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Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

SpeakUp on Garbage Expo



On November 13, 2010, the City of Winnipeg hosted the Speak Up on Garbage Expo to kick off a six-month public involvement campaign for the Garbage and Recycling Master Plan.

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Speak Up on Garbage Expo by coming out, emailing and calling us with your ideas and vision. Together we made Winnipeg's biggest public conversation on garbage, recycling and composting a great success!

The results of that day are collected here and they will help shape our vision for future of garbage and recycling services in Winnipeg.


Every public participant was invited to respond to the question "what is your vision for the future of garbage and recycling services in Winnipeg?"


At the SpeakUp on Garbage Expo, participants were asked to respond to the question:

What is your vision for the future of garbage and recycling services in Winnipeg?

Download the transcript (PDF) of everyone's 30 second vision.

Here are just a few of the visions from Expo:

I am Lynn, I am with St. John in the north end, we want regular weekly garbage pick up, regular weekly pick up of bulk items, where pick up is free due to fire risk. Back lane
autobin cleaning and maintenance is an issue because autobins don't belong to single residents. Keeping back lanes clean is a priority and illegal dumping in the back lanes must be brought under control.

Hi, I am Sara, I am the manager of sustainability of Red River College, and my vision is that the city enhance and work with commercial operations to reduce waste, so we can take a community comprehensive approach. Further, what role can our educational institutions play in better awaste management system by sharing research and analysis? Is there a better use for rushing glass, and local option for recycled plastic instead of shipping around the world? What are the environmental impacts of having trucks driving around our city, when we could be composting in our back yards. These are questions we want answered by working with our city, province and health organisational operations.


A panel of experts spoke on different perspectives of waste management

  • Victoria Reinhardt Ramsey County Commissioner, Minnesota
  • Tom Ethans Executive Director, Take Pride Winnipeg!
  • Tom Keep Environmental Initiative Manager, City of Brandon
  • Dwight Mercer Eco Research, Regina


At the SpeakUp on Garbage Expo, a panel of experts from Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Minnesota spoke on different perspectives of waste management. Videos and transcripts of the event are provided below.


Victoria Reinhardt,

Ramsey County Commissioner and Chair of the Solid Waste Management Coordinating Board shares how Ramsey County (which includes Minneapolis/St Paul) diverts over 70% of their waste for 2.8 million people.

Victoria Reinhardt Transcript (PDF)
Victoria Reinhardt Speak Up on Garbage Expo Presentation (PDF)

Tom Ethans,

Executive Director of Take Pride Winnipeg shares with us the community and school partnerships undertaken every year by his organization.

Tom Ethans Transcript (PDF)
Tom Ethans Speak Up on Garbage Expo Presentation (PDF)

Tom Keep,

Environmental Initiatives Manager with the City of Brandon shares with us Brandon's experiences as it moved to a automated carts for Recycling and Garbage. After this transition, their diversion rate for recyclables doubled from 17% to 34%.

Tom Keep Transcript (PDF)
Tom Keep Speak Up on Garbage Expo Presentation (PDF)

Dwight Mercer,

DG Mercer Eco Research offers a policy and governance perspective on waste management from his experiences in Regina.

Dwight Mercer Transcript (PDF)
Dwight Mercer Speak Up on Garbage Expo Presentation (PDF)

Download their full bios (PDF)

Round Table Discussions

Participants shared their thoughts on 16 different topics ranging from composting to Brady Road Landfill.

Expo Roundtables

After hearing everyone's vision and learning about other cities' experiences, participants were invited to share their thoughts on three questions and 16 different topics.

Each discussion considered the three dimensions of sustainability:

  • Environmental
  • Social
  • Financial

  • Recycling
    Discuss the current recycling program and what the future of recycling should look like.
  • Yard waste
    Discuss the current yard waste program (leaf, grass and tree trimmings) and what the program should look like in the future. A large amount of yard waste is landfilled each year and contributes to greenhouse gasses through decomposition.
  • Composting
    Organic material (both kitchen waste and yard waste) is almost one half of our garbage. Every year, we throw out approximately 140,000 tonnes of organic waste, which contributes to greenhouse gasses through decomposition. Only a small portion of this is currently composted. What should the future look like for these materials?
  • Garbage collection (includes carts, autobin, manual)
    Discuss the current garbage collection program and what the future should look like. The industry trend is that manual collection is not sustainable in the long term.
  • Brady Road Landfill (includes waste to energy)
    Discuss the current operation at Brady Landfill – types of waste and where it comes from. What should our only active landfill look like in the future?
  • Construction and demolition waste
    What should we do with the leftover material from constructing or demolishing buildings and structures? Currently there is very little diversion of this material. If done properly, these materials can be reused with very little effort.
  • Non-residential waste (commercial)
    Discuss the current situation with commercial, industrial and institutional sector waste. There is very little incentive right now for businesses to recycle.
  • Apartment and condo waste
    Discuss the current situation with apartment and condo waste – the City collects garbage from almost all apartment and condo buildings and recycling from most.
  • Biosolids management
    Discuss the current Biosolids program. This by-product of wastewater treatment has been applied to agricultural fields, composted or landfilled. It represents the largest component of "city" waste and is a high value product if treated correctly.
  • Reduce and reuse
    Reducing waste is the single most effective way to lessen your impact on the environment. Reusing material instead of discarding to the landfill can help extend the life of the landfill.
  • Public health and safety
    Garbage collection is primarily about protecting public health.
  • Electronic waste
    Discuss the current e-waste program. Computer equipment and electronics can contain heavy metals (e.g., lead, mercury, cadmium) and are not picked up with regular garbage collection.
  • Hazardous materials
    Discuss the current household hazardous waste (HHW) program. HHW is any product discarded from a home that contains volatile chemicals. Improper disposal of leftover hazardous waste products can harm the environment, harm human health and damage sewers.
  • Bulky waste
    These are large household items, such as mattresses, furniture, and appliances. Some parts of Winnipeg pay for this service while other areas do not. We collect about 25,000 items each year. Many cities do not collect these items at all. What should the future look like for these materials?
  • Local job / market creation
    Many of the items collected through the recycling program are shipped outside of Manitoba for processing. Can we do better?
  • Program education / public awareness
    One of the main reasons why people don't participate fully or accurately is because they are unaware of the program and the requirements. What can we do better to reach residents with our messages?


