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Reports on untreated sewage

As requested by the Province of Manitoba, we report on the incidents of untreated sewer release into the environment as a result of a disruption to our wastewater collection system. These events are usually the result of something unanticipated like a water main break or a power outage. When sewer operations are disrupted, the sewage can be released into the environment, which helps protect public health and prevent property damage like basement flooding.


Date Location Estimated
Nov. 29 Sturgeon Creek 0.34 megalitres Approx. 2 hours, 15 hours and thirty minutes (estimated) Sewer blockage
Incident details and response
  • On November 28, 2022, at 1:53 p.m., a report came through 311 regarding suspected wastewater discharging into Sturgeon Creek. A vacuum cleaning unit was dispatched and arrived on site 3 p.m. The crew determined a wastewater overflow was occurring behind 54 Lonsdale Drive. They began on a search to locate the cause of backup and soon determined that the sewer was partially blocked near 94 Kirby Drive. A cleaning crew worked through the evening and was able to clear the blockage and stop the overflow by 5:30 a.m. on November 29, 2022.
  • Wastewater Services Division will be conducting further investigations into what caused the backup and appropriate preventative actions will be taken to reduce the likelihood of future blockages at this location.
  • The estimated volume of wastewater discharged to the Sturgeon Creek 0.34 megalitres.
  • The incidents were reported to the Manitoba Environment, Climate and Parks Accident Reporting line on Monday, November 28, 2022.
Nov. 16 750 mm combined sewer outfall located at 110 Cornish Avenue 0.62 megalitres Approx. 13 hours and 15 minutes Contractor error
Incident details and response
  • On November 16, at approximately 7:45 a.m., a Wastewater Services SCADA Operator noticed unusual information being reported by the instrumentation at our Cornish Wastewater Lift Station. A maintenance crew was dispatched and arrived on site at 8 a.m.
  • Upon arrival, the crew encountered a private contractor performing sewer rehabilitation work (CIPP lining) on the main trunk sewer for the Cornish Combined Sewer District. At 8:15 a.m., the crew then discovered an ongoing overflow at a sewer relief outfall to the Assiniboine River, upstream of the work location.
  • After further investigation, it was determined that the contractor was intentionally backing up wastewater in the sewer in order to perform their work. In doing so, they did not realize that this action was causing wastewater to discharge to the Assiniboine River. At 9:10 a.m., most of the flow was restored to Cornish Pumping Station, which reduced the amount overflowing to the river, but did not completely stop the discharge.
  • At 1 p.m., it was determined that the maintenance crew could safely close the slide gate on the outfall to slop the overflow. In addition, the contractor was asked to plug and seal the outfall pipe for the remaining duration of their work at this location. By 1: 30 p.m., the overflow had stopped.
  • A review of our instrumentation data as well as discussion with the Supervising Consulting Engineer helped us determine t hat the overflow began at approximately 12:15 a.m. on November 16, slowed significantly at 9:15 a.m. and stopped completely after the Contractor plugged the outfall pipe at 1:30 p.m.
  • The City is working with the Contractor to ensure that there are no future discharges related to the performance of this work in the future.
  • The estimated volume of wastewater discharged to the Assiniboine River is 0.62 megalitres.
  • The incidents were reported to the Manitoba Environment, Climate and Parks Accident Reporting line on Wednesday, November 16, 2022.
Nov. 9 Linden Pumping Station located at 856 Kildonan Drive 2.64 megalitres Approx. 16 days Plywood blocking the pumping station intake
Incident details and response
  • On November 9, 2022 at 9:25 a.m., a Wastewater Maintenance Crew performing routine inspections at the Linden Wastewater Pumping Station noticed wastewater discharging from the station outfall to the Red River. The outfall slide gate was closed stopping the discharge at 9:55 a.m. and an investigation was conducted to determine the cause of the overflow.
  • The crew determined that the cause of the overflow was a two-foot by five-foot section of plywood partially blocking the intake to the pumping station. Once the plywood was removed, Linden Pumping Station was back to normal operation.
  • A thorough review and analysis of the station SCADA instrumentation data indicates that the discharge began on October 24, 2022. Instrumentation at the station had been issuing overflow alarms and crews were sent multiple times to investigate. At each inspection, it was determined that flow levels were below the weir and it was concluded that the issue was a result of instrumentation malfunction/inaccuracies and not an actual overflow. Inspection crews believed that the ongoing construction project at this location had caused the instruments to provide inaccurate readings.
  • An investigation into the events that led to this overflow is underway and any required changes or improvements to the system will be implemented.
  • The estimated volume of wastewater discharged to the Red River is 2.64 megalitres.
  • The incidents were reported to the Manitoba Environment, Climate and Parks Accident Reporting line on Wednesday, November 9, 2022.
Oct. 6 1800mm combined sewer outfall located at 250 Churchill Drive 0.20 megalitres Approx. 1 hour and 22 minutes Power failure
Incident details and response
  • On October 5, 2022, at 6:52 p.m., our Wastewater SCADA Control Centre received a power failure alarm from the Baltimore Lift Station. A maintenance crew was dispatched and arrived on site at 8 p.m. The crew observed an overflow occurring and immediately closed the outfall slide gate at 8:25 p.m. Power was restored to the station at 8:58 p.m. The station returned to normal operation when the maintenance crew opened the outfall slide gate. at 2:30 a.m. on October 6, 2022.
