet/Molson between Munroe and Concordia regularly develops congestion due to train delays and the lack of through and turning lanes at the Concordia intersection. Traffic is regularly restricted by passing trains causing congestion which takes a considerable time to clear with only one travel lane per direction at the rail crossing. The roadway also lacks appropriate facilities for pedestrians and cyclists.

Project Highlights:

The Project includes the reconstruction of Panet Road and Molson Street between Munroe Avenue and Concordia Avenue as a 4-lane divided urban roadway. The improvements will also include bike lanes in both directions and sidewalks on both sides. Separate left-turn lanes and right-turn cut-offs will be added at the Concordia intersection for increased capacity and improved safety. These improvements are expected to significantly reduce congestion and shorten the length of time it takes for traffic to clear after train delays. Separate accommodation for motor vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians will make the facility safer and more efficient for all modes of transportation.

Other components of the project will include:

  • Land drainage sewers to replace ditch drainage;
  • relocation/removal of wood pole lines;
  • trees and landscaping;
  • Active Transportation improvements.

Construction is to begin in the summer of 2013 and is scheduled for completion in 2014.

Public Information:

Further Information:

Phone, email, fax 311

Last update: January 8, 2020

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