  1. It is 2020 and Winnipeg is considered a leader in recycling. What does that look like to you?
    • Seeing something at the landfill where people drop off recycling at the landfill, diverting material before it goes to the tipping face.
    • Being the first city where 100% of material gets recycled, turning waste into energy. A place where people can bring these products to be recycled.
    • Explore other avenues of reusing wood waste.
    • Charging higher landfill wastes that will drive recycling costs.
    • Everything goes into recycling facility that is convenient enough to go from the curb and be sorted at the facility. Is sorted straight into new products. Material does not get sold; we manufacture own products.
    • Should try to work toward recycling everything. Working toward recycling the aftermarket products.
    • Looking into finding further ways to recycle construction waste.
    • People managing own waste, so they will be more involved and think more about their purchases, recycling and reducing waste.
    • Be responsible for own products being recycled. More communal bins, where products can be sorted. Curb-side collection would not happen, specified place as to where material can be sorted. Should be able to put all kinds of material in bins, and allow the city to distinguish products that can be recycled. Extend the amount of products that can be accepted. Start fabric recycling.
    • Drop-off depots
    • Take raw material and ship it out of country; sell it. Public is paid for material that they bring in to the facility to be recycled. Deposit-return system.
    • Hybrid system which has more convenient depot where public and city meet halfway. Devote more attention to finding local markets and using it within the city. City becomes supplier of raw materials; keep everything local.
    • Automated pick-up; automated bins (emptied by truck, no human labour required) which make the labour costs reduced; recycling changes as technology changes. Keep communication/education ongoing.
    • Collection is bi-weekly or increase recycling blue box size.
    • Efficient collection for everything; nothing goes into the garbage. Collection not too high in cost; single-sided collection. Add more items to be collected (Styrofoam, scrap metal)
    • Collection systems that are close by; in terms of glass, find various industries that will accept more of this kind of product.
    • Residential/commercial plastics, copper, various kinds of metal being recycled. Consumer driven process, where process is run by public. Product dropped off a landfill; landfill used as waste-diversion centre where material is sorted/redistributed right on site.
    • Increase amount of depots in city.
    • System to take away re-usable material from the landfill, so it can be re-used.
    • Blue boxes should have a lid.
    • User-paid system/visible user fees (people see what their paying for).
    • Retailers accepting packaging and recycling material themselves (recycling it for public for a small fee).
    • A bulk dispenser system (in comparison to re-filling water jugs).
    • Charge people not for recycling material, but for garbage material.
    • Look into local markets.
    • Reducing garbage fees, by recycling more items.
  2. Now, back to the present. What do we need to do to get to that leadership position?
    • Using a biomass fuel as a form of energy
    • Increase amount of material, whatever cannot be sold we use as a fuel to serve as powering other things.
    • Get recycling facility built. Taking raw product and turning it into other product.
    • Communication, dedication (actively looking for markets to accept recycled material, looking for people to invest), education. Do not recycle product until a market is found.
    • If markets not attainable, find use for it here (within the city). Create own market. Identify opportunity; see if we can meet opportunity. Examine things on case-by-case basis.
  3. Do you know of other cities that have implemented this successfully? What can we learn from them to help us get to where we want to be?
    • In Vancouver, material (paper, metal, glass, cardboard, and plastic) is dropped of at facility by public where it is weighed and is separated/charged according to weight. "Community recycling centre". Companies pay for the material; material dropped off and re-sold.
    • Victoria
    • Calgary (ECCO); managed to extend span of landfill to about 70 years due to recycling.
    • Toronto

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Yard waste

  1. It is 2020 and Winnipeg is considered a leader in yard waste. What does that look like to you?
    • composting
    • native plant landscaping/naturalized lawns (trees, flowers, no grass, indigenous plants to Manitoba)
    • promote naturalization
    • xeriscaping (includes water conservation) – we have NO yard waste!
    • promote grasscycling
    • all organic matter in the neighbourhood stays in the neighbourhood (systems to compost on site)
    • separate dump for yard waste, tied to food waste
    • We have no yard waste, grasscycling is predominate, composting is being used (need enough leaves to do that)
    • Everyone is processing yard waste on their own property, as much as possible (or sharing with neighbours)
    • Get away from having lawns
    • Applies principles of urban ecology and food security (vegetable gardens, naturalized lawns)
    • An educated population that knows how to manage their yard waste, whether they know how to do it on their own property, in their community or if the City picks it up
  2. Now, back to the present. What do we need to do to get to that leadership position?
    • start with yard waste, do easiest things first (short period of time, not through the whole year)
    • pick up yard waste separately from garbage (compostable bags? No bags? Reusable containers (no more strain on the system with plastic bags? )
    • promote backyard composting
    • use special vacuum machines pulled behind regular garbage trucks ($15,000 US per vacuum) – technology circa 1969
    • community composting facility/facilities where citizens can drop off yard waste and pick up free compost (compostable bags)
    • if there's an option to do curbside organics collection, include both yard and kitchen waste (one composting facility for both) – joint yard and kitchen waste program
    • collecting yard waste can be done next year – can be done locally/relatively inexpensive
    • educating people/changing the social norm around "the perfect lawn"/ move towards the "perfect flower bed"
    • overcoming any legal barriers/policy changes to allow residents to have naturalized lawns
    • need to provide incentives/disincentives for throwing out yard waste
    • banning cosmetic pesticides so resulting product is less contaminated
    • get away from having "green lawns"
    • public campaign/educate people around naturalization/xeriscaping – give them knowledge about what looks attractive – alternatives such as perennials
    • require that yard waste be in compostable plastic or paper bags/should the City make the bags available to residents?
    • show what xeriscaping looks like by xeriscaping public property with indigenous plants (zone-appropriate)
    • provide incentives for using compostable bags
    • need to make it easy for people to get rid of yard waste – curbside pick-up (in appropriate bags)/make it easy to get away from creating yard waste
    • ban plastic bags/find viable alternatives for plastic bags – what about containers similar to garbage carts?
    • provide more accessibility to compostable bags
    • send mulching trucks out to get rid of wood waste and residents get option to keep wood chips or to buy/get for free compost from wood chips
    • need community programs to teach naturalization
    • reduce yard waste by naturalization
    • offer incentives on rechargeable electric mulching lawnmowers/cord mulching lawnmowers/push lawnmowers
    • create 311 service to have someone come and mulch wood waste
    • equipment borrowing service where residents can borrow lawnmowers/chippers
    • method of reducing yard waste by educating nurseries – yards are getting smaller and trees are massive/creating yard waste/destroying foundations and sewer lines (some tree species are worse than others – poplars, caraganas)
  3. Do you know of other cities that have implemented this successfully? What can we learn from them to help us get to where we want to be?
    • do what is done in many US cities – yard waste raked to the curb, vacuum pulled behind garbage truck to vacuum up yard waste (see pictures from Linda Olson)
    • one US city – community composting facility – drop off yard waste/pick up free compost – includes brush chipping
    • Toronto: xeriscaping
    • Squamish: mulching trucks/residents get option to buy the compost from the wood chips
    • Fort Whyte Alive Centre: naturescape program already an education program to teach naturalization

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  1. It is 2020 and Winnipeg is considered a leader in composting. What does that look like to you?
    • Starts with curb side collection
    • Separated at the source
    • Lead to eventual ban of organics at the landfill
    • If you separate your waste properly, almost nothing goes in to the garbage (make it mandatory)
    • We are behind in composting compared to other provinces
    • Talk to neighbours to see who is composting – have a centralized location
    • Facility that composts everything – full scale – resells organic soil
    • composting for all organic waste
    • Automated carts for composting
    • any household that wants to compost be able to have access to a composter
    • accept a wider range of composting
    • restaurants are composting
    • city will give away composted soil
    • educate people on how to maintain a composting routine and make it a habit
    • smaller waste bins and bigger composting bins
    • compostable take out containers
    • Reduction and strategic waste minimization program, integrated, waste minimization. Cost recovery, or net. Emphasis on home composting. Regional community based composting rather than trucking to one central location. Aerobic. Leaf centres integrated with other waste collection.
    • Wet organics are picked up like in Toronto, diapers, paper towels and all, meat, bones, stuff that doesn't go in the backyard compost. Mix with yard waste. Give/sell back to citizens
    • From setting up a program in the past, stamp program to get the compost. Like Subway stamps, collect a set get bag of compost back.
    • Leaf it program is a joke and too contaminated.
    • Industrial composting like they have in Kingston. Need to involve commercial sector not just residential.
    • Every household is participating, city focus on commercial and industrial sector. Community driven for those without backyards. Schools.
    • Promote backyard, but also have curbside. Curbside can handle wider range of organics.
    • Small businesses don't have backyards.
    • Anaerobic digestion and collecting the methane for green energy.
    • No plastic bag liners. Once per week collection.
    • 100% target, and a landfill ban on organics disposal.
    • Educate the public. Those that don't want to participate in backyard do curb side.
    • Raise tipping fees?
    • Issues with convenience and ignorance of benefits of composting.
    • Private business involvement. Getting farmers involved in the collection calls
    • Every home does it, everyone knows how, they are educated and have tools they need and is as normal as brushing teeth.
    • All restaurants mandatory to participate. Legislation
    • Charge them more, but organics are free or lower cost.
    • Everyone did it back in the day, why can't we do it now.
    • Social stigma if you don't compost. In 2020 people would feel bad not doing it.
    • Should be able to divert for animal feed. Community composting. Resturant get credit because people want to eat places that are "green"
    • Curbside because of space constraints.
    • Choice. If curbside, people can still do backyard, or do curbside.
    • We don't pay enough anyway, so curb side is possible.
  2. Now, back to the present. What do we need to do to get to that leadership position?
    • Look at a compost provider
    • Have the facility first and then curb side pick up
    • Doesn't have to be a city run facility – requires expertise
    • Incentives offered for people to compost
    • Educate people about organic material and their benefits
    • Someone has to take leadership to start a composting facility
    • People need to realize the benefits of composting
    • Advertising and promotion
    • Start with leadership to break through the "can't be bothered" mentality
    • Partner with a composting facility
    • Have leadership to make people realize to compost because it's the right thing to do
    • economic incentive
    • create jobs
    • create a commodity that is in demand
    • educate people that yard waste can be beneficial
    • ban 2 cycle lawnmowers
    • self mulching lawn mowers – offer a rebate
    • convenient locations for a composting facility – curb side pick up to create convenience
    • Mayor shot down organics, we need to work with political officials to get this moving. Educate the officials.
    • Need to reduce the bias in the media against the organics collection.
    • Market compost as alternative to expensive chemical fertilizers. The strategy must be binding, the city needs align the waste goals with budget.
    • Work with the province.
    • Composting starts at home, education passed intergenerationly. Food quality. Getting people hands on.
    • Organics city wide is easier and needs less education. Needs to have very little if any exclusions.
    • Fines? But littering fines are.
    • Composting at home, safety concern, what is in that compost at the end with industrial process.
    • Contamination.
    • Private business involvement. Getting farmers involved in the collection.
    • Promote backyard, but also have curbside. Curbside can handle wider range of organics.
    • Small businesses don't have backyards.
    • Anaerobic digestion and collecting the methane for green energy.
    • No plastic bag liners. Once per week collection.
    • 100% target, and a landfill ban on organics disposal.
    • Educate the public. Those that don't want to participate in backyard do curbside.
    • Yard waste ASAP.
    • Pay at point of sale.
    • EPR with organics usually can only apply where there is a discrete known producer. Diapers and Food service/food packing
    • Compost has benefit of reducing odours in home vs. garbage bag.
  3. Do you know of other cities that have implemented this successfully? What can we learn from them to help us get to where we want to be?
    • We are the only province that doesn't have a kitchen composting program
    • Toronto: Everyone gets bucket. Need to accept all
    • Nova Scotia
    • Have it like a utility pay per garbage.
    • Pay at point of sale.
    • EPR with organics usually can only apply where there is a discrete known producer. Diapers and Food service/food packing
    • Victoria: Kitchen scraps back to consumers as compost with every pick-up
    • Nova Scotia: Curbside
    • Ottawa: Green carts, peak yard waste.
    • San Francisco: Curbside, digester
    • Assiniboine Landing: Not allowed to plant grass.

