Rainfall reports
Our rainfall gauging program collects data for the City of Winnipeg. We generate a map for each rainfall event where the average accumulation is greater than 3 millimetres of rainfall over the entire city. All maps from 2016 and back are generated for each rainfall event where the average accumulation is greater than 15 millimetres of rainfall over the entire city.
Rainfall event accumulation maps
- November 19-20
- November 16-17
- November 3-4
- October 22
- October 12-13
- September 21
- September 19
- September 18
- September 16-17
- August 29
- August 22
- August 14-15
- August 8
- July 21-22
- July 20
- July 16
- July 15
- July 14
- July 13
- July 7
- July 4
- July 2
- July 1-2
- July 1
- June 27-29
- June 17-18
- June 16
- June 10-11
- June 4
- June 2-3
- May 30
- May 24-25
- May 18
- May 17-18
- May 16-17
- May 15-16
- May 14-15
- May 9-10
- May 2-3
- April 26-27
- April 16-17
- April 15-16
- October 4-6
- October 3
- September 21-22
- September 5
- August 24
- August 13-14
- August 11
- August 10-11
- August 8
- August 1
- August 1 (Rainfall Intensity Map)
- July 24-25
- July 23
- July 21-22
- July 15-16
- July 6-7
- July 2
- June 29
- June 28
- June 27
- June 22
- June 6-7
- June 5
- June 4
- June 3
- June 2
- May 27
- May 17
- May 10
- April 26
- April 14
- October 24
- September 16-17
- September 15
- August 28-29
- August 18 (Rerturn Period Map)
- August 18
- August 15-16 (Rainfall Intensity Map)
- August 15-16
- July 31
- July 27-28
- July 25-26
- July 19 (2nd Map)
- July 19
- July 18
- July 16
- July 11
- July 6
- July 3-4
- June 24-25 (Return Period Map)
- June 24-25
- June 21
- June 14
- June 12
- May 30-31
- May 29
- May 19-20
- May 17-18
- May 12-13
- May 9
- May 7-8
- April 29-May 1
- April 22-24
- October 21-22
- October 5
- September 30 - October 1
- September 29
- September 26-27
- September 21 - 22
- September 20 - 21
- September 20
- September 12 - 13
- September 9 - 10
- August 27 - 28
- August 26 - 27
- August 25 - 26
- August 20
- August 10
- July 18
- July 15
- July 14
- July 9 -10
- July 9 -10 - rainfall intensity map
- June 24
- June 21 - 22
- June 16 - 17
- June 7 - 8
- June 3
- May 24 - 25
- May 22
- May 15 - 16
- May 11 - 12
- May 3
- April 15 - 16
- August 24
- August 21 - rainfall intensity map
- August 21 - revised August 25, 2014
- June 29
- June 28
- June 19-20
- June 13-16
- May 20
- May 12 *
- May 7 *
- April 28
- April 23 - 25
* Due to technical difficulties, which we expect to resolve shortly, the map displays total accumulation only.
For more information, contact 311.
This information has been gathered and compiled by the City of Winnipeg for its own use. Although it is the best information available to the City at this time, the City assumes no responsibility for its accuracy and will not accept liability for any use made of it or actions taken in reliance on it.