Polo Park Area Infrastructure Improvements
This project is now complete.

November 2015 Update:
The 2015 construction work on the Polo Park Area Infrastructure has now been substantially completed.
The new St. Matthews Avenue extension between St. James Street and Century Street is now open, as are all reconstructed roadways, including St. James Street, Ellice Avenue, and St. Matthews Avenue.
The construction began in spring of 2014 and was carried out over the 2014 and 2015 construction seasons, with some utility work ongoing during the 2014/2015 winter season.
Some minor seasonal works will be completed in the spring of 2016, including:
- Miscellaneous landscaping works on St. James Street and on St. Matthews Avenue;
- Maintenance of the Omands Creek bank landscaping at St. Matthews and at Ellice;
- Cutting and sealing of some pavement joints;
- Miscellaneous concrete sidewalk slab construction where the existing hydro poles are to be removed this winter.
The above work should be completed by end of June 2016.
During construction, every effort was made to accommodate access and minimize disruptions. Thank you to all businesses, residents, and road users for their patience during construction.
July 2015 Update:
The Polo Park Area Infrastructure Improvements project construction is underway for the 2015 construction season. The construction began in spring of 2014 and is scheduled to be substantially completed by fall of 2015.
As construction continues, every effort is being made to accommodate access and minimize disruptions.
Read the July 2015 newsletter.
April 2014 to April 2015 Work Completed:
$11 million of the $18 million budgeted construction work was completed up to spring of 2015, including the following work:
- St. Matthews Avenue was widened from St. James Street to Empress Avenue including dedicated bike lanes, accessible sidewalks, new street lighting, water main and land drainage;
- St. James Street was widened from Maroons Road to St. Matthews Avenue with an accessible concrete sidewalk on the east side;
- Ellice Avenue was widened from Century Street to Milt Stegall Drive including new sidewalks, traffic lighting, water mains and land drainage;
- Upgraded traffic signals at 3 intersections;
- Omand's Creek bank stabilization work and land drainage sewer on the southeast corner of St. Matthews Avenue and Empress Street was completed; and
- Underground conduit was installed by Hydro, MTS and Shaw on the east and west sides of St. James Street between Maroons Road and north of Ellice Avenue.
2015 Construction Season Planned Work:
The proposed 2015 work includes:
- Extend and widen St. Matthews Avenue from Century Street to St. James Street;
- Installation of new watermains on St. Matthews Avenue from Madison Street to St. James Street as well as land drainage, bike lanes, utility relocations, sidewalks and lighting improvements;
- St. James Street will be widened from St. Matthews Avenue to north of Ellice Avenue including land drainage, utility relocations, sidewalks and lighting improvements;
- Roadwork on St. Matthews Avenue east of Empress Street;
- Median and sidewalk construction on St. James Street from Maroons Road to St. Matthews Avenue;
- Intersection improvements, including turning lanes on St. James Street at Ellice Avenue and St. James Street at St. Matthews Avenue;
- Completion of remaining work on St. Matthews Avenue east of Empress Street, including rehabilitation of pavement and construction of the median and sidewalk;
- Lengthen existing southbound to eastbound turning lane on Century Street at St. Matthews Avenue;
- Completion of road works and sidewalks on Ellice Avenue from Empress Street to Century Street.
November 21, 2014 Update:
Polo Park Infrastructure Improvements Project has had a successful year. Construction commenced in May of 2014 and continued into November 2014. Construction activity is in seasonal shut down for the winter and traffic has been restored on roadways.
Intermediate short term lane closures may occur during winter shutdown between January and March as follows:
- On St. James Street from Maroons Road to Yukon Avenue between January and March, while the utilities install/relocate their lines;
- On Empress Avenue at St. Matthews sometime in January or February for approximately 2 to 3 weeks to complete work on land drainage system outfall at Omand's Creek.
The work completed in 2014 included watermain renewal, installation of land drainage systems, utility relocations, new street lighting and reconstruction of roadway and sidewalks on the following streets;
- St James Street (Maroons Road to St Matthews Avenue), with exception of the raised median and the west side sidewalk (to be completed in the spring of 2015).