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Garbage collection

  1. It is 2020 and Winnipeg is considered a leader in garbage collection and handling. What does that look like to you?
    • It isn't called garbage collection any more. It is called recycling.
    • Get rid of all bins, carts. People purchase tag-a-bags for all types of collection. Restrict the amount of garbage allowed, increasing the amount of composting and recycling.
    • A huge compound like Brady called the New Recycling Depot funded by the new eco fees are collection. At this facility there will be expanded sorting rather than at the curbside sorting.
    • A difficult question to answer because of the problems we've had. The people with negative impact are those with disabilities and with limited income.
    • Fires in the bins behind low income apartments had been started in the 5 new ones they were given and have now been removed. Now they have garbage shoots and an auto bin.
    • There is a lack of co-operation within the citizens. There should be more bylaws implemented to increase composting and recycling.
    • Manufacturers should be responsible for all their packaging.
    • Different neighbourhoods require different types of collection.
    • Manual collection would result in more employment opportunities. We need to get away from carts and go back to manual collection because the men on the trucks are the final gate keepers (ie they would not take banned items (oil etc) and with the auto bins banned items are just dumped and taken)
    • It is wasting residents' time to deal with the bins as more time consuming than bags and cans.
    • Consider hiring contractors who are using trucks run with vegetable oil or are hybrid.
    • BFI's trucks aren't safe. The City should buy more new trucks and go back to manual collection.
    • Bins take longer to take to the curb and they are an eyesore. There are more injuries from residents' using the bins.
    • Most efficient is waste reduction at curbside. Better distribution of composting, recycling and reusing. More collection bins for reusable items to encourage reuse of items being sent to landfill.
    • Recycling and composting should be available curbside in all neighbourhoods.
    • Residents should be responsible for their own garbage. They should buy items with less packaging. Collection should be automated for the entire city.
    • We need a more comprehensive recycling program resulting in less garbage. And we should have multi bin trucks (recycling, garbage and composting).
    • Arts junction, started by 2 teachers collect used art supplies.
    • Paint etc. should be picked up curbside which would stop it from ending up in the landfill.
    • Auto bins should all have lids on them so there is less litter blowing around.
    • There won't be any – all be recyclable or compostable
    • Our goal should be that the things that leave our home have some kind of use, either reused or recycled
    • Have local companies to do the recycling/collection
    • There will be more employment though the development of local companies to do the recycling
    • Garbage pickup will be completely automated – drivers don't have to physically handle the garbage. Individual carts would be great.
    • Everybody in the system has the cart – choice of 3 sizes
    • Cart for recycling
    • Optional cart for composting
    • Fees would be assigned depending on how many people sign up for composting
    • Handling of garbage- Winnipeg will end up being a business where people come here to purchase our products. If a company needs lots of a type of plastic they can come purchase it from us.
    • Quality is important, will pay for quality instead of cheaper companies – don't want to sacrifice services just because we'll have to pay a little more. Either city or private run service, which ever has better service.
    • Very small amount of garbage
    • Depots for ewaste, go to community centres to drop off compostables, other garbage depots so people don't have to go to Brady
    • Back lanes in the North End are so clean you can eat off of them
    • There will still be garbage- but we have an active plan for every identifiable item. We know what to do with every single thing, glass, plastic etc. Nothing slips through the cracks and makes it to the landfill.
    • Identify what we throw out, and have a plan for it
    • We have depots, drop off program or collection? Everyone (citizens) know exactly what happens to their waste.
    • Should we be exporting?
    • Currently items at Brady are being reused for asphalt etc.
    • In 2020 we buy local, and recycle locally.
    • Leaf it to us – dump the leaves and reuse the bags for the next year, instead of all that plastic ending up in the composting area. – the use of paper bags
    • More dedicated, comprehensive depots. Pesticide section, wood section, glass section, ewaste etc. everything is separated, but all located in mini depots. These should be much more local, every 10 block area has a depot. This would be instead of curb side collection. (Schools, or a neighbourhood basis). City then collects from the mini depots.
  2. Now, back to the present. What do we need to do to get to that leadership position?
    • Curbside composting
    • Social engineering through incentives, education, disincentives, awareness
    • Introduce laws to prevent restaurants etc from throwing so much garbage
    • We had success when we had manual collection.
    • We should continue to fund the collection with property taxes.
    • We should use user pay.
    • Collection should be less frequent when we have less garbage. Recycling collection should be weekly
    • Ban the plastics (bottles, bags)
    • Educate the public
    • Buy things that are not heavily packaged
    • Strengthening depot locations, make them easier to access
    • Incentives for recycling
    • More receptacles/depots around to encourage recycling
    • Developing local companies – instead of hiring other companies from the private sector, the city can take the initiative to reuse and develop our recycled products
    • Find a demand for garbage- people currently purchase our tin cans etc, perhaps we can develop a market for garbage
    • Make manufacturers responsible
    • Have a surcharge or something on electronics, so manufacturers can find a use for computers etc.
    • Get rid of auto bins!!!!
    • Make sure the system is equitable- and the same across the border
    • Constant bulk-waste pickup, without needing to phone
    • In some areas there's always couches and mattresses behind the autobins
    • Bulk waste needs to be looked at, people need to be assigned to the "problematic" areas
    • Community based teams to educate people about how to do garbage things
    • More education can get us there
    • Set up the different depots, each neighbourhood has one so it's accessible.
    • Yard compost program, hook up with the local soil companies that will buy back the compost, or residents can directly purchase it.
    • Autobins have to be sectioned out,
    • Find out what type of collection we want, and have it consistent city wide
    • Public interest- might not be profitable but the public being satisfied is important
  3. Do you know of other cities that have implemented this successfully? What can we learn from them to help us get to where we want to be?
    • Nova Scotia or New Brunswick have been successful reducing by 96% as they don't have enough room to landfill
    • Virginia started in the 1960s with a waste reduction plan which is very successful
    • Europe has some good green initiatives
    • Guelph – wet/dry system everything that is compostable, and everything that isn't. Clear bag for compostable, green for everything else. Have people sort through the recyclables. Easy for the consumer – just separate things into 2 piles. Residents loved it.
    • Squamish- between whistler and Vancouver – waste pickup and recycling system, you can go pre-gardening time to buy composting from the city. Everyone was very excited and "gung-ho" about the system. As a homeowner pays $550 a year outside of taxes, because of the need to process it there.
    • Maritimes- people are picking up lots of things
    • Calgary- have the depots to get your deposit back on recyclables
    • Every other city except for Winnipeg, even Selkirk has things we don't have
    • Edmonton- backlane pickup, just garbage. Pickup every 2 weeks in the winter, garbage is frozen so it doesn't smell.
    • The carts are found all over, if others can do them, so can we.
    • In Europe-Rome, there's a washing system attached to the truck, and every time the automated cart is emptied the carts are cleaned as well.
    • Saskatchewan has some sort of deposit program, for plastic and pop cans
    • Bedroom communities, st Andrews east st paul etc. don't have municipal collection, but they do have mini depots where you can drop off glass, pop bottles. If we can increase it to include e-waste etc. very popular