  • The estimated volume of wastewater discharged into the Red River is 0.20 megalitres.
  • The incidents were reported to the Manitoba Environment, Climate and Parks Accident Reporting line on Monday, October 5, 2022.
Sep. 29 1900mm combined sewer outfall located at 40 Ferry Road 0.05 megalitres Approx. 1 hour Unknown
Incident details and response
  • On September 29, 2022, at 10:45 a.m., our SCADA Operator noticed an unusual amount of extra flow entering the Ferry Road Pumping Station. A maintenance crew was sent to investigate and arrived on site at 10:53 a.m. and immediately closed the outfall slide gate in an attempt to prevent a discharge to the environment. The gate was closed at 11:10 a.m., stopping the overflow. The station returned to normal operation at 11:35 a.m. and the outfall slide gate was opened at 11:45 a.m.
  • The SCADA data indicates that an overflow likely occurred prior to the outfall slide gate being completely closed. The overflow appears to have started at 10:55 a.m. and stopped at 11:10 a.m. when the gate was closed.
  • The maintenance crew investigated the site thoroughly in an effort to determine what caused the excess flow, however they did not find anything unusual.
  • The estimated volume of wastewater discharged into the Assiniboine River is 0.05 megalitres.
  • The incidents were reported to the Manitoba Sustainable Development Accident Reporting line on Monday, September 29, 2022.
Sep. 7 2300mm combined sewer outfall located at 499 Tylehurst Street 0.05 megalitres Approx. 44 minutes Power failure
Incident details and response
  • On September 7, 2022, at 7:23 a.m., our Wastewater SCADA Control Centre received a power fail alarm from Tylehurst Lift Station. A maintenance crew was dispatched and arrived on site at 8:05 a.m. and an electrical crew arrived shortly after.
  • The maintenance crew observed an overflow occurring and closed the outfall slide gate at 8:14 a.m. The electrical crew connected the mobile generator at 8:33 a.m. Power was restored to the station at 3:10 p.m. and the station was returned to normal operation at 3:23 p.m. when the maintenance crew opened the positive slide gate.
  • The estimated volume of wastewater discharged into the Assiniboine River is 0.05 megalitres.
  • The incidents were reported to the Manitoba Sustainable Development Accident Reporting line on Monday, September 7, 2022.
Aug. 29 Linden Pumping Station located at 856 Kildonan Drive 0.25 megalitres Approx. 9 hours and 6 minutes Power failure
Incident details and response
  • On August 29, 2022 at 8:45 a.m., the Wastewater Services SCADA Control Centre received a power failure alarm from Linden Wastewater Pumping Station. Maintenance crews were dispatched with a mobile generator and were able to have the station running on temporary power by 9:56 a.m. Manitoba Hydro restored power at 5:51 p.m. and the station began operating normally.
  • At the time of the power failure, there was an ongoing rain event, which caused the station to overflow naturally due to high wet weather flows. At 11:25 a.m., the overflow stopped while the station was operating on temporary power. The amount of wastewater reported here reflects what would have been normally pumped for treatment from the time the power failure began until the mobile generator was connected to the station.
  • The estimated volume of wastewater discharged into the Red River is 0.25 megalitres.
  • The incidents were reported to the Manitoba Sustainable Development Accident Reporting line on Monday, August 29, 2022.
Aug. 24 Grandmont Pumping Station located at 213 Grandmont 0 megalitres Approx. 17 hours and 38 minutes Force main leak
Incident details and response
  • On August 24, 2022, at 6:48 p.m., the City 311 Call Centre received a report from a citizen stating that there was a sinkhole and possible water main break at 255 Grandmont Boulevard.
  • Upon further investigation by Water Services crews, it was determined that a wastewater force-mail leak was likely occurring just outside of the Grandmond Wastewater Pumping Station. Wastewater Services was notified and a crew arrived on site at 8:40 a.m. on August 25.
  • By 12:26 p.m. a by-pass pump had ben set up and the force main was taken out of service in order to isolate the leak. Wastewater was contained within the void and did not enter into a land drainage catch basin.
  • Repairs to the force-main are ongoing and by-pass pumping will remain in place until they are completed.
  • The approximate volume of contaminated soil removed thus far is 50 cubic metres (m3) and any further contaminated soil encountered will be removed and disposed of appropriately.
  • The estimated volume of wastewater discharged 0 megalitres. All contaminated soil was contained and disposed of appropriately.
  • The incidents were reported to the Manitoba Sustainable Development Accident Reporting line on Thursday, August 25, 2022.
Jul. 11 1660mm combined sewer outfall located at 3 Mager Drive West 1.19 megalitres Approx. 3 hours and 55 minutes Partial power failure
Incident details and response
  • On July 11, 2022 at 4:05 p.m., our Wastewater SCADA Control Centre received a pump fail alarm for Mager Drive Pumping Station. A maintenance crew and an electrical and instrumentation crew were both dispatched, arriving at 4:35 p.m. and 4:45 p.m., respectively.
  • It was determined that there was a partial power failure at the station, which caused the pumps to fail. The maintenance crew closed the slide outfall gate at 5 p.m. and the electrical crew proceeded to connect a mobile generator to the power station. The generator was connected at 6:20 p.m. and the pumps were operational.
