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National Day for Truth and Reconciliation – Monday, September 30. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation – Monday, September 30. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Citizens Information Service
Public Works


Permits provide citizens with a regulated process for works and activities that take place in the public right of way. This ensures minimal disruption of the movement of people and goods, and protection of the physical asset.

Permissions is a public service provided by several divisions of the Public Works Department to various clients. Permits are provided to undertake specific works or actions in the City of Winnipeg under the authority of the Public Works Department.

Approach Construction Permit
Anyone wishing to install, repair or alter a private approach (driveway access) is required to obtain an "Approach Construction Permit".

For more detailed information, please email Permits at or contact 311. You can also visit our Residential Private Approach page for more information.

Crossing Permit

Crossing a city right-of-way onto private property at a location other than at an existing driveway approach such as mounting a curb and/or crossing a sidewalk requires a Crossing Permit. For more information and applicable fees contact:

Excavation Cut Permit
At any time an excavation in or under a street, sidewalk or boulevard is done a "Cut Permit" is required. For more detailed information and fees, please call 204-986-3184.
Hydrant Rental Permit
Individuals or organizations wanting to rent a fire hydrant are responsible to take out a rental permit, which includes a $49.00 administrative fee, meter rental fee (starting at $110.00, price based on size) and a monthly hydrant rental fee ($231.00 for the first month; $64.00 per month afterward). To obtain a fire hydrant usage permit please call 204-986-3184.

PLEASE NOTE: The permit holder is also charged a $115.00 use of water deposit at the time of permit application, and will also be required to pay for water and sewer usage during the rental period. The deposit will be applied towards usage and a subsequent bill will be issued by the Water and Waste Department. See standard utility rates for more information.

Move Permit

Vehicles that exceed the legal limits of the Highway Traffic Act (HTA) or The City of Winnipeg Traffic By-law require permits. Effective April 2012, Manitoba Motor Carrier Permits and Development administers the issuing of Move Permits. For more information, please phone 204-945-3961 or toll free 1-877-812-0009.

When Spring Weight Restrictions are in affect, Move Permits on weight-restricted roads are administered by the City of Winnipeg. The two step process requires contacting:

Sewer and Water Inspection Permit

No connection, repair, alteration or reconnection shall be made to the underground portion of a sewer connection or drain either on the City street or on private property without first obtaining a permit from the City. The applicant shall pay the cost of installation of the water service connection from the street watermain to the property line. The service may be installed only by the employees of the Water and Waste Department or by a person licensed by the City (Licensed Sewer and Water Contractor) to perform that type of work. The permit application shall be supplemented by any plans, specifications, or other information considered pertinent. For more information on purchasing a sewer & water inspection permit please call 204-986-3184.

If work occurs on a regional roadway, the applicant will also require a Use of Street permit. For more information, please call 204-986-6006.

Use of Street Permit

All activities that impede or temporarily occupy the Street (commonly referred to as the right-of-way) require a Use of Street permit. There are different types of Use of Street permits depending on the activity, described below. Various conditions are applicable specific to each permit.

Fees may apply including permit, administrative, street rental, temporary traffic control placement and parking meter revenue loss. A General Liability insurance policy in the amount of $2,000,000.00 is required, adding The City of Winnipeg as an additional named insured. Permits must be on site and available for examination by Inspectors, Constables or Agents of Enforcement.

The Traffic Management Branch must be contacted for permission to work on a Regional Street in accordance with Section 2.00 of the Manual of Temporary Traffic Control in addition to obtaining a Use of Street permit. Request a Street/sidewalk closure.

To enquire about obtaining a Use of Street permit please email or phone 204-986-6006.

There are several different types of Use of Street Permits:

Annual Curb Lane Usage

This permit allows the permit holder to deposit or store equipment, materials, garbage, waste materials or any other thing on a limited section of a street where parking is permitted up to a maximum of three days or to operate a crane extending over a street. This permit does not apply to parking of licensed vehicles, including trailers not actively in use by a tradesperson in the immediate vicinity.


This permit allows the permit holder to close and occupy a specific area of the street with equipment and materials for a defined period of time. Depending on the scale of the project, construction drawings may be required.


This permit allows the permit holder to occupy a specific portion of the street for a defined period of time period with trucks while loading and/or unloading.

Sewer/Water/Sprinkler Operations

A permit is required to occupy a regional street with equipment when installing, altering or repairing a sewer/water/sprinkler line connection to private property.

Street Festival, Marathon and Film Production

All Street Festivals, Marathons and Film Productions that occupy portions of the street require Use of Street permits. Applications should be made through the City of Winnipeg Film and Special Events Office.

Street Festival and Marathon closures that are community oriented or non-profit may be eligible for the special events cost sharing grant from the Public Works Department. The grant is capped so distribution is first come, first serve. For more information on the grant, please contact 311.

Street Furniture

The Street Furniture permit authorizes the temporary placement of street furniture in the right-of-way. Street furniture includes but is not limited to bicycle racks, public art installations, benches, vending machines and seasonal decorations. A dimensioned sketch of the placement is required. Permanent installations are considered encroachments and are administered by the Property, Planning and Development Department.

Block Party

Block Parties are closures of residential streets by the local residents and do not include closures by a business or for business purposes like sales, promotions, company events, festivals or extending business premises to the right-of-ways. Sidewalks must always be kept open and pedestrians allowed passage. All Block Parties require Use of Street Permits.

Block Party Information Package and Application

Conducting Business on a Boulevard

The permit authorizes the use of a boulevard to conduct business with a readily movable cart including a mobile food unit. A boulevard does not include a sidewalk, median or traffic island.

A Parking Authority Support Vehicle Permit can be obtained from the Winnipeg Parking Authority allowing parking of a support vehicle while operating a nearby mobile vending unit.

Last update: March 22, 2024

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