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Brady Road Landfill

  1. It is 2020 and Winnipeg is considered a leader at Brady Road Landfill. What does that look like to you? Material recovery facility
    • Needs to be incentive to people to recycle so there needs to be an increase in tipping fees
    • Have a two tiered system one for commercial and one for residents
    • Facilities such as the ball park need to have recycling boxes but they don't currently
    • Garbage police that would check waste in back lanes and charge them for not recycling
    • people need to be stake holders in this and penalized if they do not participate
    • Energy reclamation, methane gas collection and using that energy to incinerate
    • Have a refund center at Brady
    • wood anchor is a good example of where we want to be
    • Allow scavenging/reuse of materials
    • Charge people to remove materials
    • Pallets separated
    • Restore idea
    • Public tours of the landfill
    • separate it at the landfill
    • only inorganic material would be buried
    • cost to people would be economical – a payment structure based on what you are trying to drop off
    • Categorized payment scale based on material Methane capture is expensive so we need to get away from landfilling compostable materials so anaerobic decomposition does not occur
    • on site facilities to utilize materials separated from the waste
    • Employ people who are not otherwise working to have them working at the landfill – minimum wage
    • warehouse facility where it is clean and organized
    • well signed, clear pathway
    • programs where classes are offered
    • people will be more serious if it is more well organized
    • recycling facility that has the ability of a landfill
    • A vision would diversion point looked at primary instead of dumping waste. Construction organic waste also things that can be reused and I think implementing different sort of groups into the equation and getting partnerships. the construction industry or organic food prod industry or salvation army stuff that's reusable think import for long term success of that because government can't do it alone.
    • If really truly a leader, should look like a part with discrete methane piping, methane used to generate for heated greehouses commercial resude and reuse those ideas so that nothing goes to brady after 2020, manage our commodties and garbage as different lifecycle vision to see some sort of compound at site wheres thereas organication of waste in regrard to hazard house non- electronic segregation area, carry recycling initiative. Can use a lot fo money as incentives to give towards residendts a we have to take resonsibility on part of consumer reducer and government. Creating an intregrated system. Not capitliastic system and a lof of great changes for 2020
    • Construction material that goes into area make available to other people jus sitting there and segregated material so that it can be used+-\gases from the landfill can be used to hyeart rfe retion area with icing skating parks buildings trees and all trees can be4e reused other places and not going to urban landfill construction sites. Kensington homes have piles of lumber and it will end up in landfill. All should be reused and not go to landfill. Segregated materials.
    • Sorting before hand and at brady. Hazardous waste should have drop off point at the dump. City can pay for this option.
    • Add more acres and centralize brady will be a resource warehouse and extraction site.
    • Should be encorportaed as education for public, commercial, and children.
    • Sell diverted organic waste for public use.
    • I'm in garbage hauling business. I go inthere 6 7 times a day for 21 years. I think in 2020 I would like to see, have specific area of recyucling products. Currently have tires, metal, etc. Have more now. Construction debris waste. And would be used on regular basis for people to love to have that material. Wood waste, someone has to be there managing it. There has to be someone on staff there, otherwise it is chaos. And then offer it up for sale or chartiable donation. So much staff from people's garage sales; have actual staff or company to do this. Resell from another area. Or to charity and proceeds to sustainable business.
    • Picking through cars creating jopbs for people at the landfill. We are reducting maybe more stringent when co ing into landfill, front end segration. By the time you get there you just have garbage. Concentrate enough people coming in out it starts being a processing resource.
    • Almost a retail portion. Go to dump to bue. Lumber, bicycles. Your could f
    • Vancouver when people move they set furniture out of the back land and a lot more of local giving away and pckin gup. I think that brady being a ldnafill could become the smalles part of the operation and the front end is the majority of the site (recycling etc.)
    • See as industrial park – create value. Furniture. Series of small business connected with city there. Composting and capture methane and heat the buildings out there and fuels garbage trucks.
    • Maybe could learn from toher cityies as well. Oshawa. They have to sepearte all of their garbage. Kitchen waste etc. less going to landfill. Needs to be an alternative to plastic.
    • Space to put everything as long as it's functional. Well-operated lookg like plant nice trees, etc. look like a forest. Compsting there.
    • Composting not directly at the landfill would like to use the product. Can't contanimant the compose. Very minimal amounts of waste going in there. Separated before it gets there. Amount of waste reduced.
    • Waste becomes transformed. Industrtial park a small protion of which is landfill. Material recucle and good quzuality composting. A energy recovery facility. Bseically producting post consumer products making new ones. Saving jobs. You wouldn't recognize brady.
    • Separation between all matter. Reusable centre where staffed and people could leave things, like the free days, but just drop stuff and and people can take and keep out of landfill. US city?
  2. Now, back to the present. What do we need to do to get to that leadership position?
    • What is going to happen to "permanent" items in the recycling facility (ie. fridges and tires)
    • government has to make a goal and implement and achieve it. Someone needs to take leadership
    • independent counsel that would look after achieving the goal
    • Just more of a sorting material and people would be open to that. Basic sorting
    • Stop the reusable products going to the landfill by bottle shops like SK where you can take the bottles and poop cans and give incentive so that people bend down and pick up a bottle off the street. But must give people incentive. It's going to cost money. Look at incentives to get the ball rolling.
    • Basically it would come down to education awareness and incentive. Incentive is always very important and with it, no one really doing to do anything. Should start with our youth and transition education system. We need to acknowledge every area and recycle everything.
    • Biggest challenge is inner-city. Need a system that is attractive to them.
    • We need to develop and green governance model for out political system to work to modify mindset about disposable society. You need political leadership but you also need to have people realize we are the problem, not the government and special interest groups… Team Us. We have to rely on our own initiatives to do it. We're going to create some incentives but model society differently.
    • We have to reteach ourselves to get it back to human natures.
    • Develop partnerships with non-profit organizations. Knights of Columbus with housing problem addressing that. T=if the city puts out for calls for proposals to groups or citizens to get on board, get involved and help solve, organize and develop. Forge partnertships… Call for Proposals.
    • Keep the perception of wastage relevant to an overall view of a city's self-containment, self-sufficiency, and sustainability.
    • Look to other centres to lead us into future.
    • Province, extended something program for printed paper and packaging, etc. part of terms of reference. Economic responsibility for these materials. These producers have responsibility. Push the limit on producers to fulfill responsiblitlies under prov regulations. Work with province and get them to excercie province on tipping fees and rebates.
    • The things that we consume need to change. Too much pastic. Things that cannot be degraded. Must cease production or be drastically reduced. Government has to start coming into stop products that can't degrade. We start with education and need public support backing we need that thinking to stop idea of landfills. We have really start thinking about the front end.
    • Comes down to money. Money for scrap metal. Incentives and making money. CUPES will have to loose their jobs. As you become more efficient will do loose their jobs.
    • But CUPE guys will be needed at the site.
    • We have to educate our citizens about recycling. Look at products coming into city and banning certain things that can't be reused. Manufacutere shohld be responsible for products.
    • Consistent compsotiamg facilties and controls and regulations. Handling things properly. Methane recovery.
    • Recycling centre, processing, centre area Brady road area, trucks can stay in one area. Education is essential. Organics, etc.
    • Consolidated site where you could have split body trucks, all goes to one place instead of all over the place.
    • Banning certain products; household hazardous wastes.
    • We have to consider also that things don't end up in ditches if they are banned from the landfill.
    • See university setting up partnership. Intellectual capital in technology.
  3. Do you know of other cities that have implemented this successfully? What can we learn from them to help us get to where we want to be?
    • Facilities in Ontario – organic bans
    • Higher tipping fee – volumes may decrease but revenues may stay constant
    • Do what you can until economic outlook increases
    • Western provinces, BC SK. Liquor stores taking back bottles in BC. Bottle shops. Grocery stores will take pop bottles and cans.
    • Others with good composting programs. And especially for apartment dwellers.
    • NB and NS, behaviour mod, anti-littering bylaw. $200 fine. Very Clean province. Large waste diversion. In San Fran BFI company employ artists and crafts people on staff make new equipment out of waste. Sold to public to create awareness for opportunity.
    • Oshawa – no plastic garbage bags. Have alternatives. Compostable bags, kitchen wastes, little actual garbage.
    • Calgary, Ecco Co. amazing recycling, drywall waste, lumber materials, concrete, brick, shingles. But sepearte product right at bulding site, shingles in one bin at the housing site, etc.
    • SK all of has a plastics, tin cans, bottles, depot.
    • Palo alto CA, and NS
    • Guelph current picup was either wet or dry and then landfill had huge compost area and then they sell of premium compost at end of season. Big magnets to take metals out.
    • Calgary using tires for roadways. Educating public.