  • At 6:40 p.m. the generator malfunctioned, causing levels in the collection system to rise to a level where sewer backups in area basements were likely to occur. To prevent the backups, a controlled release was performed by slightly opening the outfall slide gate, at approximately 7 p.m.
  • At 7:52 p.m., Manitoba Hydro restored power to the station and by 8 p.m., the overflow had stopped.
  • A review of SCADA data indicated that, in addition to the controlled release at 7 p.m., there was a discharge prior to the slide gate being closed at 5 p.m.
  • The estimated volume of wastewater discharged to the Red River 1.19 megalitres.
  • The incidents were reported to the Manitoba Environment, Climate and Parks Accident Reporting line on Monday, July 11, 2022.
Jun. 17 Behind 54 Lonsdale Drive 0.039 megalitres Approx. 5 hours Pipe blockage
Incident details and response
  • On June 17, 2022 at 10:15 a.m., a report came through 311 regarding a sewer odour near Sturgeon Creek. An inspection crew was dispatched and arrived on site at 11:13 a.m. The crew determined a wastewater overflow was occurring behind 54 Lonsdale Drive. They began work to find a blockage and dispatched a vactor truck to the area. A blockage was discovered between 91 and 94 Kirby Drive, and a vactor arrived at 12:30 p.m. to begin clearing the blockage. The vactor crew was able to liberate the blockage and stop the overflow by 5:30 p.m. A sample was taken and sent for analysis.
  • The estimated volume of wastewater discharged to Sturgeon Creek is 0.039 megalitres.
  • The incident was reported to the Manitoba Environment, Climate and Parks Accident Reporting line on Friday June 17, 2022.
May 18 Portage Avenue at Empress Underpass 0.0 megalitres Approx. 1 hour Possible manhole or siphon malfunction
Incident details and response
  • On May 18, 2022 at 5:45 p.m., we received notification that a manhole on Portage Avenue was discharging wastewater onto Portage Avenue at the Empress Street Underpass. A maintenance crew was dispatched, arriving onsite at 6:05 p.m. The crew noticed that wastewater was coming out of a manhole on the east side of the underpass, beneath Empress Street and then draining onto eastbound Portage Avenue. It then flowed into the catch basins, which are connected to the combined sewer system, at the bottom of the underpass. Shortly after the crew arrived on site, the wastewater stopped spilling from the manhole.
  • Since the wastewater was captured by the catch basins and funneled into the combined sewer system, no discharge volume has been reported for this incident.
  • The manhole where this discharge occurred is newly constructed, and part of the Omand’s Creek Siphon Replacement Project. City employees will be reviewing this incident and make the necessary changes to prevent future overflows at this location.
  • The estimated volume of wastewater discharged to the area of Portage Avenue at Empress Underpass is 0.0 megalitres.
  • The incidents were reported to the Manitoba Environment, Climate and Parks Accident Reporting line on Wednesday May 18, 2022.
Apr. 30 4901 Roblin Boulevard 3.06 megalitres Approx. 1 hour Pumping station flood
Incident details and response
  • On Saturday, April 30, 2022, at 8:24 a.m., all pumps were shut down at Community ROW Wastewater Pumping Station (CRPS) due to an alarm at the Perimeter Road Wastewater Pumping Station (PRPS). The alarm at PRPS was caused by flooding resulting from a leak in the seal of one of the pumps. At the time of the alarms, both pumping stations were at or near maximum pumping capacity due to an ongoing wet weather event.
  • The PRPS supplies all the wastewater to the West End Sewage Treatment Plant (also known as the West End Water Pollution Control Centre or WEWPCC). When PRPS experiences a major alarm, CRPS is automatically signaled to shut down to avoid surcharging the interceptor sewer that runs through Charleswood between the two stations. If CRPS continues to pump when PRPS has lost pumping capacity, there is a danger of extensive basement flooding in the Charleswood area.
  • At around 9:15 a.m., the Collection System Operator in Charge was notified about the issues at the PRPS. It was decided that although the station capacity has been reduced, the remaining pumping capacity at PRPS should be sufficient and the major alarm could be manually cleared to allow CRPS to resume pumping. At 9:24 a.m., the alarm at PRPS was cleared and the CRPS resumed normal operation.
  • Normally, the upstream storage capacity at CRPS is enough to allow for a shutdown of this magnitude without causing an overflow. Unfortunately, the wet weather event happening concurrently with the issues at PRPS and CRPS, led to a discharge at the outfall located at the intersection of Dieppe Road and Roblin Boulevard.
  • The estimated volume of wastewater discharged to the Assiniboine River is 3.06 megalitres.
  • The incidents were reported to the Manitoba Environment, Climate and Parks Accident Reporting line on Saturday, April 30, 2022.
Apr. 25 905 Cockburn Street, 246 Churchill Drive, and 3 Mager Drive West 59.6 megalitres Approx. 1 day, 22 hours and fifty-five minutes Treatment plant capacity exceeded
Incident details and response
  • On Saturday, April 23, 2022, the South End Wastewater Treatment Plant (SEWPCC) was experiencing high flow that was exceeding the maximum capacity of the four raw sewage pumps. That evening, the wet well level was steadily increasing beyond our normal operating range and at the same time, there was also a risk of equipment failures and power outages. It was decided that there was a serious risk of basement flooding upstream of the treatment plan and, considering the current and forecasted weather conditions, steps were taken to divert flow from the SEWPCC directly to the Red River.
