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Public Works

Pembina Highway Overpass at Abinojii Mikanah: Rehabilitation and Related Works Project

From 2025 to 2026, the City of Winnipeg will be rehabilitating the Pembina Highway overpass at Abinojii Mikanah, partially reconfiguring the interchange, and making associated improvements to boost safety and optimize traffic flow.


October 7, 2024: We are now setting up meetings with affected property owners. If you feel your property will be directly affected by this project and you do not hear from us by October 10, please contact Sanjana Mada at, or (204) 927-3444.


The City of Winnipeg is fixing the Pembina Highway overpass at Abinojii Mikanah. As a critical connection in our city, this project aims to enhance the overall experience for pedestrians, cyclists, vehicles, and transit users.

The goal of this work is to fix the road and improve safety by repairing the bridge, roads, and ramps. The ramp connecting eastbound Abinojii Mikanah to Pembina Highway will be realigned to University Crescent instead of via Chancellor Drive. Transit stops will be adjusted, and we will upgrade pedestrian and cycling infrastructure as part of the project.

Construction is scheduled from 2025 to 2026. However, during the winter of 2025-2026, all lanes will remain open, including during Winnipeg's hosting of the Grey Cup in November 2025.

Project Timeline




Document Name Date Type
Stakeholder presentation 2024-10-21 Presentation

Frequently Asked Questions

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What is this project about?

We are rehabilitating the Pembina Highway overpass at Abinojii Mikanah. We are also making some changes to the bridge and traffic configuration to improve safety and traffic flow.

What is the budget for the project?

The budget for the Pembina Highway Overpass at Abinojii Mikanah Rehabilitation and Related Works Project is approximately $30.5 million.

Where will this take place?

The project area extends along Pembina Highway from Plaza Drive to Chancellor Drive, including all ramps.

What work is being done?

We are:

  • Fixing the bridge, roads, and ramps
  • Moving the ramp that connects eastbound Abinojii Mikanah to Pembina Highway
    • The ramp is currently at Chancellor Drive – we are moving it to University Crescent
  • Adjusting Transit stops
  • Upgrading pedestrian and cycling infrastructure
What improvements are planned for pedestrians and cyclists?

We will install new multi-use paths across the overpass, improve safety at intersections, and enhance connections to existing pedestrian and cycling pathways.

Can I provide feedback on what I want to see happen on these streets?

The project will not include any formal public engagement activities.

Instead, we are reaching out to meet with affected businesses, residents, property owners, and special interest groups within the project area. We will show them the design, share background information, and gather their input to finalize the overall design.

How can I get updates about the project?

Up-to-date information about project progress and other construction-related topics will be posted on this webpage. If you have questions or comments regarding the project, please reach out to Sanjana Mada at, or 204-927-3444

What is happening with the ongoing Abinojii Mikanah Street Renewal Project and the University Crescent Street Renewal Project and how do these three projects work together?

This project will be coordinated with two significant ongoing street renewal projects that will continue until 2025: the University Crescent Street Renewal Project and the Abinojii Mikanah Street Renewal Project.

The University Crescent Street Renewal Project will include:

  • Land drainage sewer installation from Sifton Road to Thatcher Drive in 2024.
  • Reconstruction of the northbound roadway from Sifton Road to Thatcher Drive in 2025.
  • Reconstruction of the southbound roadway from Sifton Road to Markham Road in 2025.

The Abinojii Mikanah Street Renewal Project will involve:

  • Roadworks from River Road to St. Anne's Road.
  • Construction of eastbound roadway construction in 2024.
  • Construction of the Intersections and westbound roadway in 2025.
When will construction occur?

Construction is scheduled from 2025 to 2026.

In 2025, the west side lanes of Pembina Highway will undergo construction, with partial lane closures in place.

During the winter of 2025-2026, all lanes will remain open, including during Winnipeg's hosting of the Grey Cup in November 2025.

In 2026, construction will shift to the east side lanes of Pembina Highway, again with partial lane closures.

How will traffic be managed after Winnipeg Blue Bomber games during construction?

We are working to minimize impacts to nearby businesses and residences during construction. We are maintaining sidewalks, pedestrian access, and access to parking lots as much as possible.

How will construction affect traffic and parking?

While we are working hard to minimize impacts, there will be necessary lane closures, and temporary turning restrictions to accommodate construction activities. Access through major intersections will be maintained; however, the loops and ramps will each need to be closed at different times to complete their rehabilitation.

How will construction affect Transit services?

Transit services will be maintained throughout construction using various means, such as stop relocations, temporary stop closures and/or transit detours.




Last update: October 21, 2024

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