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Construction and demolition waste

  1. It is 2020 and Winnipeg is considered a leader in non-residential waste. What does that look like to you?
    • 90% – 95% of construction or demolition waste recycled or reused.
    • Demolition and construction permits would have a plan for reusing/recycling
    • Demolition and construction permits would have a charge for reusing/recycling and if they do not meet their plan the charge would not be refunded.
    • Courses in university (maybe even programs) and in schools would be offered to teach this.
  2. Now, back to the present. What do we need to do to get to that leadership position?
    • Have to find markets for these materials
    • Private companies will participate if this can make money
    • The city may have to take the financial hit until this becomes a profit maker
    • Work on a plan to build this into the building or demolition process
    • Start educating the public that these products are a good resource
    • Start educating younger people
  3. Do you know of other cities that have implemented this successfully? What can we learn from them to help us get to where we want to be?
    • Toronto
    • Calgary – a company called Ecco
    • A company in Winnipeg that recycles shingles

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Non-residential waste

  1. It is 2020 and Winnipeg is considered a leader in non-residential waste. What does that look like to you?
    • There is not much waste from the ICI sector
    • Active trade in discards from ICI
    • There is vibrant market for recyclables
    • Every business in order to obtain or renew an operating licence would have to have an approved waste management plan
    • Winnipeg would have found innovative solutions for materials that we currently don't have a market for
    • Local and regional markets are developed
    • A lot of ICI is organic – we have anaerobic digesters to generate methane to fuel trucks
    • Landfill bans have been implemented and landfill fees are $125 per tonne
    • City of Winnipeg has a core of semi retired experts that go from business to business and help with recycling
    • Chamber of Commerce has a strong role in helping business be environmentally responsible.
    • No waste at all – everything is being reduced reused recycled – we won't see garbage containers.
    • Retailers are actively participating in recycling right at their locations.
    • Companies share each others waste (waste exchange) to become fuel for other companies.
    • Used cooking oil is reused for vehicles – restaurant association participates
    • Business and government together manage a program to make a recycle highway.
    • Institutions are the shinning examples because government is using them as a pilot project to push recycling
    • Each ICI is responsible for their own waste as if it was in their house
      • Are disposing of it on their own property
      • Are paying at the point of purchase
      • Vote with their dollars to reduce the waste they bring in
  2. Now, back to the present. What do we need to do to get to that leadership position?
    • More support through WRARS levy the ICI sector to support programs
    • Enforce the local marketing that is currently part of the guideline for EPR plans
    • Understand the waste stream – Get a total waste audit inventory for the ICI waste – what, source, responsibility
    • Make it easy to recycle – fund or promote a commercial MRF
    • Educate, incentives from the government to the ICI waste
    • An incentive could be free pick up
    • An open forum on this topic with business leaders
    • Small businesses should be added to residential pickup
    • General publicity creates awareness – positive media – you could do it
    • City of Winnipeg TV show on recycling examples – use multi media to hit all managers.
    • Don't deliver paper to every room every day that are not read in hotels.
    • Find a way to decontaminate the waste – e.g. plastic bags.
    • Pay a levy at the point of purchase – to promote return for refund by whoever brings it back
    • Needs to be some kind of social engineering – to make this a norm same as smoking (make them feel like crap)
    • Use tipping fees to change behaviour quickly versus regulation
  3. Do you know of other cities that have implemented this successfully? What can we learn from them to help us get to where we want to be?
    • Nova Scotia has a lot of bans
    • Other cities have very high disposal costs – use WRARS if necessary
    • Separate food carts for the ICI waste as per Ontario compost – wet-dray
    • Construction waste facility as per Ontario, strong in Alberta, and BC for profit to avoid high landfill fees.
    • I've seen on the internet – maybe Vancouver recycles drywall – New West Gypsum in BC take the paper and grind up.
    • Germany – Stuttgart everywhere there is no garbage – recycling systems are everywhere
    • Whistlers – hotels sat down in groups and did this (recycle) together – no landfills
    • Toronto Convention Centre has composting (wet-dry) on site.
    • Terrible to see India where garbage is everywhere.
    • What is Brandon doing that we can't? We could do a pilot in an area the size of Brandon
    • Virginia and Tennessee have organic recycling – not rich states at all. One place in Virginia has been doing since 1969.
    • Everywhere but Winnipeg and possibly Nunavut
    • It's not rocket science