  • Around midnight on Sunday, April 24, all of the wastewater pumps at the wastewater pumping stations, located at 905 Cockburn Street, 246 Churchill Drive, and 3 Mager Drive, were shut off. Turning off these pumps resulted in diluted wastewater being released into the Red River instead of being sent to SEWPCC for treatment. At the time of this shutdown, all three pumping stations were already experiencing overflows due to an ongoing wet weather event.
  • At approximately 10 a.m. on April 25, all three of the shutdown stations were returned to normal operation as the SEWPCC was keeping up with incoming flows of wastewater.
  • The estimated volume of wastewater discharged to the Red River is 59.6 megalitres.
  • The incidents were reported to the Manitoba Environment, Climate and Parks Accident Reporting line on Saturday, April 23, 2022.
Apr. 6 300 mm combined sewer outfall located at 25 de la Digue Avenue 0.14 megalitres Approx. 1 hour and 9 minutes Power failure
Incident details and response
  • On April 6, 2022 at 11:13 a.m., our Wastewater Control Centre received a power fail alarm from the St. Norbert Lift Station. A standby crew with a mobile generator was dispatched and arrived on site at 12:10 p.m. While the crew was connecting the generator, Manitoba Hydro restored the power, at approximately 12:22 p.m. The lift station was returned to normal operation at 12:56 p.m.
  • The estimated volume of wastewater discharged to the Red River is 0.14 megalitres.
  • The incidents were reported to the Manitoba Environment, Climate and Parks Accident Reporting line on Wednesday, April 6, 2022.
Mar. 25 2300 mm combined sewer outfall located at 499 Tylehurst Street 0.49 megalitres Approx. 2 hours and 15 minutes (continued from previous day) Temporary pump capacity exceeded
Incident details and response
  • This is a supplemental report to the incident reported on March 16 at 499 Tylehurst Street.
  • At 12 a.m. on March 25, 2022, two of the three pumps at the Tylehurst Wastewater Pumping Station were turned off to limit flows going to the interceptor and prevent an overflow onto Portage Avenue and at the Portage Avenue Interceptor Siphon Replacement at Omand’s Creek Project site. Between 12 a.m. and 2:15 a.m. on March 25, 2022, the flows were throttled and the excess diluted wastewater was released to the Assiniboine River. The pump station was restricted to a single pump until March 26, at approximately 2:30 p.m., but no additional overflows occurred.
  • On March 26, 2022, at approximately 2:30 p.m., the new siphon at Omand’s Creek was put into service. Tylehurst was returned to normal operation with all pumps cycling.
  • The estimated volume of wastewater discharged to the Assiniboine River is 0.49 megalitres.
  • The incidents were reported to the Manitoba Conservation and Climate Accident Reporting line on Monday, March 28, 2022.
Mar. 24 2300 mm combined sewer outfall located at 499 Tylehurst Street and the 2340 mm combined sewer outfall located at 1740 Portage Avenue (Riverbend Outfall) 4.02 megalitres (3.45 megalitres at Tylehurst and 0.57 megalitres at Riverbend) Approx. 24 hours (continued from previous day) Temporary pump capacity exceeded
Incident details and response
  • This is a supplemental report to the incident reported on March 16 at 499 Tylehurst Street.
  • On March 24, 2022 two of the three pumps at the Tylehurst Wastewater Pumping Station were turned off to limit flows going to the interceptor and prevent an overflow onto Portage Avenue and at the Portage Avenue Interceptor Siphon Replacement at Omand’s Creek Project site. Between 2 p.m. and 12 a.m. on March 25, 2022, the single remaining pump had to be shut off intermittently and the excess diluted wastewater was released to the Assiniboine River. At the time of reporting this incident, one pump has the pump station is still restricted to a single pump, which may have to be shut off again when flows increase. As a result, the volume reported herein for Tylehurst Wastewater Pumping Station has been calculated from to 12 a.m. on March 24 to 12 a.m. March 25, with the remainder reported on the March 25 incident report.
  • Between 5:15 p.m. and 6:15 p.m. and between 7:10 p.m. and 8:10 p.m. on March 24, one pump at Riverbend Wastewater Pumping Station was off to allow the controlled release of diluted wastewater. This release was performed in order to prevent an overflow onto Portage Avenue and the Portage Avenue Interceptor Siphon Replacement Project site. At the time of this report, the pumps have been turned back on. As a result, the volume reported herein for the Riverbend Wastewater Pumping Station has been calculated from 5:15 p.m. to 8:10 p.m. on March 24.
  • As described in the previous incident reports at this site, melt water will continue to overwhelm the bypass system. As a result, strategic upstream controlled releases of diluted wastewater may be required.
  • Work is progressing at the site and is expected to be completed this weekend pending concrete curing times.
  • The estimated volume of wastewater discharged to the Assiniboine River is 4.02 megalitres (3.45 megalitres at Tylehurst and 0.57 megalitres at Riverbend).
  • The incidents were reported to the Manitoba Conservation and Climate Accident Reporting line on Thursday, March 24, 2022.
