Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.
2021 Henderson Highway Pavement Rehabilitation Project
This project is now complete
Ce projet est terminé
Southbound Henderson Highway from Leighton Avenue to McLeod Avenue is scheduled for roadwork this summer as part of the City of Winnipeg’s 2020-2021 Regional Street Pavement Renewals Program. The project will involve complete road resurfacing to address asphalt cracking and deterioration and concrete repairs to curbs and sidewalks.
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May 11, 2021 – Construction on southbound Henderson Highway from McLeod Avenue to Leighton Avenue is scheduled to begin May 17. One lane of traffic will be closed throughout construction, with an additional lane closure daily between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. following the morning rush. Access to side streets and approaches will be maintained as much as possible. Please see the construction notice for more information.
March 2021 – The project is currently in the detailed design phase and will soon go to tender for construction. Area businesses, residents, and property owners will soon receive letters notifying them of staging plans.
Henderson Highway is a high-volume vehicle route, Winnipeg Transit thoroughfare, and full-time truck route. This project will involve complete road resurfacing to address asphalt cracking and deterioration and concrete repairs to curbs and sidewalks to make the road surface more efficient for all road users.
As the project's scope is primarily to restore and repair existing infrastructure, there will not be any public engagement activities associated with this work. Instead, the City will reach out to businesses, residents, and property owners along the project route to provide information on localized impacts, and to gather information about any parking, loading, and/or access concerns that may be affected during construction.
For more information or questions related to the project, or if you are a local business and/or property owner and have not yet been contacted regarding construction, please contact 311, who will connect you with the Project Manager.
Document Name | Date | Type |
Construction notice | 2021-05-11 | Community Letters |
Frequently Asked Questions
The project will not have permanent implications for parking, loading, intersection geometries or routing; because of the project's limited scope it will not include any public engagement activities as there is no opportunity for meaningful public input.
We will be reaching out to businesses, residents and property owners in the area to gather information about any parking, loading, and/or access concerns that may be affected during construction and to ensure those directly impacted by construction are heard. This information will help us stage construction and allow us to make accommodations where necessary to ensure minimal impacts on local businesses, residents and property owners.