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Apartment and condo waste

  1. It is 2020 and Winnipeg is considered a leader in apartment / condo waste. What does that look like to you?
    • full range of composting, organic, recycling, convenient
    • often condos owners do not own vehicles – a form of pick up system needs to be in place – convenience
    • visble – bigger recycling bins – smaller garbage bins – space/location – maintenance of outdoor facilities
    • segregation of sections of waste (respective recepticles of waste)
    • apartment size recepticles
    • separate shoots from various levels of the apartment/condo
    • change building codes to accommodate direct shoots to bins
    • awareness, advertising – convenience people become lazy when recycling
    • seniors understand recycling but other generations don't seem to care
    • arson
    • marketing
    • apartment/condo (non-owners) – sense of embarrassment (social) – peer pressure of surrounding area
    • on-going communications required – shared all incompassing
    • various levels of staff are limited – must be coordinated amongst all involved
    • change attitudes and perceptions
    • rebate structure could incourage customers
    • looking towards the same structure as Toronto
    • should not be an option – should be mandatory to save our environment
    • vandalization
    • composting, recycling in all apartments
    • picked up and managed by the City
    • centralized facilities
    • a lot of recyclables in garbage
    • fines
    • mandate for the entire city
    • responsibility of each individual to sort
    • glass should be recycled in a more sustainable way
    • heavily populated areas – difficult to transport hazardous waste
    • drop offs more accessible
    • a service is needed to pick up (such as a vacuum, computer) – not all own vehicles
    • built into taxes
    • surcharge on rent or through taxes
    • incentive programs for pickup- charge a bit more for the pick-up
    • more accessible / convenient
    • disabled
    • legislation
    • organic programs required in one place – pilot project
    • Spence Neighbourhood allow for composting – need more of these
    • Education / promote composting depots
    • Include yard waste, composting, organics
    • Onsite
    • Collection due to space
    • Equal opportunity for recycling products
    • A broader recycling spectrum
    • Shoot for garbage but not a shoot for recycling – would like to see this
    • Who should pay for the shoot?? City?? Consumer??
    • Disabled – need to bring forward to landlord
    • Incentives – consumers need to buy into this
    • Rebate on rent ?? tax??
    • Off-set costs with landlord
    • Raising rates for garbage and lower for recycling
    • Positive verses slap on the wrist
    • Re-use concept – "Reuse Depot" / share with neighbours
    • Transportation issues – convenience
    • One stop shop
    • Farmers market concept
  2. Now, back to the present. What do we need to do to get to that leadership position?
    • we need commitment from Civic Leaders
    • we need buy from all levels of government
    • social morals
    • public forums need to be conducted regularly
    • public meetings, seminars, etc as various issues arise
    • public education
    • people need to feel comfortable with transition/change
    • larger facilities
    • Winnipeg needs to get on board the same as other Cities
    • Should be mandatory
    • Lobby for all apartments/condos to have pick up
    • Grass-roots / incentives
    • Charge more for garbage verses recycling
    • advertising
    • who should pay? City should take initiative – then eventually social norm all will participate
    • low income neighbourhoods need to be taken into consideration
    • should recycling be mandatory at apartments/condos?? Yes difficult to inspire people to reduce when not offered
    • convenience, walking distance, provided at building, should be second nature (as simple as putting it in the garbage)
    • feasible to offer shoots in apartments/condos
    • worm composting for kitchen waste (low maintenance)
    • limitations on how much to place in composters
    • reproduce as more compost material is thrown in – works well for small amounts (apartments/condos)
  3. Do you know of other cities that have implemented this successfully? What can we learn from them to help us get to where we want to be?
    • Toronto – separated recepticles
    • PEI – wont take your garbage if it is not properly sorted – clear bags – separated recepticles – businesses included – space issues – wind farms are funding other opportunities – consider Winnipeg/Manitoba as an Island-make it a priority-just because it appears we have the space this should not be abused
    • Ontario
    • Brampton, ON – grandmother composting – fee for garbage per bag created an incentive to compost – fines – organics pickup

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Biosolids management

  1. It is 2020 and Winnipeg is considered a leader in biosolids management. What does that look like to you?
    • Working with agriculture
    • Get on the hydro power grid.
    • Use of ash on the roads (incinerator ash)
    • Session 2
    • Should be more research before we go ahead and use the biosolids.
    • Use it on other lands other than farm lands.
    • Use it in city parks as compost. Would have to make sure it is safe if it used in parks where children play. We have to have the testing of and understanding of possible emerging compounds.
    • Two stream system – things you don't want to go back in your garden and the recycled waste being picked up and treated as industrial composting.
    • Session 3
    • Should be composted – on its own
    • Composting could be done at Brady or privatized
    • Accountability for privatization – have to be held responsible if something goes wrong
    • Should the money be used else where instead of building the facility at Brady Rd. for composting
    • Should we be using more compostable toilets?
    • Use of recycled grey water in residential houses for toilets
  2. Now, back to the present. What do we need to do to get to that leadership position?
    • A proactive communication between the Province and the City of Winnipeg – Water and Waste Department
    • Generate a cooperative approach to problem solving with respect to this issue, including licensing procedures.
  3. Do you know of other cities that have implemented this successfully? What can we learn from them to help us get to where we want to be?
    • Chicago
    • Minneapolis and other cities in North America
    • Germany
    • Holland
    • Milwaukee
    • How they got environmental approvals? How to deal with NIMBY?
    • Composting – problems with the heavy metals in composting (specifically related to final use of the composted product), refuse, organic waste.
    • We should continue applying the material on farm land. Economically viable to the farmer and the city.

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Reduce and reuse

  1. It is 2020 and Winnipeg is considered a leader in reduce and reuse. What does that look like to you?
    • Less product packaging
    • Ban on plastic bags
    • Shift towards local production of goods
    • Voluntary simplicity
    • Bulk liquid dispensing
    • Return and reuse plastic containers **convenience
    • Local based recyclable plants
    • No more fast food drive-throughs
    • Ban on paper products
    • Increase landfill fee
    • In demolitions removal of reusable materials by law
    • Automobile recycling
    • Redistribution of reusable surplus resources
    • Mainstream Salvaging depot
    • More giveaway weekends
    • Three curbside bins – fees for extra waste
    • More Sponsored community gardens
    • Watchdog on manufacturers – waste of useable goods/product waste
    • Returnable products when buying new products
    • Businesses should be held accountable for waste
    • Incentives for devices that will encourage reduction ie. Mulching rechargeable mowers
    • More promotion of green products ie. Low flow – more green – public exhibitions
    • Responsibility from business for product stewardship
    • Regulations governing reducing and reusing
    • Waste management – No longer private
    • Clean cities
    • No plastic bags and no Styrofoam/heavy packaging
    • Forcing manufacturers to change packaging – more earth friendly – governing legislation for manufacturers
    • Levies on paper/plastic packaging
    • Compostable packaging/biodegradable
    • City's building codes incorporate reuse – grey water example – mandatory to have low flush toilets
    • Incentive for more backyard gardens/balcony gardens
    • Incorporate more community gardens
    • Public education in areas such as canning/preserves
  2. Now, back to the present. What do we need to do to get to that leadership position?
    • Public education/motivation
    • Lobbying Federal Government/Provincial
    • Proper legislation
    • Licensing of garbage bins/bin number limits
    • Raise property taxes
    • Make composting services available
    • Make services convenient
    • Promoting funding for initiatives
    • Environmental science graduates to form green team
    • Provide guidance
    • Bio-systems engineering
    • Levy on bags/take out containers
    • Business profile examples
    • Securities provided – Incentives and breaks for less fortunate
    • Requirements to use recyclable materials from restaurants
    • Create legislation/laws for reusing and recycling
    • Create taskforce to identify top 10 wastes
    • Take the list and implement legislation outlawing non-biodegradable packaging
    • Costs will increase – but the public must deal accept it
    • Tougher laws on litter
    • Adopt a street cleaning process/Get public involved
    • Increase convenience of disposal facilities
    • Offer incentives for reducing and reusing
    • Public education
    • Eliminate plastic bags/packaging
    • Encourage composting
    • Change consumer habits
    • Public education in areas such as canning/preserves/composting/gardens
    • Modify behaviour – Packaging must change
    • Shopping habits have to change
    • Incorporate legislation
    • Building actual cost of consumable products before use – cost of consequential disposal
    • Reducing packaging
    • Using public advertising to create a change in attitude/behaviour
    • Incorporate change in values with incentive to change
    • Showing how reducing and reusing is valuable and cost saving
    • Show people consequences of not reducing and reusing proper disposal
    • Create opportunity to reuse and reduce
    • Show benefit and simplify process
    • Public advertising showing how to reduce the amount of garbage we produce
    • Make renovations shows such that they show reusing and recycling of building materials
    • Organization of like minds
    • Promote use of Habitat for Humanity
    • Donating household waste to community gardens
    • More sites that reuse products (Such as Habitat and community gardens)
  3. Do you know of other cities that have implemented this successfully? What can we learn from them to help us get to where we want to be?
    • Brandon – Public ownership/Moved away from autobins
    • Provide bulky waste pickup at no charge
    • Halifax – Trash separation – clear bags – levies
    • Toronto – five cent levy on bags
    • England – Transition Town – Totnes
    • See Federation of Canadian Municipalities for examples
    • PEI only glass pop bottles and cans – no plastic
    • Moose Jaw – Lots of public education/Knowledge of end product/Glass goes to paint factory for roads
    • Town in Manitoba?? – Outlawed plastic bags
    • No – But hoping that Winnipeg communicates with other Cities to become a leader
    • Unknown city – curbside composting