Mar. 23 2300 mm combined sewer outfall located at 499 Tylehurst Street 1.96 megalitres Approx. 24 hours (continued from previous day) Temporary pump capacity exceeded
Incident details and response
  • This is a supplemental report to the incident reported on March 16 at 499 Tylehurst Street.
  • On March 23, 2022 at approximately 12 a.m., two of the three pumps at the Tylehurst Wastewater Pumping Station were turned off to limit flows going into the interceptor. This was performed in order to prevent an overflow onto Portage Avenue and at the Portage Avenue Interceptor Siphon replacement at Omand’s Creek Project site.
  • Between 3:35 a.m. and 8:40 a.m. and again between 4:10 p.m. and 10:25 p.m., the flows arriving at the pumping station exceed capacity of a single pump and the excess diluted wastewater was released to the Assiniboine River. At the time of reporting this incident, the pump station is still restricted to a single pump, which may have to be shut off again when flows increase. As a result, the volume reported herein for Tylehurst Wastewater Pumping Station has been calculated from to 12 a.m. on March 23 to 12 a.m. March 24, with the remainder reported on the March 24 incident report.
  • As described in the previous incident reports at this site, melt water will continue to overwhelm the bypass system. As a result, strategic upstream controlled releases of diluted wastewater may be required.
  • Work is progressing at the site; however, a failed pressure test has caused a further delay on the completion of the project. It is now estimated that the siphon replacement project will be completed on Saturday, March 26, 2022.
  • The estimated volume of wastewater discharged to the Assiniboine River is 1.96 megalitres.
  • The incidents were reported to the Manitoba Conservation and Climate Accident Reporting line on Wednesday, March 23, 2022.
Mar. 22 1600 x 1450 mm combined sewer outfall located at 1 Cornish Avenue 2.15 megalitres Approx. 44 hours Pipe blockage
Incident details and response
  • On March 23, 2022 at approximately 7:30 a.m., our Wastewater Control Centre observed pumps cycling less frequently than expected at the Cornish Lift Station. A maintenance crew was dispatched and arrived on site at 9:30 a.m. The crew observed that the system was surcharged. Our instrumentation indicated that both pumps were operational but running infrequently, indicating a blockage of the intake pipe to the lift station.
  • Crews worked throughout the day to clear the blockage and were able to liberate the intake pipe at approximately 8 p.m. The pumps at the station started cycling normally at approximately 8:52 p.m.
  • Upon further review of the instrumentation data, the partial blockage appears to have started at approximately 12 a.m. on March 22, 2022.
  • The estimated volume of wastewater discharged to the Assiniboine River is 2.15 megalitres.
  • The incidents were reported to the Manitoba Conservation and Climate Accident Reporting line on Wednesday, March 23, 2022.
Mar. 22 2300 mm combined sewer outfall located at 499 Tylehurst Street and the 2340 mm combined sewer outfall located at 1740 Portage Avenue (Riverbend Outfall) 20.20 megalitres (13.46 megalitres at Tylehurst and 6.74 megalitres at Riverbend) Approx. 24 hours (continued from previous day) Temporary pump capacity exceeded
Incident details and response
  • This is a supplemental report to the incident reported on March 16 at 499 Tylehurst Street.
  • On March 22, 2022 at approximately 12 a.m., all three pumps at the Tylehurst Wastewater Pumping Station were turned off to perform a controlled release of diluted wastewater. This release was performed in order to prevent an overflow onto Portage Avenue and at the Portage Avenue Interceptor Siphon replacement at Omand’s Creek Project site. At the time of reporting this incident, one pump has been turned back on, but will likely have to be shut off again when flows increase. As a result, the volume reported herein for Tylehurst Wastewater Pumping Station has been calculated from to 12 a.m. on March 22 to 12 a.m. March 23, with the remainder reported on the March 23 incident report.
  • At 12 a.m. on March 22, it became apparent that an overflow at the project site was imminent even with the controlled release at the Tylehurst Wastewater Pumping Station. Both pumps at Riverbend Wastewater Pumping Station (upstream of the Tylehurst Wastewater Pumping Station), were turned off to allow for a controlled release of diluted wastewater. At the time of this report, both pumps have been turned back on. As a result, the volume reported herein will be calculated from 12 a.m. to 2:10 p.m. on March 22.
  • As described in the previous incident reports at this site, melt water will continue to overwhelm the bypass system. As a result, strategic upstream controlled releases of diluted wastewater may be required.
  • Work is progressing at the site and it is estimated that the siphon replacement project will be completed on Thursday, March 24, 2022.
  • The estimated volume of wastewater discharged to the Assiniboine River is 20.20 megalitres (13.46 megalitres at Tylehurst and 6.74 megalitres at Riverbend).
  • The incidents were reported to the Manitoba Conservation and Climate Accident Reporting line on Tuesday, March 22, 2022.
Mar. 21 2300 mm combined sewer outfall located at 499 Tylehurst Street and the 2340 mm combined sewer outfall located at 1740 Portage Avenue (Riverbend Outfall) 13.05 megalitres (9.95 megalitres at Tylehurst and 3.10 megalitres at Riverbend) Approx. 24 hours (continued from previous day) Temporary pump capacity exceeded
Incident details and response
  • This is a supplemental report to the incident reported on March 16 at 499 Tylehurst Street.
