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Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Citizens Information Service
Public Works

Pembina Highway Buffered Bike Lanes Project (2014)

Please visit the Pembina Highway Rehabilitation and Buffered Bike Lane Project for more construction information.

In summer 2014, the City of Winnipeg continued the street renewal project on Pembina Highway, specifically:

Pembina Highway (Southbound) Street Rehabilitation and Bike Lane from University Crescent to Markham Road

The street rehabilitation included pavement widening, pavement renewal, curb renewal, sidewalk renewal, bus stop upgrades, and new bike lane and boulevard upgrading where required. This work was followed by asphalt resurfacing of the pavement to improve the drainage and rideability.

Pembina Highway (Northbound) Bike Lane from Markham Road to University Crescent Rehabilitation / Active Transportation Corridor and Associated Works

The new bike lane included pavement widening and bus stop upgrades, curb renewal, and sidewalk renewal as required and boulevard upgrading where required.

The project took approximately four months to complete. The street was not physically closed to vehicular traffic and access to all business and residential premises were maintained.

Illustration showing: Bike Lane Cross-sections

buffered bike lane with loading platform

This project was another step in applying the Council-adopted Transportation Master Plan as part of OurWinnipeg. These documents outline the vision in which the City should grow in the next 25 years and specifically how the transportation system is to provide mobility options to all Winnipeggers.

Two of the Strategic goals of the Transportation Master Plan are

  1. A transportation system that supports active, accessible and healthy lifestyle options.
  2. A transportation system that reduces its greenhouse gas emissions footprint and meets or surpasses climate change and emissions reduction goals set by the Province.

In addition, it is Council Policy that Active Transportation facilities be incorporated into any reconstruction or rehabilitation required on any infrastructure identified on the Active Transportation Network. Pembina Highway is included on the Active Transportation Network.

Transportation Master Plan

Last update: January 8, 2020

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