Local Improvement Program
Why do we have a Local Improvement Program?
The Local Improvement Program provides a method for property owners to share the cost of constructing improvements when the frontage representing at least 60% of the benefiting property supports the improvement. The Local Improvement Program is not applicable to the renewal of existing structures (sidewalks, street and lane pavements, sewers, watermain, etc.)
Initiation of a local improvement:
A local improvement may be proposed in two ways:
- By City Council. Typically commenced by resolution of a Community Committee.
- By a formal petition prepared by the City and signed by registered owners of at least 60% of the total frontage of non-City property that is to be benefited by the proposed local improvement. A successfully signed Petition For (at least 60%) is required by The City of Winnipeg Charter to allow the local Community Committee to approve that the local improvement proceed to the Public Advertisement process.
- "Petition For" – A benefitting property owner(s) (the initiator(s)) circulate a formal "Petition For" provided by the City to obtain signatures from benefitting property owners.
- Advertisement - the local improvement is advertised in a local newspaper and a notice is also sent to all the benefitting property owners. If a benefitting property owner is opposed to the local improvement, they can obtain a "Petition Against" from the City and obtain signatures in opposition to the proposed works from the benefitting property owners. The results of the petition are then forwarded to the local Community Committee for their approval/rejection of the local improvement. Signatures, representing at least 60% of the frontage of benefitting property, is considered to be sufficient to defeat a local improvement.
- City owned property is not included in determining the results of petitions for or against local improvements.
Where do I start? 
To initiate a local improvement it is suggested that you informally survey the benefitting property owners to gauge support. The City can provide assistance in creating a handout notice for this process. If there appears to be sufficient support you may submit a request in writing for a formal petition.
A written request can be made by letter, email, or fax to the personnel identified below. Include the type of local improvement work requested (see "Fee Schedule" link to the left for typical local improvements), location of where the construction or installation of this work is proposed, and a brief explanation of why you feel this local improvement is needed.
Local Improvement Program contacts
To initiate a local improvement or obtain further information please contact the following:
- Underground installations, i.e. all sewer and watermain works:
Services Development Engineer, Engineering Division
Water and Waste Department at 204-986-7626. - Surface Works including new lighting:
Pavement Estimates Officer, Engineering Division
Public Works Department at 204-986-3480
Administrative Assistant, Engineering Division
Public Works at 204-986-4011 - Assessment/Financing concerns in regards to local improvements:
Senior Local Improvement Clerk - Assessment and Taxation Department at 204-986-2539.
Relocating Street/Lane lighting poles
Relocation of existing street/lane light poles will generally be allowed. Please note that once approved, the cost of the relocation will be the responsibility of the applicant. These costs typically run between $1000 to $3000, but can increase substantially depending on circumstance. For example, relocating wood poles that are also carrying Hydro overhead may be substantially more.
To initiate a Street Light/Lane Light Relocation or to obtain further information please contact:
Lighting Systems Technologist III, Transportation Division, Public Works at 204-986-6227.
To initiate a relocate for Hydro Poles that have NO street/lane lighting attached should be directed to Manitoba Hydro Service & lighting applications - Commercial
Report a Street Light Problem.