  • On March 21, 2022 at approximately 12 a.m., all three pumps at the Tylehurst Wastewater Pumping Station were turned off to perform a controlled release of diluted wastewater. This release was performed in order to prevent an overflow onto Portage Avenue and at the Portage Avenue Interceptor Siphon replacement at Omand’s Creek Project site. At the time of reporting this incident, the pumps have not been turned back on. As a result, the volume reported herein for Tylehurst Wastewater Pumping Station has been calculated to 12 a.m. on March 22 and the remainder will be reported on the March 22 incident report.
  • At 12:30 p.m. on March 21, it became apparent that an overflow at the project site was imminent even with the controlled release at the Tylehurst Wastewater Pumping Station. Both pumps at Riverbend Wastewater Pumping Station (upstream of the Tylehurst Wastewater Pumping Station), were turned off to allow for a controlled release of diluted wastewater. Both pumps were run intermittently as flows allowed, in order to send as much diluted wastewater downstream for treatment. At the time of this report, the pumps have not been turned back on. As a result, the volume reported herein will be calculated to 12 a.m. on March 22, and the remainder will be reported on the March 22 incident report.
  • As described in the previous incident reports at this site, melt water will continue to overwhelm the bypass system. As a result, strategic upstream controlled releases of diluted wastewater may be required.
  • Work is progressing at the site and it is estimated that the siphon replacement project will be completed in one more day. The project is expected to be completed on Wednesday, March 23, 2022.
  • The estimated volume of wastewater discharged to the Assiniboine River is 13.05 megalitres (9.95 megalitres at Tylehurst and 3.10 megalitres at Riverbend).
  • The incidents were reported to the Manitoba Conservation and Climate Accident Reporting line on Monday, March 21, 2022.
Mar. 20 2300 mm combined sewer outfall located at 499 Tylehurst Street, the 2340 mm combined sewer outfall located at 1740 Portage Avenue (Riverbend Outfall), and the 1800 mm combined sewer outfall located at 40 Ferry Road 9.7 megalitres (6.42 megalitres at Tylehurst, 3.10 megalitres at Riverbend, and 0.18 megalitres at Ferry) Approx. 12 hours and 20 minutes* Temporary pump capacity exceeded
Incident details and response
  • This is a supplemental report to the incident reported on March 16 at 499 Tylehurst Street.
  • On March 20, 2022 at approximately 1:40 p.m., all three pumps at the Tylehurst Wastewater Pumping Station were turned off to perform a controlled release of diluted wastewater. This release was performed in order to prevent an overflow onto Portage Avenue and at the Portage Avenue Interceptor Siphon replacement at Omand’s Creek Project site. At the time of reporting this incident, the pumps have not been turned back on.
  • *As a result, the volume reported herein for Tylehurst Wastewater Pumping Station has been calculated to 12 a.m. on March 21 and the remainder will be reported on the March 21 incident report.
  • At 2 p.m. on March 20, it became apparent that an overflow at the project site was imminent even with the controlled release at the Tylehurst Wastewater Pumping Station. Both pumps at Riverbend Wastewater Pumping Station (upstream of the Tylehurst Wastewater Pumping Station), were turned off to allow for a controlled release of diluted wastewater. Both pumps were run intermittently as flows allowed, in order to send as much diluted wastewater downstream for treatment. At 12:30 a.m. on March 21, the overflow stopped and all pumps were returned to normal operation.
  • At 8:30 p.m. on March 20, it became apparent that an overflow at the project site was imminent even with the controlled releases at the Tylehurst and Riverbend Wastewater Pumping Stations. One pump at Ferry Road Wastewater Pumping Station (upstream of the Riverbend Wastewater Pumping Station), was turned off to allow for a controlled release of diluted wastewater. At 9:30 p.m. the overflow stopped and the pump was returned to normal operation.
  • As described in the previous incident reports at this site, melt water will continue to overwhelm the bypass system. As a result, strategic upstream controlled releases of diluted wastewater may be required.
  • Work is progressing at the site and it is estimated that the siphon replacement project will be completed in two more days.
  • Update: The project is expected to be completed on Wednesday, March 23, 2022.
  • The estimated volume of wastewater discharged to the Assiniboine River is 9.7 megalitres (6.42 megalitres at Tylehurst, 3.10 megalitres at Riverbend, and 0.18 megalitres at Ferry).
  • The incidents were reported to the Manitoba Conservation and Climate Accident Reporting line on Monday, March 21, 2022.
Mar. 19 2300 mm combined sewer outfall located at 499 Tylehurst Street and the 2340 mm combined sewer outfall located at 1740 Portage Avenue (Riverbend Outfall) 9.34 megalitres (7.63 megalitres at Tylehurst and 1.71 megalitres at Riverbend) Approx. 14 hours and 20 minutes Temporary pump capacity exceeded
Incident details and response
  • This is a supplemental report to the incident reported on March 16 at 499 Tylehurst Street.
  • On March 19, 2022 at approximately 11:40 a.m., all three pumps at the Tylehurst Wastewater Pumping Station were turned off to perform a controlled release of diluted wastewater. This release was performed in order to prevent an overflow onto Portage Avenue and at the Portage Avenue Interceptor Siphon Replacement at Omand’s Creek Project site. The pumps were restarted and stopped intermittently, as flows allowed, until the overflow stopped at 2 a.m. on March 20. Pumps were then placed back online.
