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Canada Day – Monday, July 1. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Cockburn and Calrossie Combined Sewer Relief Works Project

The City of Winnipeg Water and Waste Department completed the Cockburn Calrossie Combined Sewer Relief Works Conceptual Design Report in May of 2010. That study included the Cockburn West, Cockburn East, South East Jessie and the Calrossie Drainage Districts. That study provided recommendations to reduce the risk of basement flooding in these drainage districts.

Furthermore, the study recommended the City transition to total separation of storm sewers and wastewater sewers in the Cockburn West Combined Sewer District and the South East Jessie Combined Sewer District . These are located within the overall Cockburn Calrossie Drainage Areas.

Cockburn Calrossie Drainage Areas

Winnipeg’s sewer system is made up of combined sewers and separate sewers.

Why is it required? What are the benefits?

Separating the storm sewers and wastewater sewers in these areas will:

  • remove land drainage that is currently entering the combined sewers
  • reduce the likelihood of basement flooding in the Cockburn West Combined Sewer District and the South East Jessie Combined Sewer District
  • reduce the amount of rain water going to the South End Sewage Treatment Plant for treatment (which will lower treatment costs)
  • help the City meet the requirements of the City of Winnipeg Environment Act Licence No. 3042 with respect to reducing combined sewer overflows (CSO Master Plan Project)
  • help facilitate development because any new developments in existing combined sewer districts can only discharge land drainage to combined sewer networks at pre-developments rates (onsite land drainage storage is likely required)

What are the project costs?

The estimated cost for the entire Cockburn/Calrossie Combined Sewer Relief Works Project is $94.6 million (2015 dollars).

The total estimated cost of the first phase of the work for the proposed land drainage separation works in the Cockburn West Combined Sewer District and the South East Jessie Combined Sewer District is $35.42 million. This is a Class 3 estimate (range of -20% to +30%) and includes a new outfall (already complete), land acquisition, utility relocations, storm retention basin, piping downstream of basin to outfall and piping upstream of the basin to Taylor Avenue. The first phase of the project is currently under design.

The remaining phases are planned to be completed over time as budgets are approved by Council. As the City constructs additional pipe elements in the relief plan, there will be additional benefits as the existing land drainage component is removed from the combined sewer district.

Project Background

  • In May 2010, the KGS Group (assigned project consultant) completed the Cockburn and Calrossie Combined Sewer Relief Works Conceptual Design Report. The recommendations of the report included a recommendation to proceed with basement flood relief options in the Cockburn Calrossie combined sewer districts.
  • In June 2012, the KGS Group (from the recommendations from the conceptual study) produced a number of conceptual design alternatives to achieve the required basement flood relief protection in the Cockburn and Calrossie combined sewer districts.
  • From these early stage options, the City indicated a preference (based on the estimated capital cost alone) for the two storm retention pond and Rockman Street alignment option. All options presented had differing advantages and disadvantages.
  • In late 2012, a Capital Project Integration Committee was formed, with representatives of the Chief Administrative Officer’s office, Water and Waste, Public Works and Transit, due to the different projects underway in the Cockburn/Calrossie/Parker Lands area (Southwest Rapid Transitway Stage 2, development of the Taylor and Parker lands, Pembina Highway Underpass, Combined Sewer Relief Works). The conceptual basement flood relief options were reviewed to determine which option would be most advantageous for the City, in consideration of the other ongoing project initiatives in the area.
  • In 2013, evaluation of the various basement flood relief protection options was conducted.
  • On May 29, 2013, Council approved the Taylor Redevelopment Master Plan. Council Minute No. 410
  • The conclusion of the option evaluation process was that a one storm retention pond option located in the Parker lands was preferred.
  • In December 2013, the Water and Waste Department requested the Planning, Property and Development Department obtain the required land in the Parker area for the storm retention pond construction to facilitate the required basement flood relief protection in the Cockburn and Calrossie combined sewer districts.
  • At its February 25, 2015 meeting, Council approved the Report - Expropriation of Lands - Cockburn-Calrossie Combined Sewer Area - Drainage Upgrade Project. Council Minute No. 204
  • At its April 29, 2015 meeting Council approved the Report - Single Source Negotiations and Award of Contract for Manitoba Hydro Works Associated with the Cockburn - Calrossie Combined Sewer Area - Land Drainage Improvements Projects - Parker Pond Bid Solicitation 190-2015. Council Minute No. 325
Last updated: April 11, 2024

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