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Public health and safety

  1. It is 2020 and Winnipeg is considered a leader in public health and safety. What does that look like to you?
    • Improved disposal of pharmaceuticals. Wpg. has the first facility for the safe disposal and destruction of expired pharm. Fully funded by the multi billion dollar industry with no costs to the residents or province.
    • Bulky items put out on a weekly basis with pickup crews comprised of household refuse removal, bulky item removal crew, recycle collection
    • By implementing a household compostable pick up program it will alleviate the issue of refuse outside of autobins which presents a public health and safety issue (disease and fire) as well as provide an economic sustainability process by allowing the city to produce and resell completely organic topsoil
    • Clean back lanes, garbage is collected regularly, no mattresses with bed bugs, and responsible, taken care of no needles. Accountability: enough inspectors to enforce the bylaws
    • No more illegal dumping
    • Bylaw enforcement can access the tools ( data base) to do their jobs – MPI
    • More localized places to drop off hazardous waste for fluorescent light bulbs
    • We need more organic foods, less waste and garbage therefore improving the garbage and health situation
  2. Now, back to the present. What do we need to do to get to that leadership position?
    • Work with three levels of gov. req. to take a product stewardship approach to the disposal of expired or unused pharm. By putting the onus on the producers as opposed to the end users and the community at large.
    • Need to engage the retailers of these products to reclaim as the first step to the safe destruction.
    • Do not contract out….. to protect public health, it needs a work force interested in the public health not the profit side They work for the betterment of the city.
    • If they need the permit for renovation system, monitor what happens to the materials ( permit fees can go towards) Rewarding them
    • People can get a rebate when they are contributing to habitat, ( incentive for people to reuse materials… get something for it)
    • Need to work with landlords that they are taking the bulk items out and disposing them properly.
    • Landlord cooperation with bylaw enforcement folks
    • Need to be fined to dispose of and be responsible
    • Need public education (work with other organizations CFS, educating those parents and children not in the traditional systems.
    • Encourage healthier eating
    • Targeting fast food restaurants and educate them on
  3. Do you know of other cities that have implemented this successfully? What can we learn from them to help us get to where we want to be?
    • Curbside research
    • City of Brandon (smaller bins)
    • St. Paul Minneapolis – the Ramsay County
    • Work with Habitat for Humanity (system needs to facilitated)
    • City of Wpg. program to turn in old toilets (pick up was a one time offer for 3 month period … need to continue this with other items.)

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Electronic waste

  1. It is 2020 and Winnipeg is considered a leader in electronic waste. What does that look like to you?
    • Redemption fee (eg $5)
    • Depots throughout the city (public)
    • Manufactures lead in reclaiming products
    • Levies or deposits on electronic goods – return to retailer
    • India receives about 95% of materials currently. We should stop shipping overseas
    • Hold manufactures accountable
    • Federal regulation
    • Products are dismantled for parts
    • Electronics designed to last longer "Build to last"
    • Refundable deposits paid on products
    • Recovery centres
    • No metallic circuitry
    • City doesn't purchase from companies that aren't onboard
    • Government is leader
    • Manufactures and retailers are fully supportive
    • Business tax reductions for supporting retailers and manufactures
  2. Now, back to the present. What do we need to do to get to that leadership position?
    • More public awareness
    • Education
    • Realize there is a problem
    • Build renewal facilities – public driven
    • Ban electronics from the landfill
    • Volunteers to collect e-waste
    • Entrepreneurship programs in higher education
    • Reuse depots
    • Have manufactures produce (design)for longevities
  3. Do you know of other cities that have implemented this successfully? What can we learn from them to help us get to where we want to be?
    • Europe much further ahead on recycling e-waste
    • Vancouver provides facilities to drop products and manufactures can reclaim parts

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Hazardous materials

  1. It is 2020 and Winnipeg is considered a leader in hazardous materials. What does that look like to you?
    • Set up like leaf it depot for HHW
    • People want to do the right thing but to difficult to depose of
    • Make it easier (Has to be as easy to get rid of as purchase)
    • Have a day where they put out hazardous wastes on curbside
    • Back to retail
    • Make part of stewardship program
    • Sell partly used paint at depot to public
    • Be accessible to people who do not have vehicles
    • Make sense to use up all waste prior to buying more
    • Education on what HHW is!
    • Charge levy on all HHW for disposal fee
    • Movement to have all latex paint
    • Product stewardship issue
    • Paint can that have all paint removed be able to put in blue box
    • Have disposal at shopping malls once a month
    • More facilities like western scrap to take HHW.
    • Drop off depots
    • Re-sell latex paint back to concrete industry to use in concrete mix
    • HHW site at Brady
    • Experimenting with different plants and fungus to remove hazardous waste from landfills and older landfills
    • Using fungus to speed up decomposition at landfill
    • Avenue where people can take HHW
    • Reasonable depots opened at reasonable times
    • Using way less
    • Promoting not using as much HHW
    • By-laws in place
    • Place to crush oil filters at depot
    • Push for alternate material to use instead of HHW
    • Who ever sells the products should take them back
    • Laws in place if you sell HHW you have to take back
    • Depots
    • Pick up once a week
    • Education – grass roots program
    • Incineration to get rid of HHW
  2. Now, back to the present. What do we need to do to get to that leadership position?
  3. Do you know of other cities that have implemented this successfully? What can we learn from them to help us get to where we want to be?

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Bulky waste

  1. It is 2020 and Winnipeg is considered a leader in Bulky waste. What does that look like to you?
    • Waste picked up is all recycled into something else.
    • Doesn't sit out side for more than a day (fires, bedbugs)
    • Provide avenue (phone number) to donate items and reuse instead of landfilling or selling for scrap
    • People don't know if 311 is available for instruction
    • Problem (not solution) is that there is strong possibility for fire if left unattended.
    • People can pick up bulkly waste and take to landfill and receive some money for brining it in.
    • Remain a free service in the inner city area – residents don't take care of it as well as other areas.
    • Support for tenant or landlord to encourage bulky waste pickup in an organized way.
    • Inner residents have many other issues to deal with so not as caring for bulk waste
    • More support for community organizations to work with the City is needed. Little contact with Councillors for support.
    • Community organizations are unsure of where the free service areas are.
    • Garbage pickup is not equitably charged per pick up.
    • If materials were recycled, the money could be used to subsidise.
    • At point of retail, every couch sold can be charged an eco fee.
    • West Broadway resident – lots of move in-out – lots of furniture in back lanes.
      • Landlords could charge a damage deposit for disposing of BW when moving out. Gives residents more personal responsibility. Not too much of a charge as not to deter.
      • Due to bed bug scare, post telephone numbers to allow for further use of clean items.
      • Must be convenient for people moving out. Phone line like 1-800 you got junk.
      • COW number directly to pick up bulk – charge an appropriate fee.
      • Whoever generated the bulky waste should be charged.
      • Many people cannot afford the $20 fee if imposed.
      • More central a location to drop off bulky waste instead of Brady
    • Wpg has dealt with problem at front door rather than back door. Encourage reuse – post an ad for your old couch for example. Eventually the couch has to be disposed of. End user is often 2-3 user and is responsible for disposal.
    • Other suggestion is to dismantle bulky waste and throw out in regular trash.
    • Limit the amount of disposal and then charge for anything over the limit.
    • Quick pick up
    • Arrange with the retailer to pick up
    • Be respectful of the neighbourhood
    • Funding – $20 fee is reasonable. But free means you can phone and pick up other neighbours bulky waste
    • Hard to educate people about what to do properly
    • More drop offs in the City for eventual pick up to the landfill. Huge bins in the City for drop off – more convenient than Brady Road.
    • Private sector to take charge of bulky waste pickup
    • More cardboard recycling, more bins or facilities just for cardboard especially in west end.
  2. Now, back to the present. What do we need to do to get to that leadership position?
    • City councillors support
    • COW work more with grass roots communities to deal with issue
    • Transparency with waste collection contracts
    • Communication and education must be improved – start with grassroots organizations so they can educate residents
    • Task forces for issues that are important (like bed bugs in mattresses)
    • NW quadrant is disenchanted with garbage. COW is offloading cost of pick up on home owner rather than City.
    • Go back to manual collection system and deal with CFCs, etc.
    • Turn items into scrap and reuse.
    • Stewardship working on minimizing packing issue. Bulky cardboard is a problem i.e. box for fridge.
    • Fee on computer disposal ex. Computer, same thing on appliances and other bulky items. Up front fee i.e. disposal fee build right into the price of unit.
    • COW has to have a service to call 311 to pick up.
    • Posting telephone numbers to re-use items as a first step.
    • Allow anyone to phone to request a pick up even though it is not in your yard.
    • Coordinate pick ups with neighbours.
    • Bulky waste is coordinated well right now – COW doing a good job. 311 is helpful for information. Timely pickup now.
    • More education is always better.
    • Apartment owners should be more involved in education and prevention.
  3. Do you know of other cities that have implemented this successfully? What can we learn from them to help us get to where we want to be?
    • City of Selkirk 2x per year offers pick up of anything on the curb
    • Free give-away weekends are great to encourage reuse. But this encourages issues like bed bugs, etc.
    • Hard to monitor an honour system.
    • No, do not know of another City
    • Other City solution may not be ours. WPG is unique.
    • Recyclables can be informally available for scavengers to pick up and sell.
    • Brandon, Stonewall – offers a free service periodically (1x per year) to pick up all BW. Taxpayers pay the fees in general.
    • Mandate construction companies to recycle cardboard.
    • Issue is that someone with a little bit of waste pays for others – shouldn't be that way.
    • User pay – if you throw out more garbage you should pay more for the service. Different annual fee for bigger and smaller garbage carts.
    • Look at other cities like Edmonton so we don't reinvent the wheel.