  • At 2 p.m. on March 19, it became apparent that an overflow at the project site was imminent even with the controlled release at the Tylehurst Wastewater Pumping Station. Both pumps at the Riverbend Wastewater Pumping Station (upstream of the Tylehurst Wastewater Pumping Station), were turned off to allow for a controlled release of diluted wastewater. Pumps were run intermittently as flows allowed in order to send as much diluted wastewater downstream for treatment. At 6:40 p.m., all pumps were returned to normal operation.
  • As described in the previous incident report at this site, melt water will continue to overwhelm the bypass system. As a result, strategic upstream controlled releases of diluted wastewater may be required.
  • Work is progressing at the site and it is estimated that the siphon replacement project will be completed in two more days.
  • Update: The project is expected to be completed on Wednesday, March 23, 2022.
  • The estimated volume of wastewater discharged to the Assiniboine River is 9.34 megalitres (7.63 megalitres at Tylehurst and 1.71 megalitres at Riverbend).
  • The incidents were reported to the Manitoba Conservation and Climate Accident Reporting line on Saturday, March 19, 2022.
Mar. 18 2300 mm combined sewer outfall located at 499 Tylehurst Street and the 2340 mm combined sewer outfall located at 1740 Portage Avenue (Riverbend Outfall) 8.24 megalitres (5.44 megalitres at Tylehurst and 2.80 megalitres at Riverbend) Approx. 8 hours and 40 minutes Temporary pump capacity exceeded
Incident details and response
  • This is a supplemental report to the incident reported on March 16 at 499 Tylehurst Street.
  • On March 18, 2022 at approximately 1:30 p.m., all three pumps at the Tylehurst Wastewater Pumping Station were turned off to perform a controlled release of diluted wastewater. This release was performed in order to prevent an overflow onto Portage Avenue and at the Portage Avenue Interceptor Siphon Replacemet at Omand’s Creek Project site. The pumps were restarted and stopped intermittently as flows allowed until 10:10 p.m., when the overflow stopped. Pumps were then placed back online.
  • At 3:30 p.m. on March 18, it became apparent that an overflow at the project site was imminent even with the controlled release at the Tylehurst Wastewater Pumping Station. Both pumps at the Riverbend Wastewater Pumping Station (upstream of the Tylehurst Wastewater Pumping Station), were turned off at 3:32 p.m. to allow for a controlled release of diluted wastewater. One pump was run intermittently, as flows allowed, in order to send as much diluted wastewater downstream for treatment. At 8:45 p.m., the overflow stopped and all pumps were returned to normal operation.
  • As described in the previous incident report at this site, melt water will continue to overwhelm the bypass system. As a result, strategic upstream controlled releases of diluted wastewater may be required.
  • Work is progressing at the site and it is estimated that the siphon replacement project will be completed in three more days.
  • Update: The project is expected to be completed on Wednesday, March 23, 2022.
  • The estimated volume of wastewater discharged to the Assiniboine River is 8.24 megalitres (5.44 megalitres at Tylehurst and 2.80 megalitres at Riverbend).
  • The incidents were reported to the Manitoba Conservation and Climate Accident Reporting line on Friday, March 18, 2022.
Mar. 17 2300 mm combined sewer outfall located at 499 Tylehurst Street and the 2340 mm combined sewer outfall located at 1740 Portage Avenue (Riverbend Outfall) 5.79 megalitres (5.4 megalitres at Tylehurst and 0.39 megalitres at Riverbend) Approx. 11 hours Temporary pump capacity exceeded
Incident details and response
  • This is a supplemental report to the incident reported on March 16 at 499 Tylehurst Street.
  • On March 17, 2022 at approximately 1:40 p.m., all three pumps at the Tylehurst Wastewater Pumping Station were turned off to perform a controlled release of diluted wastewater. The release was necessary to prevent an overflow onto Portage Avenue and at the Portage Avenue Interceptor Siphon Replacement at Omand’s Creek Project site. The pumps were restarted and stopped intermittently as flows allowed until 12:40 a.m. (March 18), when the overflow stopped. All pumps were placed online at 1:30 a.m.
  • At 2:30 p.m. on March 17, an overflow at the project site was imminent, even with the controlled release at the Tylehurst Wastewater Pumping Station. At 2:55 p.m., it was decided to turn off one pump at the Riverbend Wastewater Pumping Station (upstream of the Tylehurst Wastewater Pumping Station), to perform a controlled release of diluted wastewater. At 3:01 p.m., a second pump needed to be turned off. At 3:35 p.m., the second pump was turned back on and at 4:20 p.m., both pumps were returned to normal operation.
  • As described in the previous incident report at this site, melt water will continue to overwhelm the by pass system. As a result, strategic upstream controlled releases of diluted wastewater may be required.
  • The Contractor is working around the clock and it is estimated that the siphon replacement project will be completed in four more days.
  • Update: The project is expected to be completed on Wednesday, March 23, 2022.
  • The estimated volume of wastewater discharged to the Assiniboine River is 5.79 megalitres (5.4 megalitres at Tylehurst and 0.39 megalitres at Riverbend).
  • The incidents were reported to the Manitoba Conservation and Climate Accident Reporting line on Thursday, March 17, 2022.