- St Matthews Avenue (St James Street to the CP Rail line east of Empress Street), with exception of the raised median and asphalt overlay east of Empress Street (to be completed in spring of 2015).
- Ellice Avenue (Century Street to Milt Stegall Drive), with the exception of the raised median and north side sidewalk (to be completed in the spring of 2015).
Work is planned to re-commence in May 2015 and would include the following;
- St James Street (St Matthews Avenue to north of Ellice Avenue) - including watermain renewal, installation of land drainage systems, utility relocations, new street lighting and reconstruction of roadway and sidewalks.
- St James Street (Maroons Road to St Matthews Avenue) Median and sidewalk construction.
- St Matthews Avenue (Century Street to St James Street, pending property acquisition) - including new watermain, installation of land drainage systems, utility relocations, new street lighting and reconstruction, widening and extension of roadway and sidewalks.
- Century (at St Matthews Avenue) - lengthen existing southbound to eastbound turning lane.
- Ellice Avenue (Century Street to Empress Street) - median and sidewalk construction and intersection work at St James Street.
May 2014 Project Update:
A detailed design has been completed and a construction staging plan developed.
Construction is scheduled to begin in late May 2014 with watermain renewal and sewer works. Road construction will follow. Utility work may begin before construction in the project area.
Public Open House No. 2:
This is the information presented at the second public open house held May 8, 2014: Open House No 2 Display Boards.
November 2013 - Initial Project Information Update:
A polo park area study for traffic improvement and development review, completed in 2001, made recommendations for future transportation improvements within the study area, bounded by Saskatchewan Avenue to the north, Portage Avenue to the south, Canadian Pacific Rail La Riviere Subdivision to the east and Route 90 to the west.
A major road works project is underway and will address some key recommendations for improvements such as delays at intersections, traffic flow and congestion, active transportation, area aesthetics, and accessibility.
The City of Winnipeg recognizes many businesses and people living and working in the surrounding area will be affected by this project work. The area also connects suburban commuters to downtown and other surrounding neighbourhoods. Given all those affected, a public information and consultation process is now underway.
Open House No. 1:
Below is the information presented at the Open House held on November 26, 2013.
What is the Scope of the Project?
The project includes extending and widening St. Matthews Avenue from Route 90 to Empress Street, improvements to St. James Street from Maroons Road to Ellice Avenue, and intersection improvements at Ellice Avenue/St. James Street. Some land acquisition will be needed to accomplish this, and the City is communicating with affected property owners. If the costs of acquiring property needed for the extension of St. Matthews are too high, that portion of the project may be cancelled. Available funds would then be redirected to other roadway and traffic improvements in the area.
Other project components consist of sidewalk improvements including new sidewalks; additions and improvements to the existing land drainage system; connections to existing and future Active Transportation corridors; landscaping to improve aesthetics; and relocation and/or protection of several utilities.
Construction will start in spring 2014 and may extend into the 2015 construction season.
These infrastructure improvements have been included in the City of Winnipeg 2013 Capital Budget. Additional work may be identified and completed by 2015.

What about neighbourhood concerns during construction?
The public consultation process will identify neighbourhood concerns such as traffic congestion (traffic flow and access for all road users), parking, hours of work, and safety. The City will work with area residents and businesses to identify alternate traffic routes and will continue to monitor other concerns that may arise.
Access through the area, including emergency and Transit services, will be maintained at all times. Occasional closures that may occur will be brief. Extended construction work hours may be required at times. Public and worker safety as well as the City's Noise By-law will be taken into account always.
We want to hear from you!
Please join us at an Open House.
Call 311 or email us at ppii@winnipeg.ca
Project Timelines:

Preliminary Engineering Design | December 2013 |
Detailed Engineering Design | Winter 2014 |
Construction Start | Spring 2014 |
Construction | 2014 to 2015 |
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