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Public Works

Route 90 Transportation Planning Study (2012)

The Route 90 Transportation Planning Study (2012) is now complete. Please see Route 90 Improvements Study (2018) for more information.

Reason for the Study

Route 90 is a vital transportation corridor through the City of Winnipeg linking major residential, employment and commercial areas in the southwest and northwest quadrants of the City. Already one of Winnipeg’s busiest thoroughfares, Route 90’s role in the movement of people and goods will likely expand with developments such as the Waverley West neighbourhoods, the planned redevelopment of the Kapyong Barracks lands, additional commercial development in southwest Winnipeg, and the development of an inland port at James Richardson International Airport.

Goal of the Study

The study will examine options for improving the operation of Route 90 between Taylor Avenue and Ness Avenue including alterations to the St. James Bridges and ramp structures and the Portage Avenue Interchange. A major consideration of the study will be the incorporation of Transportation Demand Management initiatives (TDM) to reduce single-occupant vehicle use, including Transit improvements and the development of active transportation features into the study area. Active Transportation is defined as all human powered forms of transportation including walking, cycling, roller blading, etc., for both recreational and commuting purposes. These options to improve efficiency and safety are likely to include right-of-way widening requirements and roadway or ramp realignments.

The corridor improvements are intended not only to improve traffic flow, but to help reduce the impacts of Route 90 on the adjacent residential environment. Potential options will be developed, analyzed and rated according to performance measures such as the safe and efficient movement of people and goods and neighbourhood impacts, and a preferred option will be recommended for further refinement following an extensive program of public consultation.

Public Consultation Program

In embarking on this study, the City recognizes the importance of Route 90 as a regional street serving many Winnipegers, as well as the impact that Route 90 has on the adjacent residential and commercial areas. The major goals of the study are to improve traffic movement and reduce congestion along the corridor, improve opportunities for non-vehicular users of the corridor, and mitigate or improve existing or potential impacts on adjacent neighbourhoods. To this end, a comprehensive program of public consultation has been designed to engage affected residents and business owners on several levels including first person interviews, small meetings, survey questionnaires and public open houses. Figure 2 indicates how the public engagement program will be integrated with the corridor functional design and technical analyses. The program began with a telephone survey that was undertaken in October. The first round of stakeholder interviews will be completed over the next couple of months, and the first of two Open House events is scheduled to occur in early 2009. The study is scheduled for completion in the winter of 2009/2010. [VIEW CONSULTATION TIMELINE]

Study Components

The major study components, in no particular order, include:

  • Facilitating an integrated Public Consultation program
  • Conducting neighbourhood traffic reviews
  • Assessing active transportation needs and opportunities, and developing solutions
  • Reviewing related municipal services and public utilities
  • Integrating professional landscape design
  • Conducting traffic and transit operations analyses
  • Conducting noise analyses
  • Determining appropriate street access management
  • Conducting a safety review
  • Determining property impacts and acquisition costs
  • Preparing conceptual road alignment options
  • Preparing related bridge and interchange connection options
  • Preparing preliminary design of the recommended road works and bridge/ramp structures
  • Preparing cost estimates
  • Preparing a project phasing schedule for implementation of the recommended option

Study Team

The City has selected MMM Group Limited to undertake this project. MMM Group will lead the consultant team that includes Landmark Planning and Design (public engagement), Marr Consulting Services (active transportation), Hilderman Thomas Frank Cram (landscape and accessible design), Patching Associates Acoustical Engineering Ltd. (noise level forecasts and sound attenuation), Stevenson Advisors (property costing), and Probe Research Inc. (public opinion surveys).

The study team will work under the direction of a Steering Committee comprised of representatives from key City departments including Public Works, Planning, Property and Development, Water and Waste, and Transit.

Further Information

For inquiries, please contact
Phone, email, fax: 311

Media Inquiries Please Call: 204-986-6000

Last update: June 13, 2023

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