Requirements for commercial, industrial, multi-family residential developments and parking lots
1. Lot grading plan(s) prepared and sealed by a Professional Engineer, Manitoba Land Surveyor (MLS), Landscape Architect, or Architect licensed to practice in the Province of Manitoba in accordance with the Lot Grading By-law 7294/98 and must include the following:
- Drawing scale in metric, with North arrow
- Civic address and legal description of the subject property, with addresses of adjacent properties
- Existing lot grade elevations (in metric) on the subject site, adjacent properties and right-of-ways
- Proposed elevations at property corners, along lot lines, swales and other drainage features (include details and cross-sections as required)
- Mark drainage patterns with flow arrows and percent slope
- Location of downspouts, rainwater leaders and sump pump discharge outlets. Downspouts, rainwater leaders and sump pump outlets are not permitted to discharge onto neighbouring properties, sidewalks, boulevard, lanes or streets
- Locations of all retaining walls/curbs as required to contain stormwater on property. Retaining walls/curbs near property lines shall be located a minimum 0.15m from the property line
- Locations of all existing and proposed manholes and catch basins on private property complete with rim and invert elevations
- 25-year ponding limit and elevation, with spill out (overflow)
- 25-year ponding is not permitted over top of wastewater sewer manholes
- All City and/or private easements on the subject property
- Garbage enclosure(s) must be 3m in width for front end bin collection and meet requirements for collection vehicle accessibility. If not applying for City collection services, this requirement does not apply
If property is located within Designated Floodway Fringe Area (DFFAR 266/91) or backing on to a stormwater retention basin (SRB), an additional review for flood protection will be required.
2. Site Servicing Plan(s) prepared and sealed by a Professional Engineer experienced in municipal design works and licensed to practice in the Province of Manitoba. This plan must include the following:
- Size, location and material type of proposed sewer service(s) including percent slope, connection type and invert elevations
- Wastewater and land drainage services must be separate pipes to the common sewer mains including in Combined Sewer Areas
- Size, location and material type of proposed water service(s), including connection type (label as domestic, fire or combined fire/domestic)
- Size and location of all existing sewer and water services not in use
- Services not in use are to be cut-off/abandoned in accordance with the City of Winnipeg Standard Construction Specifications and Sewer and Water By-laws
- Size, location, material and type of common sewer and water mains and other underground utilities in the street or easement(s)
- If new services are in close proximity/or crossing a large diameter water main (>300 mm), feeder main or aqueduct, you will be required to submit additional information upon our request
- Discharge rate limits controlled in accordance with the Sewer By-law 106/2018
- Peak pre and post development wastewater flows (PWWF) with calculations
- Wastewater flows for multi-family residential, commercial and industrial properties shall be estimated using the City’s wastewater flow estimation and servicing guidelines at:
- Storm water runoff controlled to the 5-year City of Winnipeg design storm using a "c" value coefficient supplied by the Water and Waste Department (Contact for “c” value)
- Storm water management design – refer to MacLaren Manual (1974)
- Size, location and configuration of all storm water flow restriction devices (orifices, roof control locations) - including calculations, storm water catchment areas
- Site must be able to store, up to and including, a 1 in 25-year design storm event
- Maximum depth and extent of ponding not to exceed 0.3 meters
- If the property is located in a Combined Sewer District, or discharges into a combined sewer district, Clause 8 of Environmental Act Licence No. 3042 will apply. For more information, refer to:
- Size, location and configuration of drainage safety features must be constructed in accordance with the City of Winnipeg culvert and drainage inlet/outlet safety guidelines
- Include a note on the drawing that all new services (and related appurtenances) to be installed in in accordance with the City of Winnipeg Standard Construction Specifications
For more information, please send an email