Mar. 16 2300 mm combined sewer outfall located at 499 Tylehurst Street 5.7 megalitres Approx. 9 hours and 51 minutes Temporary pump capacity exceeded
Incident details and response
  • On March 16, 2022 at approximately 2:45 p.m., the Department received a call regarding a potential overflow at the worksite of the Portage Avenue Interceptor Siphon Replacement at Omand’s Creek Project. The City is in the process of replacing the Portage Avenue Interceptor Siphon between Raglan Avenue and the Empress Avenue East Overpass. While the siphon is being replaced, temporary pumping is required to bypass the existing wastewater collection system.
  • Wastewater crews arrived at the worksite at 3:55 p.m. It was observed that high flows, as a result of snowmelt, had overwhelmed the temporary pumping and flooding was occurring on Portage Avenue into an excavation along Omand’s Creek. This led to the closure of all eastbound traffic on Portage Avenue.
  • Additional bypass pumping was brought to the worksite, but was unable to accommodate the incoming flow. As a result, it was necessary to perform a controlled release of wastewater upstream of the bypass pumps by directing wastewater to the Assiniboine River through the Tylehurst Combined Sewer Outfall. The controlled release occurred from 4:45 p.m. on March 16 to 12:51 am on March 17 at an estimated total volume of 5.7 megalitres. At 1 a.m. on March 17, Portage Avenue was cleared and opened to eastbound traffic. Site clean-up is ongoing.
  • The discharge volume reported is solely the result of the controlled release at Tylehurst Combined Sewer Outfall when the pumps were intentionally disabled to prevent flooding on Portage Avenue. At the time of this incident, additional overflow at the Tylehurst Combined Sewer Outfall was occurring naturally due to snow melt.
  • The worksite is surrounded by a temporary clay berm; this contained nearly all of the wastewater and allowed it to be pumped back into the wastewater collection system by 10 a.m. on March 17.
  • The Portage Avenue Interceptor Siphon Replacement at Omand’s Creek Project was due to be substantially complete by March 11 for the specific reason of avoiding the spring melting conditions. It is currently estimated that there four more days of work left on this project. The contractor is working 24 hours a day to complete the work and two extra bypass pumping units have been installed. The Water and Waste Department is also exploring other options to expedite the remaining work.
  • Given the warm weather conditions, the snow melt will continue to overwhelm the bypass system. To avoid closure of Portage Avenue and flooding of the worksite, there may be further strategic upstream controlled releases at the Tylehurst Combined Sewer Outfall.
  • The estimated volume of wastewater discharged to the Assiniboine River is 5.7 megalitres.
  • The incidents were reported to the Manitoba Conservation and Climate Accident Reporting line on Thursday, March 17, 2022.
Mar. 15 300 mm combined sewer outfall located at 25 de la Digue Avenue 0.09 megalitres Approx. 2 hours and 25 minutes Pipe blockage
Incident details and response
  • On March 15, at 11:20 a.m., our Wastewater Control Centre received a high wet well alarm from the St. Norbert Lift Station.  A maintenance crew was dispatched, arriving on site at 11:51 a.m. The crew discovered that the pumps were not functioning and closed the slide gate at 1 p.m. Continued investigation revealed a blockage in the pump intakes, which was then cleared, allowing for the pumps to begin operating properly at 1:35 p.m. The slide gate was opened and the station returned to normal operation at 2:25 p.m.
  • The estimated volume of wastewater discharged to the Red River is 0.09 megalitres.
  • The incidents were reported to the Manitoba Conservation and Climate Accident Reporting line on Tuesday, March 15, 2022.
Feb. 24 2100 mm combined sewer outfall located at 1059 Wellington Crescent 0.58 megalitres Approx. 1 hour and 45 minutes Power failure
Incident details and response
  • On February 24, 2022, at 10 a.m., our Wastewater Control Centre received a power failure alarm from the Ash Lift Station. A standby crew was dispatched with a mobile generator and arrived on site at approximately 11:05 a.m. The crew closed the outfall slide gate to stop the overflow at 11:45 a.m.
  • Manitoba Hydro restored power to the station at 1:10 p.m. The station resumed normal operation and the outfall slide gate was opened at 7:05 p.m.
  • The estimated volume of wastewater discharged to the Assiniboine River is 0.58 megalitres.
  • The incidents were reported to the Manitoba Conservation and Climate Accident Reporting line on Thursday, February 24, 2022.
Feb. 2 2100 mm combined sewer outfall located at 1178A Kildonan Drive 0.016 megalitres Approx. 18 minutes Water main break
Incident details and response
  • On February 2, 2022 at 8:11 a.m., our Wastewater Control Centre received an overflow alarm from the Hawthorne Lift Station. A crew was dispatched and arrived on site at approximately 8:35 a.m. The overflow began around 8:50 a.m. and was the result of a nearby water main break at the intersection of McLeod Avenue and Kinbrace Bay. The crew closed the outfall slide gate to stop the overflow at 9:08 a.m.
  • The station resumed normal operation at 11:50 a.m. and the crew continues to work on returning the outfall gate chamber to its normal operating condition.
  • The estimated volume of wastewater discharged to the Red River is 0.016 megalitres.
  • The incidents were reported to the Manitoba Conservation and Climate Accident Reporting line on Wednesday, February 2, 2022.
Last updated: May 10, 2024

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