Maryland Reconstruction Project
This project is now complete
Ce projet est terminé
Maryland Street from Fawcett Avenue to the Maryland Street Bridge is scheduled for reconstruction during the summer of 2020 as part of the 2020 Regional Street Renewal Program. The project is part of the Federal Governments New Building Canada Fund.
- Updates
- Background
- Timeline
- Documents
- FAQs
- Map
May 27, 2020 - Construction will begin on June 1. Phase 1 traffic implications are as follows:
- Full closure of the east and centre lanes of Maryland
- Access to Sara Avenue and Food Fare will be removed.
- Access to and from Wolseley Avenue east of Maryland Street will be restricted for two weeks starting in mid-June.
Further traffic updates will be provided in late June, in advance of Phase 2 construction.
View the construction notice here.
Maryland Street is a critical regional artery that connects downtown Winnipeg to Academy Road and supports traffic volumes of approximately 23,000 vehicles a day in the southbound direction. It is a Winnipeg Transit route, full-time truck route, and part of the City's bike network with a buffered bike lane. The project will include upgrades to the existing bike lane to relocate the facility off street to enhance cyclist safety as well as upgrades to the Transit stops. The existing mature trees along Maryland Street will be retained and protected during construction.
Because the project's scope is primarily to restore and repair existing infrastructure, there will not be any public engagement activities associated with this work. Instead, the City will reach out to and meet with businesses, residents, and property owners in the project area to provide information on localized permanent impacts, and to gather information about any loading needs and access concerns that may be affected during construction.
If you own or lease property in the area and believe you may be impacted by this project, please feel free to reach out to us via 311.
Document Name | Date | Type |
Construction notice | 2020-05-26 | Letter |
Frequently Asked Questions
This pavement reconstruction involves a full excavation and renewal of the roadway and sidewalk along Maryland Street. The project includes bike lane upgrades, tree preservation, Transit upgrades, and modifications to the existing roadway geometry.
Construction is anticipated to begin in late May 2020 and be completed by the beginning of September.
We will maintain access to side streets and private properties throughout construction, and minimize the amount of time we spend with lane closures in place. Short-term disruptions will occur at several intersections and traffic will be reduced by 1-2 lanes at different stages of the project. Staging information will be available online in advance of the project.
Cyclists will be guided to a detour beginning at Broadway and returning to Maryland Street shortly before the Maryland Street Bridge. A map of the planned detour is shown in the maps section of this project webpage.
Trees will be protected and preserved during construction. No mature trees will require removal.
The current on-street bike lane from Broadway to the Maryland Bridge will be moved to a raised bike lane, separating cyclist traffic from vehicle traffic.
Parking will be stripped along Maryland Street throughout construction. Parking on side streets will be maintained.
We recognize this construction may impact businesses and residents along the project route and in the surrounding area. We are working to mitigate potential issues. Access to businesses will be maintained throughout the construction, with as many loading zones as possible remaining available. The final design will maintain almost all of the current on-street parking and loading.
Please feel free to email with questions or access needs during construction.
While the City continues to evaluate its services and projects amid the COVID-19 pandemic, road construction is considered an essential service by the Province of Manitoba and at this time is expected to proceed as planned with the following considerations:
- Our contractors are working with their industry and public health officials to determine safe work procedures for construction sites.
- In-person outreach and consultations to help us understand the needs of property owners adjacent to regional road renewals and other non-Capital projects will now be done remotely via phone, regular mail, email or other online channels.
- We are evaluating options for public engagement on larger capital projects and looking at how to continue to stay connected to Winnipeggers and their feedback and input. Updates on specific projects and their timeleines will be provided once information is available.
We are doing our best to reach stakeholders in a timely and efficient manner but also understand that normal is changing every day and people may no longer be reachable where, or how, we once expected.
If you are a stakeholder on an upcoming project and have new or temporary contact information, please reach out to
Please reach out to us. Send an email to and we will have the project team contact you.