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Canada Day – Monday, July 1. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.



  • are located along building walls,
  • carry rain water from the eavestroughs to downspout extensions
  • must have an elbow and an extension or a concrete splash pad to direct surface water away from the foundation.
Downspout extensions

Downspout extensions:

  • should be placed far enough away from foundation walls to prevent water damage or seepage back into the structure,
  • must not direct surface water onto neighboring properties – this is a violation of the Lot Grading By-law,
  • must remain on your own property and be angled in the direction of the lot grading pattern.

Do not connect downspouts or downspout extensions to the sewer inside your house.

Are your downspout extensions in the right place?

There is a right way and a wrong way to place your downspout extensions.

check mark imageThe right way
  • Drain the water from your downspout through a downspout extension, onto a splash pad and onto your own property.
  • If you notice the water is going onto your neighbour's property, the street or back lane, move the pipe or angle it onto your property so that the water is absorbed before it reaches these areas.
Properly placed downspout photo 1 Properly placed downspout photo 2
Properly placed downspout photo 3 Properly placed downspout photo 4
red X imageThe wrong way

It is against the City's Lot Grading By-law to direct surface water onto neighbouring properties, back lanes, sidewalks, boulevards or streets.

Improperly placed downspout photo 1 Improperly placed downspout photo 2
Improperly placed downspout photo 3 Improperly placed downspout photo 4
Some important tips
  • Place your downspout extensions so that water flows away from your house and doesn't pool next to basement walls or basement windows.
  • Disconnect any downspouts or downspout extensions from your home's sewer system if they are connected.
  • Direct the flow from your downspout extensions onto a grassy area or non-paved surface.
  • Keep the end of the downspout extensions away from the property line so that the water does not flow onto your neighbour's property, the street, lane, boulevard or sidewalk.
  • Clean debris from your eavestroughs regularly. If they overflow even when clean, replace them with larger size eavestroughs and downspouts.
  • Downspout discharge violation frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Who can I call if I have any other questions about downspouts and downspout discharge?

Contact 311.

Last updated: February 24, 2014

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