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Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Public Works

Nairn Avenue Reconstruction and Watermain Renewal Project

The 2021 Nairn Avenue Reconstruction and Watermain Renewal Project will greatly improve road surface conditions and safety for all users of the street. This project is supported by the Government of Canada's New Building Canada Fund and the Province of Manitoba.


Scope: The project will include roadway and sidewalk reconstruction, as well as watermain replacement and pedestrian upgrades.

Project area: Nairn Avenue between Stadacona Street and Watt Street

Project components:

  • Reconstruction of Nairn Avenue between Stadacona Street and Watt Street
  • Watermain renewal of Nairn Avenue between Stadacona Street and Allan Street
  • New roadway and sidewalk infrastructure
  • Improved road surface conditions and safety
  • Geometric improvements

More information:

  • This is a critical regional street that sees 25,000 vehicles daily, including Transit and trucks, and sits adjacent to residents and businesses that will be directly affected by construction. The project team is working closely with various City departments to mitigate impacts to Transit service, and both business and residential access through construction.
  • The project will not include any public engagement activities. Instead, the City will reach out during construction to and meet with businesses, residents, and property owners, as required, to gather information about parking and loading needs, accessibility, and access; this information will help us stage construction to reduce impact on area stakeholders and make accommodations where possible.
  • Up-to-date information about staging, access, and other construction-related topics will be posted on this webpage throughout the project.
  • If you own or lease property in these areas and believe you may be impacted by these projects, please feel free to reach out to Taran J Peters at


Project Timeline




Document Name Date Type
Construction Staging 2022-04-11 Drawing

Frequently Asked Questions

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What is the Nairn Avenue Reconstruction and Watermain Renewal Project?

This project is part of the City’s Regional Street Renewal Program, which means roads included in the City’s regional street network will be reconstructed to increase their lifespan and improve their condition. Work includes installing a new watermain and constructing a new pavement structure and sidewalks. The designs include operational and geometric improvements, and upgrades to meet pedestrian accessibility standards.

What street is included in the project?

The project involves Nairn Avenue between Stadacona Street and Watt Street.

What type of work will be happening on these streets?
  • Nairn Avenue between Stadacona Street and Allan Street will see the installation of a new watermain on the south side of the roadway.
  • Nairn Avenue between Stadacona Street and Watt Street will be completely reconstructed with a new concrete structure including new curbs and sidewalks. 
When will construction occur?

Construction will occur from April to October 2022.

How will pedestrian safety be considered?

Pedestrian facilities will be designed according to the latest accessibility standards and will also focus on serving individuals with visual impairments. New design features include yellow detectable warning tiles, realigned pedestrian crossings including a new pedestrian island at the intersection of Nairn Avenue and Stadacona Street, and constructing a pedestrian half-signal at the intersection of Nairn Avenue and Allan Street.

How will construction affect stakeholders?

We are attempting to mitigate major concerns, and will work with stakeholders to minimize construction impacts. Some impacts are inevitable and include:

  • Lane reductions
  • Directional closures
  • Parking removal and restrictions
  • Reduced access from intersecting local streets and alleys
  • Bus stop relocations or temporary stop cancellations, and bus route detours

If you feel you may be affected by the construction phase (but have not yet heard from us), please reach out directly to Taran J Peters at

How will construction affect traffic and parking in the area?

Nairn Avenue will remain open to traffic but will have lane impacts and directional closures throughout construction. As with any road construction project, there will be traffic implications. We will be initiating proactive public communications once staging is complete to ensure the public is aware of staging, rerouting, lane closures, parking restrictions/removal, and project progress.

Why is there only one eastbound traffic lane and no westbound lanes open during Stage 1?

The traffic lanes on Nairn Avenue are very narrow. Since we do not want to widen the road to encroach the private property, there is limited room to reconstruct the pavement, provide room for construction equipment, and provide safe passage for the public and the Contractor all at the same time. During this stage only, only one eastbound lane will be available as westbound traffic will be re-routed to Talbot Avenue. Signage will be placed in advance of the westbound lane closure to warn drivers. After this stage, one lane of traffic will be available in both directions.

I own a business on the south side of Nairn Avenue within the project limits. Will my business still be accessible during Stage 1?

All businesses on the south side of Nairn Avenue within the project limits will still be accessible throughout Stage 1. As with any road construction project, access to certain businesses or properties may be limited at times during each stage. The project has been designed to minimize the impact the construction has on the businesses within the project limits.

How will construction affect Transit services?

During Stage 1, westbound transit service will be re-routed to Talbot Avenue along with all westbound traffic. Eastbound transit service will still be maintained throughout the project area with the addition of accessibility platforms/ramps. Eastbound transit service stops may be relocated throughout Stage 1 as pedestrian access points are changed, and may be re-routed to Talbot Avenue if this can’t be maintained. During Stage 2 and 3, transit stops will be relocated back to Nairn Avenue as at least one lane of traffic will be available in both directions.

Are you cutting down any trees as part of this project?

We have designed the project to minimize the removal of trees, however some trees will be removed since they are encroaching the sidewalk, creating a safety risk for pedestrians. Approximately seven trees will be removed from the south boulevard between Desalaberry Avenue and Watt Street. The remainder of the trees along Nairn Avenue are being protected during construction and saved.

How can residents and businesses raise questions or concerns regarding the project?

We encourage those who feel they may be affected but have not yet heard from us to reach out directly to Taran J Peters at

Will road construction be affected by COVID-19?

While the City continues to evaluate its services and projects amid the COVID-19 pandemic, road construction is considered an essential service by the Province of Manitoba and at this time is expected to proceed as planned with the following considerations:

  • Our contractors are working with their industry and public health officials to determine safe work procedures for construction sites.
  • In-person outreach and consultations to help us understand the needs of property owners adjacent to regional road renewals and other non-Capital projects will now be done remotely via phone, regular mail, email or other online channels.
  • We are evaluating options for public engagement on larger capital projects and looking at how to continue to stay connected to Winnipeggers and their feedback and input. Updates on specific projects and their timelines will be provided once information is available.

We are doing our best to reach stakeholders in a timely and efficient manner but also understand that normal is changing every day and people may no longer be reachable where, or how, we once expected.

If you are a stakeholder on an upcoming project and have new or temporary contact information, please reach out to

I own a property or run a business in the area of an upcoming construction project, but am currently staying home. How will I get the information I need and provide input on this project?

Please reach out to us. Send an email to and we will have the project team contact you.




Last update: April 11, 2022

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