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Local job / market creation

  1. It is 2020 and Winnipeg is considered a leader in local job/ market creation. What does that look like to you?
    • Educated population. Educated on green tech and sustainable technologies, consulting, web based consulting.
    • Opportunities low skilled jobs for recycled materials. Assume we are talking about creating jobs in recycling.
    • Big market in collection of sw. we have it backwards by collecting with BFI workers than city workers. Maybe that is more profitable.
    • Don't think we re creating many jobs. Habitat for humanity is an example job creation for construction materials. We need to have the market and more than ideas. Vision is Brady in now an industrial park, includes composting, mrf, other environmental processing plants, includes high-rises. Modern tech is being developed. Maybe U of M has some departments there, busy place of employment, 1000s of people employed. Eenergy from waste is another thing that Brady should be doing.
    • We have become centre of innovation and waste diversion. We need tax incentives or per tonne.
    • Supporting local green industry.
    • Hub of research, innovation, deconstruction, support for tax incentives. Practicum with universities.
    • Public garbage collection with people at land fill is private. Calgary e.g. looks to wpg as eg. Versatech is good community partner and uses low skill and helps people. Maybe garbage mining for resources or space. Watch: "Addicted to plastic" and "A convenient truth: the story of Curitiba Brasil"
  2. Now, back to the present. What do we need to do to get to that leadership position?
    • Universities to focus. Funding for demo projects. People can be experts and people outside can see. If we want to be leader, we need the market. Not sure how to get there. Maybe economic zones, or exchanges with other cities as one market.
    • Need to get composting and mrf to Brady as a start. We have to work hard to not send recyclables to places like china, rather use energy from waste than see shipped a long way as it has greater green house gases impact.
    • Society needs to understand for the future. Pay levies. Find ways to partner with universities and we need to get forums to try new innovations. Dream together with province. Some places industries reclaiming food.
    • Cities hires people with green backgrounds experts. Used to be incentive programs. Need to have incentives to hire people.
    • Business with respond to consumer demand. Needs to be market and product stewards. Promote industry. Use local expertise that we have to attract and promote.
  3. Do you know of other cities that have implemented this successfully? What can we learn from them to help us get to where we want to be?
    • Some cities seem to have more emphases. E.g. Toronto has more green roofs, cleaned up waterfront.
    • Wpg has a long way to go to catch up. Need to walk the walk to get there. Not sure exact city, but we send products elsewhere. In part we are isolated market.
    • An example is in Africa small business involved and nothing was wasted. All products are recycled. Industries could be built at old landfills.
    • Landfills to topography and use for parks. Vancouver has organisations that collect food that provides to low income.
    • Curitiba brazil: relation ship with collection and recycling and traded for goods or services such as bus tickets. Also ideas like cigarette butts for bus tix.
    • East Van successful model of depot take back. Have laws city specific for waste laws or bottle industries for take back programs.
    • Successful models of co-operation in Sweden. Not sure what is best mix of private public.

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Program education / public awareness

  1. It is 2020 and Winnipeg is considered a leader in Program education/ public awareness. What does that look like to you?
    • communications are easy to understand, access
    • involved community with every neighbourhood
    • different levels of government to work together to advertise and coordinate info in a one stop shop
    • the public is aware and educated
    • know where to take our batteries, prescription medicine, e-waste
    • we understand the benefits of why we are doing this
    • no traffic problems because everyone takes the bus
    • no litter on the streets – cleanest city in the world
    • you waste more you pay more
    • people know what they are supposed to do, awareness of services
    • education is accessible
    • readily identify what is recyclable
    • communicate well with residents that don't have English as a first language
    • strong connection with city councillors and area community groups
    • understand that there is a cost to being wasteful
    • incentives to being environmentally conscious
    • City adopts waste reduction this as a priority
  2. Now, back to the present. What do we need to do to get to that leadership position?
    • education in schools (not just K – 6)
    • groups to facilitate education in different areas to reach all groups (e.g., residents that don't speak the language, new residents) – Welcome Wagon
    • become an expected part of curriculum, whether it is school, apartments,
    • use focus topics
    • making people more conscious – altering the culture and expectation
    • four R's, not just recycling
    • in small digestible pieces
    • needs some champions in each area (CAO, sports figures, business leaders)
    • identify top 20 corporations / institutions / businesses
    • spend some time helping customers understand the "why"
    • make it easier to find on the web page (easier to use for the user)
    • condo owners handbook
    • build community pride so people care about a clean green city
    • clean green team for each neighbourhood like Neighbourhood watch
    • constant review of information to determine if it meets the needs of the residents
    • grassroots through schools
    • educate the councillors
    • coordinate the efforts among residential, commercial, institutional (that produce waste) to ensure a consistent approach and strategy
    • product stewardship / corporate responsibility
    • laundry list of what and where can be recycled
    • use water bill as a means of advertising
    • students do PSAs
    • social media
    • container recycling fees
    • recycling at all levels
    • consistent look for take back programs
    • renter's package that informs of all the services
    • things to do to reduce your waste
    • mail-outs
    • radio
    • news and other media
    • mandated into education system – city to partner with schools
    • community based social marketing – going door to door
    • places of employment need to promote
    • community centres to promote
    • campaign to advertise successes
    • residents to hold councillors accountable to residents
    • invest more money
    • mascots to engage public in
    • have green team show up to community events to promote waste reduction strategies
    • reach out to the community as often as possible
    • work with Province
    • rewards/incentives for environmentally sustainable
    • value of what the property tax amount covers for garbage collection
  3. Do you know of other cities that have implemented this successfully? What can we learn from them to help us get to where we want to be?
    • monthly newsletter – target community areas (e.g,. community recycling depots)
    • state of Texas (don't mess with Texas)
    • City of Edmonton – more widespread awareness
    • City of Guelph
    • Ramsey County
    • One stop shop for information (website, hotline, massive media campaign, mailers in more than one language)
    • Nova Scotia, Halifax

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Our panel presented a summary and wrap up of the round table discussions.

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Last updated: January 31, 2019

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